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And next, Syria?

i seem to recall that the regime indulges in torture, disappearances, bombing of medical facilities and starvation as a weapon, so whilst the above is unacceptable it's yet another case of 'people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones'.

There's this thing see...your arguing in support of the negotiating position of a punter in a greenhouse who's throwing quite big stones. It's why I pointed just a tiny bit of his glass residence out to you in the first place .
Riiight..ummm..didn't you just post something quoting Charles Lister a few hours back ...post #5540 ....which was making the exact opposite case to this article ?
Lister claimed Al Nusra would go from strength to strength and gain mass support because it was doing the fighting against Assad.
This is saying the very opposite . I take it you don't agree with Listers analysis now ? Which begs the question why you posted it in the first place.

Despite how obvious the answer is .
Lister claimed no such thing. he said that a a really existing regime would - in current conditions - produce a really existing nusra. You really didn't bother to read what lister actually wrote did you? He certianly didn't say that it wouldn't face FSA opposition - that's actually the sort of thing that you've been arguing in fact, that the FSA is realy secretly ISIS and nusra. Which leaves you in a little bit of difficulty in explaining this FSA led anti-nursa uprising. And, of course, chasing the FSA chasing isis out of the whole north-west and east of syria, whilst your regime was working hard to facilitate their return in ever more grotesque sectarian clothing.
There's this thing see...your arguing in support of the negotiating position of a punter in a greenhouse who's throwing quite big stones. It's why I pointed just a tiny bit of his glass residence out to you in the first place .

I am referring to you, you fool, like I did the first time. :facepalm:
And while we are on the subject of human shields it appears an " FSA " group have been using the roof of a hospital as a missile launch point to attack Kurdish armour .

This was one of the hospitals they were complaining about being attacked by the Russians . A base of military operations.

And again the shambles, 2 groups supplied by the yanks killing each other with US supplied arms.
I am referring to you, you fool, like I did the first time. :facepalm:

I know that. I'm pointing to your complete lack of self awareness. Or any awareness of the subject your discussing.That you just displayed again like a massive hole in the arse of your trousers.


You aren't discussing anything. All your doing is posting up endless random links from the Internet that says " Assad bad man " and doing face palms . Regardless of the fact such links contradict each other and what little you do manage to say .
I know that. I'm pointing to your complete lack of self awareness. Or any awareness of the subject your discussing.That you just displayed again like a massive hole in the arse of your trousers.


You aren't discussing anything. All your doing is posting up endless random links from the Internet that says " Assad bad man " and doing face palms . Regardless of the fact such links contradict each other and what little you do manage to say .
I am posting stuff up that I find interesting, that is all

Now whilst you claim to have butcher's on ignore, something I don't necessarily believe, he answered you on the 'apparent contradictions' between the two articles better than i could have so here it is again:

"Lister claimed no such thing. he said that a really existing regime would - in current conditions - produce a really existing nusra. You really didn't bother to read what lister actually wrote did you? He certainly didn't say that it wouldn't face FSA opposition - that's actually the sort of thing that you've been arguing in fact, that the FSA is really secretly ISIS and nusra. Which leaves you in a little bit of difficulty in explaining this FSA led anti-nursa uprising. And, of course, chasing the FSA chasing isis out of the whole north-west and east of syria, whilst your regime was working hard to facilitate their return in ever more grotesque sectarian clothing."

Bit difficult to use the blanket term 'head choppers' to include the FSA as you were so fond of doing. Also you carry on ignoring the list of war crimes and crimes against humanity perpetrated by the regime like the massive hole in your thought processes, there's a good chap. :)
I am posting stuff up that I find interesting, that is all

Now whilst you claim to have butcher's on ignore, something I don't necessarily believe, he answered you on the 'apparent contradictions' between the two articles better than i could have so here it is again:

"Lister claimed no such thing. he said that a really existing regime would - in current conditions - produce a really existing nusra. You really didn't bother to read what lister actually wrote did you? He certainly didn't say that it wouldn't face FSA opposition - that's actually the sort of thing that you've been arguing in fact, that the FSA is really secretly ISIS and nusra. Which leaves you in a little bit of difficulty in explaining this FSA led anti-nursa uprising. And, of course, chasing the FSA chasing isis out of the whole north-west and east of syria, whilst your regime was working hard to facilitate their return in ever more grotesque sectarian clothing."

Bit difficult to use the blanket term 'head choppers' to include the FSA as you were so fond of doing. Also you carry on ignoring the list of war crimes and crimes against humanity perpetrated by the regime like the massive hole in your thought processes, there's a good chap. :)

Right ..you like his hand up your bum . It's a load of bollocks. Fisk is calling it right..yet again . Much as it pains you him and ham face. Full of nonsense the lot of you.
Right ..you like his hand up your bum . It's a load of bollocks. Fisk is calling it right..yet again . Much as it pains you him and ham face. Full of nonsense the lot of you.
Much as it may disappoint you there is no clique. Sometimes I haven't a clue what BA's on about (haha) but in this instance he's done a better job than I would have explaining the content of the two articles. Fisk started going downhill with the advent of the Arab Spring; it became apparent here that something was amiss with his reportage from following young Arab people on Twitter who were like 'WTF he's lost the plot'. As for his two most recent articles on Syria they are fawning drivel, much like someone else that springs to mind.


I'm from Palmyra. Assad is no better than Isis
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How did Syria become a burning country?

In 2011, the Syrian people joined their sisters and brothers throughout the Middle East in a popular revolution for liberation from dictatorship. They aimed to establish democracy and equality. The regime of Bashar al-Assad responded by bombing its own people and dividing them along ethnic and sectarian lines.

But Assad's rule-or-ruin tactics could not stop the revolt. It took air strikes and an invasion by Russia, Iran and their allies to shore up the regime in the run-up to current cessation of hostilities and so-called peace talks in Geneva. Robin Yassin-Kassab, the co-author with Leila Al-Shami of Burning Country: Syria in Revolution and War, talked with Ashley Smith about the results and prospects of the Syrian struggle. Yassin-Kassab and Al-Shami will be appearing across North America in April on a tour to promote their book.


WHAT DO you think of the claim that the Syrian revolution is a tool of American imperialism to get rid of Assad?

IT'S FRANKLY insulting to chalk this mass revolt up to some American conspiracy. When a tyrant starts organizing death squads that repress, murder, rape and torture protesters, including children, people anywhere in the world would revolt.

It's insulting to Syrians to assume that they're happy with having their children tortured to death until some clever white man comes and whispers in their ear. And, of course, if the Americans had truly wanted to get rid of Bashar al-Assad, they would have done so a long time ago.

Such conspiracy theorists don't concern themselves with the facts. They don't feel they have to talk to Syrians and ask them, "Why are you doing this? What are your motivations? What are your fears? What do you want?" They arrogantly believe they already know.

They already have a pre-packaged story from a decade ago about American imperialism invading and occupying Iraq. That was a criminal venture that made sectarianism in the region much worse, setting in place the conditions that gave rise to ISIS. But it's absurd to impose that story on Syria and say the revolution is an American tool to get rid of a regime that they don't like.
Much as it may disappoint you there is no clique. Sometimes I haven't a clue what BA's on about (haha) but in this instance he's done a better job than I would have explaining the content of the two articles. Fisk started going downhill with the advent of the Arab Spring; it became apparent here that something was amiss with his reportage from following young Arab people on Twitter who were like 'WTF he's lost the plot'. As for his two most recent articles on Syria they are fawning drivel, much like someone else that springs to mind.


I'm from Palmyra. Assad is no better than Isis

No he hasn't, what you posted was largely indecipherable gibberish as per normal. His tactic of trying to sound clever by saying something virtually impossible for an ordinary person to comprehend . The primary reason I've got him on ignore.
Fisks reportage, just like Cockburns ..has been first class. A few twats on twitter doesn't change that . What he's reporting on has actually happened, unpalatable and disappointing as that is to you, hamface and a raft of others . Like it or not this victory over the head hackers at Palmyra and Tadmur is a massive development , militarily and politically. It means not only are IS staring defeat in the face but eastern Syria..of all places...will end up firmly back under government control leaving Assads legitimacy unassailable . Deliberately downplaying it is solely about political partisanship and sour grapes . Not about being and staying informed , which is what Fisk is actually doing .

I see our trusty friend " anonymous source " is still alive and well. 99% of your links..if not more ...are pretty wild claims coming from mr A S . And this time on a very shady website , with anonymous funders . Ex Guardianistas shilling for the Qataris and the Muslim brotherhood, with anonymous funders " interested in democracy in the middle east " they refuse to discuss .

Al Jazeera executive helped to launch controversial UK website | The National

Safe to say Teqniq you've been regaling us with links informing us about the imminent departure of the President on a regular basis for bloody years now . One more anonymous source rehashing the same tale ..it's just sad really .
More on the cease fire or lack of it around Aleppo from Charles Lister

Al-Qaeda Tries to Spoil Syrian Cease-Fire

Also an Islamic group claimed responsibility for the downing of a regime jet today

E2a this is worth a listen, the latter part of the programme has an interview with Charles Lister where he focuses on AQ in Syria (Jabhat al-Nusra) and how they are playing the 'long game' and will be very difficult to dislodge due to how they have embedded themselves within the local populace by amongst other things taking over and providing essential services such as fuel, electricity and bread.

What Happened To Al-Qaeda?, The Inquiry - BBC World Service
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I see our trusty friend " anonymous source " is still alive and well. 99% of your links..if not more ...are pretty wild claims coming from mr A S . And this time on a very shady website , with anonymous funders . Ex Guardianistas shilling for the Qataris and the Muslim brotherhood, with anonymous funders " interested in democracy in the middle east " they refuse to discuss .

Al Jazeera executive helped to launch controversial UK website | The National

Safe to say Teqniq you've been regaling us with links informing us about the imminent departure of the President on a regular basis for bloody years now . One more anonymous source rehashing the same tale ..it's just sad really .
The National is funded by the UAE and has government censors which go over all its copy...not a very credible link.
The Assad Files......simply confirms just how terrible the Assad regime is.....
The commission’s work recently culminated in a four-hundred-page legal brief that links the systematic torture and murder of tens of thousands of Syrians to a written policy approved by President Bashar al-Assad, coördinated among his security-intelligence agencies, and implemented by regime operatives, who reported the successes of their campaign to their superiors in Damascus. The brief narrates daily events in Syria through the eyes of Assad and his associates and their victims, and offers a record of state-sponsored torture that is almost unimaginable in its scope and its cruelty. Such acts had been reported by survivors in Syria before, but they had never been traced back to signed orders.
Hospital 601
That night, Hamada woke up needing to use the bathroom. A guard hit him all the way to the toilets, but he went in alone. When he opened the first stall, he saw a pile of corpses, battered and blue. He found two more in the second stall, emaciated and missing their eyes. There was another body by the sink. Hamada came out in panic, but the guard sent him back in and told him, “Pee on top of the bodies.”
Exposing Assad’s War Crimes
ISIS back in the game for now - a string of victories against the regime army in south east Aleppo now expanding in south Alepo proper has left then with a huge amount of materiel which they're busily showing off to anyone they can. Most seems iranian supplied. This threatens the regimes supply lines into north Aleppo and Aleppo city. This is why the regime cannot win on its own. The glorious Syrian Arab Army does not exist.

Another ongoing offensives to try and split the FSA/rebel held Azaz pocket, many people think it's really a hands off Dabiq move though
Syrian Army have chalked up a pretty important victory against IS in Palmyra , routing them from the city at long last . Seems the sites haven't been totally destroyed either . That victory means they can look at making a real push on the besieged city of Deir EzZor . That IS are throwing the kitchen sink at .
Syrian Army cancels Palmyra-Deir Ezzor offensive

This news became official when the High Command of the Syrian Arab Army confirmed the departure of the Desert Hawks Brigade (Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra) and the Panther Forces (Tiger Forces brigade) from the ancient city of Palmyra (Tadmur).

And it turns out that that mass of materiel the SAA left for ISIS in south Aleppo last week, that was only a part of what they actually left - the real haul was much much bigger.
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