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And next, Syria?

Moscow to Send Planes to Beirut to Evacuate Russians from Syria

The Russian government said on Monday that it will send two planes to Lebanon to evacuate Russian citizen from war-torn Syria, the first such effort since the uprising against Syrian President Bashar Assad began in March 2011.

The Emergency Situations Ministry said two of its planes will fly to Beirut on Tuesday to carry more than 100 Russians from Syria.

The announcement appears to reflect Moscow's growing concerns about the safety of its citizens in Syria....

and then in the comments below we find:

ahaha take the shia takfiris with you, they are not worth bullets

So I google 'takfiris' and it seems to be similar to 'kafir' - 'unbeliever' but with more of an angle on 'apostate or heretic'. Nice. :(
... how things are going to be reconciled when this is eventually over.
Indeed, it seems to be pretty much a civil war and those are usually pretty difficult to recover from.

So are other nations helping the sides in Syria? France and UK & USA are in Mali, wonder who is helping whom in Syria.

Also, yes newschannels are reporting the 72 dead found executed in Allepo but who are they, and who killed them?
Apparently Israel has struck a chemical weapons facility. What I think is significant is that the Israelis do not want chemical weapons "falling into wrong hands" - for Israel Assad is safe hands.
BBC says that's a "possible target" along with the weapons convoy. Also, not sure Assad can be described as "safe hands" when he's one of Hizballah's main allies...
I don't think Syria's backing for Hezbollah makes that much difference. Hezbollah defeated Israeli forces in the first civil war without Syrian backing. Assad has kept the borders quiet, he has done nothing about the Golan Heights, he has prevented the arming of Palestinian factions. I recon Israel is getting jumpy at the prospect of an even worse regime (from their point of view).
Still more effective than fres:(

Just out of interest, seeing as you know a bit about military stuff, do you really think that homemade armoured car would actually any good in the field?

A friend of mine's brother who was in Iraq told me you could fire through the armour of an Iraqi tank (dunno if it was a t-72 or t-55 or whatever) with a standard NATO 5.56mm round fired out of a standard SA80. He could've been talking shit of course, but I'm prepared to believe him. And I'm guessing in Syria the bullets they're using are AK47 rounds which are 7.62mm, or or 50.cal rounds, and they can easily get through a few centimeters of rusty iron or steel.
yeah its basically a death trap.
Armour rated steel is actually quite hard to make and the syrian army have tanks rpgs etc.
But we spent nearly a billion and 20 odd years on an armoured car that would fit in a hercules and got nothing.
So they win.
Brothers in arms: the 10 brothers fighting for the Syrian uprising

Wonder if the opposition will meet John Kerry, looks like he wants to do more than talk and William Hague seems to be making positive noises along those lines.

Edit: whoops: The Syrian opposition has agreed to attend an international summit in Rome, after the US and UK "promised specific aid" to the Syrian people.

I don't know who is going to Rome but I think William Hague and John Kerry are worried if they supply arms, just who might get their hands on them.

the problem is that the specific stuff they need - man-portable Surface-to-Air Missiles, and Anti-Tank Guided Weapons - are exactly the kind of weapons we would least like to see in the hands of people who don't like us. they've got all the AK's and RPG's they can use, but without an increase in their capability to take on the Syrian Army in a stand up fight, and to deny the Syrian Army the use of aircraft to provide fire support and fire direction for their Artillery (one of the most effective assets they have), they are going to be stuck in this seige/insurgency ditch, and they won't be able to get out of it.

we can provide stuff like communications equipment which would help them enormously in terms of coordination, and provide 'space' for the disperate groups to form some kind of cohesive campaign, but without a hardware upgrade they can only go so far.
Moscow to Send Planes to Beirut to Evacuate Russians from Syria

and then in the comments below we find:

So I google 'takfiris' and it seems to be similar to 'kafir' - 'unbeliever' but with more of an angle on 'apostate or heretic'. Nice. :(

A takfiri is someone accusing others of apostacy or being heretical - rather like a negative evangelist. In the given sectarian context, however, it is referring to Shia extremists who often consider Sunnis apostates, (as is true vice-versa); in this case the commenter basically means Hizb.
Another fine mess in Syria eh? Ive not been following this closely enough to comment too much, although i did read this on CiF which caught my attention. Is this near the mark?

I've been following this conflict for a very long tome. Whats actually happening is a civil war. Its Alawite Shiite's vs Sunni Arabs. Assad did crush his enemies, but thats it. The Sunni Muslims have specifically not targeted just Shiite's. But also other minorities including Christians and Kurds. Where the government has done the utmost to protect minorities on a survival basis. All in all the Rebels are there to plunder the country and massacre everyone that isn't on their side.
If Assad falls all non Sunni's are going to die, simply put. So is someone defending themselves and their people from genocide really in the wrong because of their unfair tactics? Isn't it as the saying goes " all's fair in love and war ".
yeah its basically a death trap.
Armour rated steel is actually quite hard to make and the syrian army have tanks rpgs etc.
But we spent nearly a billion and 20 odd years on an armoured car that would fit in a hercules and got nothing.
So they win.
At a 100 yards 5.56 wouldn't penetrate 1/2 steel plate so I can hardly see them penetrating tank armour even if they are clapped out T55s?
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