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And next, Syria?

hamas built many tunnels from egypt to Gaza. Why can't assad to the same and got those weapons to hezbollah? There has to a way...
hamas built many tunnels from egypt to Gaza. Why can't assad to the same and got those weapons to hezbollah? There has to a way...
Israel is hitting the stuff before it can be smuggled. If tunnels or some other smuggling method were found, Israel would invade S. Lebanon. I imagine they've learned from their mistakes from the last time.
and my understanding of the middle east is above 98% of you lot posting here. reading idiotic posts on this thread makes me chuckle. As a kid in secondary school I laughed during the first gulf war when probable morons like yourself and world journalists were predicting fierce resistance my saddam's "elite" republican guard. As a kid my understanding was above adults. As a kid I predicted Saddam would get his arse handed to him despite idiots talking about Iraq having the largest army in the middle east. what happened? the "elite"guards surrendered on mass holding up copies of the Koran. As a man, I laughed when fools like yourself thought there was still a chance war could be avoided. As I kid I predicted all this. All this proved to be true. As an adult, my understanding of middle east balance of power and what can and cannot be allowed to happen is vital. I seethrough things that you idiots cannot.for you lot, everything is black and white.

Defo give the morning drinking a rest for a while son
Israel is hitting the stuff before it can be smuggled. If tunnels or some other smuggling method were found, Israel would invade S. Lebanon. I imagine they've learned from their mistakes from the last time.

That's Isreals story anyway.
Syria crisis: UN's del Ponte says evidence rebels 'used sarin'!!!!!!!


Filthy rotten scumbags rebels. I see this is not headline news on the BBC.
Whilst it's pretty obvious that the BBC is biased in many respects it may not have made headline status but they did report it even on local radio Wales here this morning.

E2A I see it's the 6th article down on the front page of their website. Front page, it's not going to get better coverage than that.
This report is not surprising, since a story from March had claims that rebels used them, although this was instantly muddied by counter-claims in typical fashion.


Although I would be silly to take everything reported by the Fars news agency at face value, I would like to know if any of these details can be verified by other sources:


The chemical attack on Khan al-Assal came after a video footage posted on the internet late in January showed that the armed militants in Syria possessed canisters containing chemical substances.

The foreign-sponsored militants had earlier released footage in which rabbits were killed by inhaling poisonous gas.
I agree with this post seen over on Reddit:

Just to keep up, here are claims of Assad that were said to be false that have turned out to be true:

Rebels are armed including AT, AA, mortars, grad rockets and snipers
Foreign fighters present.
Foreign countries are funding the rebels (Qatar, SA, etc)
Foreign countries are facilitating entry and providing training to rebels (Turkey / Jordan)
Syria is fighting terrorists. (Al Nusra, and countless other extremist salafi groups)

and now we add a 6th - Rebels have used chemical weapons.

How bad can it be when the brutal and authoritarian Ba'athist regime turns out to be the ones resisting attack by the warmongers and their mercenaries and crazed-terrorist fanatics?:confused:

At least with the invasion of Iraq it was clear to everyone who was doing the invading.
they need to be fought on the beaches, streets and fields. no concessions. time for talking is over. Assad has to stay steadfast.
I agree with this post seen over on Reddit:

and now we add a 6th - Rebels have used chemical weapons.

How bad can it be when the brutal and authoritarian Ba'athist regime turns out to be the ones resisting attack by the warmongers and their mercenaries and crazed-terrorist fanatics?:confused:

At least with the invasion of Iraq it was clear to everyone who was doing the invading.

All of the above as a result of Assad murdering peaceful protestors, just how long were they supposed to "turn the other cheek" before fighting back, and once they did,it became the usual free for all, Assad has only himself to blame when he and his supporters are adorning lampposts.
All of the above as a result of Assad murdering peaceful protestors, just how long were they supposed to "turn the other cheek" before fighting back, and once they did,it became the usual free for all, Assad has only himself to blame when he and his supporters are adorning lampposts.

It will be a dark day for the middle east if your Sunni friends overthrow Assad. Believe me, Sunnis are weak and are happy to accept the middle east status quo. At least the shia are innovative. Look to make technical and scientific progress. Sunnis are backward. have no ambition. happy to accept Israel's military superiority over the whole region.
It will be a dark day for the middle east if your Sunni friends overthrow Assad. Believe me, Sunnis are weak and are happy to accept the middle east status quo. At least the shia are innovative. Look to make technical and scientific progress. Sunnis are backward. have no ambition. happy to accept Israel's military superiority over the whole region.
I am taking no sides,just pointing out assads original mistakes and eventual outcome, their will be no winners in this conflict, even at this stage I would like him to call it a day and take refuge in some safe country.
I am taking no sides,just pointing out assads original mistakes and eventual outcome, their will be no winners in this conflict, even at this stage I would like him to call it a day and take refuge in some safe country.
All of the above as a result of Assad murdering peaceful protestors, just how long were they supposed to "turn the other cheek" before fighting back, and once they did,it became the usual free for all, Assad has only himself to blame when he and his supporters are adorning lampposts.
I'm still waiting for someone to do an intersectional analysis of this conflict, the oppressed Sunni fighting against the Alawite priviliged etc. Funny how intersectional analysis has so little to say outside of the concerns of the first world middle-classes. It's almost as if Arabs don't count....
A report on the beginnings of the conflict from somebody who was there.

On 3 March 2011, I was in Syria: I witnessed peaceful protesters being killed as they offered an olive branch to the regime, who responded with murder, bombings, torture and mutilation. I saw people protesting for justice, freedom, democracy, and the Shabiha militia, security forces and army responding by killing protesters, disfiguring their corpses, laying siege to whole towns. They made threats against the families of activists; they arrested doctors seen helping the wounded; they worked to sow enmity between people. They wanted to create their own anarchy. If soldiers refused to kill the protesters the security forces would get rid of them once and for all. They had no choice but to desert. I was witness to the fact that the revolution did not take up arms voluntarily.

It will be a dark day for the middle east if your Sunni friends overthrow Assad. Believe me, Sunnis are weak and are happy to accept the middle east status quo. At least the shia are innovative. Look to make technical and scientific progress. Sunnis are backward. have no ambition. happy to accept Israel's military superiority over the whole region.
Eh? Most of those who've fought Israel over the years are Sunni. Israel's biggest opponent was Sunni Egypt. Hamas is Sunni. Arafat was Sunni. And the majority in Syria are Sunni. So, let them overthrow the bastard.

And....the Shia are mostly Assad supporters.....Iran & Hez & the Alawites are a branch of Shia. So what the hell are you talking about?
Eh? Most of those who've fought Israel over the years are Sunni. Israel's biggest opponent was Sunni Egypt. Hamas is Sunni. Arafat was Sunni. And the majority in Syria are Sunni. So, let them overthrow the bastard.

And....the Shia are mostly Assad supporters.....Iran & Hez & the Alawites are a branch of Shia. So what the hell are you talking about?
Shhhhhh he knows best ;)
Eh? Most of those who've fought Israel over the years are Sunni. Israel's biggest opponent was Sunni Egypt. Hamas is Sunni. Arafat was Sunni. And the majority in Syria are Sunni. So, let them overthrow the bastard.

And....the Shia are mostly Assad supporters.....Iran & Hez & the Alawites are a branch of Shia. So what the hell are you talking about?

So the legitimate government in Syria is a Turkish-backed paramilitary headquartered in Instanbul? I suppose the Sunni Kurds in Syria will have no objection to this because they are Sunni as well and being Sunni they hate Shia. Simples.
Eh? Most of those who've fought Israel over the years are Sunni. Israel's biggest opponent was Sunni Egypt. Hamas is Sunni. Arafat was Sunni. And the majority in Syria are Sunni. So, let them overthrow the bastard.

And....the Shia are mostly Assad supporters.....Iran & Hez & the Alawites are a branch of Shia. So what the hell are you talking about?

:facepalm: :facepalm:

And the result? Defeat after defeat after defeat at the hands of Israel. Please tell me what military victory Egypt, Arafat (cannot believe you have even named him) ad Hamas have inflicted on Israel? :rolleyes:

Sure the early years after 1948. Give em that. But what has actually been the result?

So yeah, they have been opponents alright. Opponents who are happy to accept second best. One amusing example is arms trade. It's amusing to see how they spend billions on military supplies from the west which Israel is happy to give the go head as long as the supplies are inferior to what Israel gets. As long as it does not change the military balance against Israel. If you call that opposing Israel, well there is no help for you.

These dumb sunnis are only interested in crushing dissent at home and keeping Shia Iran in check. Yeah, way to get your priorities right, Sunnis :rolleyes:.

In fact such is the great Sunni opposition to Israel; they are happy to accept Israel's nuclear weapons, but any attempt by Iran to get them-well the stupid sunnis can't have that can they?!! We oppose Israel. We oppose them so much that we will ignore their nuclear capabilities. But if those nasty fake muslims in Iran try get their hands on them-that will be a game changer. We cant have that. We will have to go nuclear ourselves!

The Sunnis are weak and have been happy to accept second best for generations. 2006 Lebanon War Hezbollah stood and fought the Israelis. These brave soldiers even impressed IDF soldiers who commented how they stood their ground and fought well. These brave soldiers have been trained by Iran. If these weak pathetic sunnis put aside their vile belief that Shia are not true Muslims and worked with Iran, Israel would have come long ago to the negotiating table. But they can't put aside their inbuilt hatred for Shias.

You remind me of the time I was on holiday in Egypt and our tour guide gave us a brief history of modern egypt on the first morning. Comically the fool described the Yom Kippur war as a "victory" for Egypt. :facepalm:
Eh? Most of those who've fought Israel over the years are Sunni. Israel's biggest opponent was Sunni Egypt. Hamas is Sunni. Arafat was Sunni. And the majority in Syria are Sunni. So, let them overthrow the bastard.

And....the Shia are mostly Assad supporters.....Iran & Hez & the Alawites are a branch of Shia. So what the hell are you talking about?

Sandmonkey: The Sunni-zionist alliance is taking shape publicly at last.

Though this is just another opinion I would sugest it is an informed one, something along the lines of 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend'.
Eh? Most of those who've fought Israel over the years are Sunni. Israel's biggest opponent was Sunni Egypt. Hamas is Sunni. Arafat was Sunni. And the majority in Syria are Sunni. So, let them overthrow the bastard.

And....the Shia are mostly Assad supporters.....Iran & Hez & the Alawites are a branch of Shia. So what the hell are you talking about?
Hamas is a Sunni organisation but up until the Syrian civil war it was was mainly supported by Syria and Iran.

Hamas is now backing the Syrian opposition and has turned to Sunni Egypt and Qatar for help.
Interesting that the media is running with "Syria rebel sarin claim downplayed" rather than "UN claims Syrian rebels used sarin gas" - it's almost as if there's some sort of narrative being constructed for some purpose
Wheyup, what's thriller done t get banned?

Numerous horrors in the sexualisation of teenagers thread. Although describing Sunni's as backwards in a rather sweeping manner on this thread might also have got me gesticulating wildly if I was a mod.
Interesting that the media is running with "Syria rebel sarin claim downplayed" rather than "UN claims Syrian rebels used sarin gas" - it's almost as if there's some sort of narrative being constructed for some purpose
The UN isn't claiming that sarin was used by anybody, it is one individual, involved in one investigation who has said that there are:
"strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof".
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