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And next, Syria?

considering as just a 12 year I had the nous to see all this, I suggest some of you pay me a little bit of respect to what I say. What the hell were you deducing as a mere 12 year old child? Oh wait, Man United winning the Premiership? :rolleyes:

It’s normally good etiquette on boards such as these to set out your arguments, and then let others decide whether you’re the fount of all knowledge or not.
Assad could have grabbed a plie of cash fucked off or retired his hands at least at the start werent that stained in blood.
the west like gaddafi saw him as someone they could work with compared to any of the alternatives.
But no the shithead broke out his dads playbook but failed and dragged the entire country down.
oh course jihadists are going to be at the front militants are always in the front lines :(
That video is not quite good enough quality / shot from enough angles to be completely confident of what it shows. But there is certainly nothing too surprising about certain kinds of blast injuries offering a fatally wounded victim a few seconds of hat adjustment before the deadly effects set in.

As for who was behind the blast, Syria is another one of those countries where the seeds of doubt and suspicion about the state being behind blasts, false flags, etc were deliberately planted in peoples minds long ago, making it somewhat easier to believe that they are responsible for deaths. But even if their reputation on this front is somewhat well-deserved, it would be very silly to simply buy into these explanations on every occasion without at least coming up with some proper evidence and some plausible motivations that go well beyond 'discrediting the rebels'. Especially as the reasons why the rebels and our own government and media has very obvious reasons for muddying the waters in this manner are pretty blatant.

what that eejit is asking us to believe is not only did Assad have his most prominent Sunni ally murdered for some completely unexplained reason, and not only did he plant a big bomb hes also got these ninjas hanging around as well who give people the "death touch". Just in case the bomb doesnt manage it .
I'm certainly not cheering on a brutal regime that has tortured and killed tens of thousands of Syrians and forced over a million more to flee the country. Nor am I cheering on any jihadists committing atrocities on the other side. The whole thing's a fucking disaster and the blame lies squarely with Assad's terror regime and his response to the peaceful demonstrations that started this all off.

peaceful demonstrations that saw 79 syrian soldiers massacred in a single incident, by peaceful demonstrators

theres 300,000 christian refugees alone

maybe youd like to explain why Assads terror regime has forced them out of the country. Id be interested in hearing that one, now its apparent nobody will offer an explanation why he would murder his Sunni ally either .
Assad could have grabbed a plie of cash fucked off or retired his hands at least at the start werent that stained in blood.
the west like gaddafi saw him as someone they could work with compared to any of the alternatives.
But no the shithead broke out his dads playbook but failed and dragged the entire country down.
oh course jihadists are going to be at the front militants are always in the front lines :(

the jihadists didnt get there on bicycles, and its not stones theyre throwing . Your own country is up to its neck in blood on this one . And spending a fortune on them while telling the chronically ill in Britain theyre losing their benefits .
the jihadists didnt get there on bicycles, and its not stones theyre throwing . Your own country is up to its neck in blood on this one . And spending a fortune on them while telling the chronically ill in Britain theyre losing their benefits .
So how did they get there?
What arms (as you seem to be implying) is the UK supplying?
And define "fortune", lets have some figures?

Preferably with links to credible sources.
peaceful demonstrations that saw 79 syrian soldiers massacred in a single incident, by peaceful demonstrators

theres 300,000 christian refugees alone

maybe youd like to explain why Assads terror regime has forced them out of the country.

Indiscriminate bombing and shooting might have had something to do with it.
I would imagine that getting Hezbollah sorted for gear is rapidly sliding down Assad's to do list.

yeah, that is why the israeli's have now attacked for the 2nd time. he will/must keep trying. it's not over for Assad yet, my friends. As much as sunnis would like to think...
So Obama saying that ground troops won't be used seems to hint that NATO is going to repeat the Libya model. Much better at imperialism is Obama, I wonder if the ethnic cleansing following NATO's intervention will receive as little press coverage as it did in Libya.
Well, I figure it's never Israel, it couldn't be Assad and therefore it's probably not Hizbullah either. God speed, brave nobody.
Who are we supporting now?

Frankly I'm supporting the Syrians.

Here's an interesting article...

The State Department admits that from the very beginning, Al Qaeda has been carrying out hundreds of attacks in every major city in Syria. Clearly for those who read the 2007 Hersh piece in the New Yorker[8], and then witnessed the rise of Al Qaeda in Syria, the explanation is quite simple – the West intentionally and systematically funded and armed Al Qaeda to gain a foothold in Syria, then overthrow the Syrian government in an unprecedented sectarian bloodbath and subsequent humanitarian catastrophe, just as was planned years ago.

However, now, according to Western leaders, the public is expected to believe that despite the US, UK, France, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, and Turkey flooding Syria with billion in cash, and thousands of tons of weapons, all sent exclusively to “secular moderates,” somehow, Al Qaeda has still managed to gain preeminence amongst the “opposition.”

How can this be? If a 7-nation axis is arraying the summation of its resources in the region behind “secular moderates,” who then is arraying even more resources behind Al Qaeda? The answer is simple. There never were any “secular moderates,” a fact the New York Times has now fully admitted
Former Bush administration official: Israel may be behind use of chemical arms in Syria

Retired U.S. Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, who once served as Secretary of State Colin Powell’s Chief of Staff, believes that the chemical weapons used in Syria may have been an Israeli “false flag” operation aimed at implicating Bashar Assad’s regime.

Wilkerson made his astounding assertion in an interview on Current TV, the network once owned by former Vice President Al Gore and recently purchased by Al-Jazeera.

Wilkerson said that the evidence that it was Assad’s regime that had used the chemical weapons was “flaky” and that it could very well have been the rebels or Israel who were the perpetrators. Asked why Israel would do such a thing, Wilkerson said: “I think we’ve got a basically geostrategically, geopolitical inept regime in Tel Aviv right now.”

“I think we saw really startling evidence of that,” Wilkerson continued, “in the fact that President Obama had to tell Bibi Netanyahu ‘Pick up the phone, you idiot, call Ankara and get yourself out of this strategic isolation you’re in right now.”...

Huge explosions have been heard in the Mount Qassioun area of the city. The research centre there was the target of a Israeli strike in January.
Earlier, Israeli officials speaking on condition of anonymity said that on Friday Israeli aircraft had attacked a shipment of missiles inside Syria.
The missiles were believed to be destined for Lebanon's Hezbollah.
Heavy explosions shook Damascus overnight. Amateur footage posted online claimed to show the explosion near the Jamraya military research facility, with a huge ball of fire seen rising into the night sky.
"The new Israeli attack is an attempt to raise the morale of the terrorist groups, which have been reeling from strikes by our noble army," Syrian state TV said, referring to recent offensives by President Bashar al-Assad's forces against rebels.

Syrian troops (in background) with bodies in a street in the Sunni village of Bayda

I am inclined to agree, and as above in the BBC link lot of this is about curbing any threat that Iran and it's ally Hezbollah is perceived to present. Further to this:

ISRAEL is preparing to agree a defence co-operation deal with Turkey and three Arab states aimed at setting up an early warning system to detect Iranian ballistic missiles.

The proposal, referred to by the diplomats involved as “4+1”, may eventually lead to technicians from Turkey, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Jordan working alongside Israelis in joint command-and-control centres.

The American-brokered plan is to build a “moderate crescent” of allied states that share a powerful vested interest in countering Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

“The plan is to start with information-sharing about Iran’s ballistic missiles,” said an Israeli official.

Israel, he said, believes President Barack Obama has no appetite for an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. “That’s why the Americans are working on a regional alliance to deter and contain Tehran.”

I doubt these Israeli attacks are aimed at helping to overthrow Assad. If that was the goal, why bother with a "research center." Instead, they'd attack Assad's air force. Looks like Israel is doing what it says, attempting to prevent chem weapons being sent to Hez.
I am inclined to agree, and as above in the BBC link lot of this is about curbing any threat that Iran and it's ally Hezbollah is perceived to present. Further to this:


LOl, reminds me of a picture book I saw once but did not touch about sculptures made out of poo.

Irans nuclear ambitions... or to ask another way, when did you stop beating your wife? As for moderate cresent... snort, guffaw.
LOl, reminds me of a picture book I saw once but did not touch about sculptures made out of poo.

Irans nuclear ambitions... or to ask another way, when did you stop beating your wife? As for moderate cresent... snort, guffaw.
Hypocrisy and double dealing would seem to be the order of the day. On the face of it the alliance would appear unlikely but it would seem that all options are on the table if it means maintaining the current balance of power in the region.
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