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And next, Syria?

Good article here on Putins summing up of the Russian operation in Syria . Knocks a great deal of the western narrative for 6 . For example, as regards the Russia being bankrupted nonsense..the entire Russian operation cost no more than 460 million dollars. Itself taken directly from the Russian military training budget so no additional expense was even incurred , and the experience gained immeasurable . Compared to the 5 and a half billion the yanks have already spent there .

Putin surveys Syrian situation with optimism
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Good article here on Putins summing up of the Russian operation in Syria . Knocks a great deal of the western narrative for 6 . For example, as regards the Russia being bankrupted nonsense..the entire Russian operation cost no more than 460 million dollars. Itself taken directly from the Russian military training budget so no additional expense was even incurred , and the experience gained immeasurable . Compared to the 5 and a half billion the yanks have already spent there .

Putin surveys Syrian situation with optimism
Putin says Russian state did a great job shocker!

Carpet bombing civilians with non sophisticated bombs tends to be quite cheap. I'm surprised it cost that much really. How much did they spend on the three bombs they lobbed at ISIS? 2-300 quid?
Good article here on Putins summing up of the Russian operation in Syria . Knocks a great deal of the western narrative for 6 . For example, as regards the Russia being bankrupted nonsense..the entire Russian operation cost no more than 460 million dollars. Itself taken directly from the Russian military training budget so no additional expense was even incurred , and the experience gained immeasurable . Compared to the 5 and a half billion the yanks have already spent there .

Putin surveys Syrian situation with optimism
Most of that was on fucking This Week last night. Mainstream BBC softcore politics show kicking it to that Western narrative
Syrian Army have chalked up a pretty important victory against IS in Palmyra , routing them from the city at long last . Seems the sites haven't been totally destroyed either . That victory means they can look at making a real push on the besieged city of Deir EzZor . That IS are throwing the kitchen sink at .
Syrian Army have chalked up a pretty important victory against IS in Palmyra , routing them from the city at long last . Seems the sites haven't been totally destroyed either . That victory means they can look at making a real push on the besieged city of Deir EzZor . That IS are throwing the kitchen sink at .
Hopefully Palmyra is a turning point. The territory they control continues to shrink. They are losing finally.
From Facebook

The butcher of Baniyas, Mihrac Ural, has reportedly been killed by an Ahrar al-Sham mortar attack in rural Latakia.
The Turkish Alawite from Hatay province was head of the 'Syrian Resistance' Assad loyalist militia and was famously quoted saying he wanted to "cleanse" Banyas.
Over 400 civilians were killed in two massacres in Baniyas and Bayda in May 2013. Many of those killed were women and children, killed in summary executions, stabbed and set on fire.
Tonight he burns in hell.
Hopefully Palmyra is a turning point. The territory they control continues to shrink. They are losing finally.

They've lost nearby Tadmur as well now , basically legged it with little attempt at heroics . Very little standing between the SAA and Deir Ez Zor now but one IS held town and open desert . It's definitely looking like the end of the new Sunni salafist state now. Quite a few " moderates " and their international backers will be well pissed off too .
Also goes to show the main thing standing in the way of Daeshs destruction were their erstwhile " moderate " allies . The ceasefire has allowed the Syrian army at long last to concentrate on them . And they're concentrating the fuck out of them .


What an arsehole that Lister is, he's absolutely fucking terrible.

According to him IS getting chased out of Palmyra is a bad thing :facepalm: Twat.

And it's a proper victory, a very important one. Strategically, politically...for world heritage. Some twat sticking " quotation marks around it doesn't make it less so. It's fall was huge news. It's recapture however seems to be received with seriously bad grace in a lot of quarters and gets mentioned only grudgingly.


Got to hand to the writer of that article. Shoehorning so much on message bullshit " nationalist rebels :D:D."..into that one article with every trope box ticked..none of them left out. Bravo.:thumbs: Quite a skill but one that'll be totally useless before long.
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Lister is perfectly correct - the very idea that that rag-tag collection of pres-ganged afghans, mad shia-fundie militias, Hezbollah religious headcases iranian shia forces and palestinian refugees masquerading as the SAA is going to bring some kind of peace rather than embedding oppositions like AQ in the long term is absurd. To think so is to totally misunderstand the whole of the last five years. Oh, right.
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Assad says he can form new Syria government with opposition

President Bashar al-Assad said it would not be difficult to agree on a new Syrian government including opposition figures, but his opponents responded on Wednesday that no administration would be legitimate while he remained in office

President Bashar al-Assad said it would not be difficult to agree on a new Syrian government including opposition figures, but his opponents responded on Wednesday that no administration would be legitimate while he remained in office.

Assad, bolstered by military victory in the desert city of Palmyra, was quoted by Russia's RIA news agency as saying a new draft constitution could be ready in weeks and a government that included opposition, independents and loyalists could be agreed.

While the distribution of portfolios and other technical issues would need to be discussed at Geneva peace talks, which resume next month, "these are not difficult questions", Assad said.

Opposition negotiators immediately dismissed Assad's remarks, saying that a political settlement could be reached only by establishing a transitional body with full powers, not another government under Assad.

"What Bashar al-Assad is talking about has no relation to the political process," said George Sabra of the High Negotiations Committee.
No, they're saying his suggestion is laughable and that he knows this full well. And he does. So do those around him muttering about him - the people being sidelined and removed for fear of a coup to remove this obstacle to a potential deal to end the thing. His brother for example.
Precisely. This has always been the opposition's position pretty much ever since unarmed protesters were shot by regime troops. The quote below is from the Graun article in post #5530. The article is pre- Palmyra by a number of days.

Alloush said the opposition could not accept the Syrian president as part of the transitional body and added that “those with blood on their hands can have no part in a reconstituted Syrian army”.
Precisely. This has always been the opposition's position pretty much ever since unarmed protesters were shot by regime troops. The quote below is from the Graun article in post #5530. The article is pre- Palmyra by a number of days.

A quote from the guy who sticks women of the " wrong religion " in cages and puts them on his forces roofs as human shields .

i seem to recall that the regime indulges in torture, disappearances, bombing of medical facilities and starvation as a weapon, so whilst the above is unacceptable it's yet another case of 'people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones'.
Pretty in-depth article on Idib province and the clashes involving division 13 of the FSA and al-Nusra

Syrian Ceasefire Sees Popular Backlash Against Al-Qaeda | VICE News

Riiight..ummm..didn't you just post something quoting Charles Lister a few hours back ...post #5540 ....which was making the exact opposite case to this article ?
Lister claimed Al Nusra would go from strength to strength and gain mass support because it was doing the fighting against Assad.
This is saying the very opposite . I take it you don't agree with Listers analysis now ? Which begs the question why you posted it in the first place.

Despite how obvious the answer is .
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