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And next, Syria?

...and did any fash hang out with Saddam? with Mubarek? anyone else?

It's an interesting connection.
Neo-nazis and anti-semites certianly talked about going to fight for saddam as part of wider war against their jewish enemy - Michel Faci being the most prominent i can remember. And the Egyptian states links with post-war fascism are well documented, even among the pimpers of 'arab-socialism'.
Worrying that Turkey will drag NATO into its shyte politics.

Hard to see how unless NATO actively want to be dragged in . Article 5 only applies if Turkey is attacked . If Turkey invades Syria when Syria isnt attacking Turkey then Turkeys clearly the aggressor . and V doesn't apply in those circumstances . So that would require serious gymnastics from NATO . An active desire to get dragged in .
Basically at this stage the head choppers are done for without a direct military intervention on their behalf . Such an intervention could ..most likely will..spark a wider regional war pitting Turkey and the gulf states against Syria, Iran, Hezbollah and Russia..and ramping up hostilities in Yemen also. And NATO backing for that unprovoked aggression could conceivably lead to world war . Because that would be a massive raising of stakes in an attempt not just to make Russia blink, but turn tail and run. That's the nature of the game NATO would be playing.

On behalf of the Muslim brotherhood, Al Qaeda and a host of affiliates, and Erdogans nutty Ottoman ambitions . Let's not forget .
The only points you missed ( or didn't sufficiently highlight) are they are, 1,cheap and easy to manufacture, 2, they don't rely on highly trained personnel to load them, transport, and drop them.
A readily available supply of sociopaths can do the job at no great expense.

Amazing how they can routinely target hospitals with such unerring accuracy with these completely unaimable devices though . Haven't quite figured that one out yet .

Things seem to be going quite nicely for Assad, between his barrel bombing and the indiscriminate Russian air strikes, there won't be any anti govt people left in Syria before long.

These "indiscriminate Russian air strikes "seem to have caused the head chopper offers defences to crumble all over the show, across multiple fronts. While wiping out their logistics and ability to launch meaningful counter offensives. Which either means they've been incredibly lucky doing all that by accident or they're not indiscriminate at all.
The claims they're indiscriminate are part of the by now thoroughly discredited narrative that Russian air strikes were largely ineffective and that Russia was getting bogged down in another Afghanistan etc . The narrative NATO and the white house have been parroting for months on end . Utter rubbish as subsequent events have shown . The Syrians are on the verge of certain victory,head choppers routed all over the show and staring defeat in the face . Erdogan thoroughly shitting himself . Air strikes that miss their targets certainly didn't bring that about .
Turkey may be preparing to invade Syria...

Russia accuses Turkey of preparing to invade Syria

This has been a looming concern for a few months, Erdogan was said to have wanted to invade last year but was stopped by the Russian presence, especially after the airbush resulted in S-400's imposing a no-fly zone [against NATO aggression]. Looks like now the Turks have worked themselves up to it again due to the losses sustained by their jihadimerc 'freedom' fighters. In fact the Kurds have said and shown vids that Turkey has already setup positions in northern Syria.

Saudis and few other sheikhdoms throwing shapes too

Saudi invasion of Syria: The bluff that could ignite World War III
Hmmm. I wish I could get free holidays so easily!

There were free trips to Paris to demonstrate on behalf MEK a few years ago , when Iran was on the next to do list and all that colour revolution shit was going on . Some left wing people were trawling the pubs in Belfast looking for anyone who fancied the jaunt. Seriously doubt either they or MEK had the wherewithal to finance that lark . But somebody was .
Russians getting 'bogged down':

Sic Semper Tyrannis : Kettles here, kettles there ...

"There has been nothing random in the actions of the R+6 forces. They have been following a carefully worked out campaign plan that involved massive attrition and then compartmentalizing their enemies into smaller and smaller groups that can be defeated in detail. The rebels of all types on the other hand are a rabble of small guerrilla groups advised by foreign amateurs from groups like the CIA. They have simply been outclassed, something like the Dallas Cowboys playing a high school team. pl"

Saudi invasion of Syria?

'It Would Be Suicide': Iran Mocks Saudi Offer to Invade Syria
Russians getting 'bogged down':

Sic Semper Tyrannis : Kettles here, kettles there ...

"There has been nothing random in the actions of the R+6 forces. They have been following a carefully worked out campaign plan that involved massive attrition and then compartmentalizing their enemies into smaller and smaller groups that can be defeated in detail. The rebels of all types on the other hand are a rabble of small guerrilla groups advised by foreign amateurs from groups like the CIA. They have simply been outclassed, something like the Dallas Cowboys playing a high school team. pl"

Saudi invasion of Syria?

'It Would Be Suicide': Iran Mocks Saudi Offer to Invade Syria

The way that entire Latakia front collapsed almost overnight was unreal. They were just swallowed up despite it being mountain fortresses and atrocious weather . It's partly because the attrition on their logistics was so precise and intense by the time the Syrians went on the offensive the head choppers had nothing left in the tank. Erdogans shooting that plane down only pissed them off even more and accelerated it . It's clear now with Alleppo facing total encirclement who has the better advisors on the ground .

Bogged down not .
Amazing how they can routinely target hospitals with such unerring accuracy with these completely unaimable devices though . Haven't quite figured that one out yet .
Or the regime is dropping so many of these bombs, that it doesn't take long before they hit a hospital or similar establishment.

(didn't we do this one a couple of years ago? Deja vu all over again)
Or the regime is dropping so many of these bombs, that it doesn't take long before they hit a hospital or similar establishment.

(didn't we do this one a couple of years ago? Deja vu all over again)
We probably did but on the preceding page I posted a link saying that a Russian airstrike had destroyed the last hospital in Aleppo Mr. Binary seems to have conveniently ignored that though. Even so in my last post the first and third links respectively say:

“When it was just the regime that bombed us, one or two low-flying planes would set out to bomb our villages, and that was it. But the Russians, they strike us continuously,” said one man, pulling back his blanket to reveal a gaping hole in his femur. He said it had been caused by a bomb he didn’t even hear coming.

The Russian air strikes appear to be clearing out territory as Syrian ground forces move in, with the former “burning everything in its path, including houses and shelters, not distinguishing between [combatants and] women and children,” said Mazen al-Halabi.
Or the regime is dropping so many of these bombs, that it doesn't take long before they hit a hospital or similar establishment.

(didn't we do this one a couple of years ago? Deja vu all over again)

The Syrian nation is facing an existential war, its been invaded on all sides by literally the scum of humanity supported by the scummiest governments on the planet to the tune of billions per year. the repercussions of Syria falling to them entail the very real threat..virtual certainty..of real genocide for some sections of the population and a medieval sheikhdom for the remainder. Interspersed with inevitable interminable war lord feuds of a failed state like pre taleban Afghanistan , Somalia or Libya .

It's a real all out war, not an insurgency . Their enemy ..whether chechen, dagestani, british,French , belgian , uighir, saudi, , libyan, tunisian, morrocan etc ..has chosen to embed itself in built up areas. Anyone staying there by choice has decided to live in the iddle of a battlefield . That's we're the war is. And I'll repeat it's a proper full on conventional war and not a guerilla one . They have no choice but to attack their enemy wherever he is and with whatever they've got . And it's precisely what any other country would do when faced with invasion and capitulation not being an option . If the complaint is their equipment is crude then supply them with more accurate and sophisticated equipment . Or at least stop the crippling economic blockade that stops them purchasing it . The international community..western...does all it can to bring Syria to its knees economically and militarily and then complains the armaments they're forced to rely on are crude in nature .

Most of Syrians population, over 70 percent , reside in government controlled areas . and that percentage will get higher now more areas are being liberated .

Their opponents merrily lob rockets and mortars into civilian areas and detonate no warning car bombs where they're able. Even deliberately targeting schools. Yet that hasn't precluded them from western and international support . Pardon me if I find the western complaints more than a bit hypocritical.
We probably did but on the preceding page I posted a link saying that a Russian airstrike had destroyed the last hospital in Aleppo Mr. Binary seems to have conveniently ignored that though. Even so in my last post the first and third links respectively say:

Yeah, you keep posting these links that quote anonymous sources . It's blindingly clear even from your first link the place is a rebel field hospital . Which is why one of the anonymous sources wails " these men are our people "
And the interviewees are rebel fighters . The SOHR have constantly been passing them off as civilians and routinely classify any rebel who wasn't a Syrian army deserter as a civilian in their statistics. It's called misleading propaganda and your more than happy to plaster the place with it .

You, and the western media, seem to be complaining the rebels are being wiped out and are losing. and are trying to whip up sympathy for them. My lack of sympathy has got nothing to do with being binary . Although I'm curious as to why you sympathise with such types . You've incessantly littered this thread with their propaganda . And that's more of the same .

The Syrians and Russians are actually allowed to drop bombs on rebel positions, there's a war on. Why you expect them complaining about being blown up when they're at war to evoke sympathy is a bit of a mystery.

indiscriminate Russian air strikes,.

Here's one viewed in the first person, from a 3 foot wide head chopper trench . It's anything but indiscriminate, and that's why they're complaining about it so much . It's way too accurate . And with the dumb bombs that can't hit targets the resident experts have been telling us about for months . That's a damn small target .

No gore but obviously sensitive souls shouldn't watch it .
The Syrian nation is facing an existential war, its been invaded on all sides by literally the scum of humanity supported by the scummiest governments on the planet to the tune of billions per year. the repercussions of Syria falling to them entail the very real threat..virtual certainty..of real genocide for some sections of the population and a medieval sheikhdom for the remainder. Interspersed with inevitable interminable war lord feuds of a failed state like pre taleban Afghanistan , Somalia or Libya .

It's a real all out war, not an insurgency . Their enemy ..whether chechen, dagestani, british,French , belgian , uighir, saudi, , libyan, tunisian, morrocan etc ..has chosen to embed itself in built up areas. Anyone staying there by choice has decided to live in the iddle of a battlefield . That's we're the war is. And I'll repeat it's a proper full on conventional war and not a guerilla one . They have no choice but to attack their enemy wherever he is and with whatever they've got . And it's precisely what any other country would do when faced with invasion and capitulation not being an option . If the complaint is their equipment is crude then supply them with more accurate and sophisticated equipment . Or at least stop the crippling economic blockade that stops them purchasing it . The international community..western...does all it can to bring Syria to its knees economically and militarily and then complains the armaments they're forced to rely on are crude in nature .

Most of Syrians population, over 70 percent , reside in government controlled areas . and that percentage will get higher now more areas are being liberated .

Their opponents merrily lob rockets and mortars into civilian areas and detonate no warning car bombs where they're able. Even deliberately targeting schools. Yet that hasn't precluded them from western and international support . Pardon me if I find the western complaints more than a bit hypocritical.

This is some sick, hypocritical and deluded shit it really is. People choosing to live in the middle of a war zone so it's their fault Russia is raining down bombs on them? Wtf is wrong with you? I guess all those Palestinians in Gaza really were to blame afterall when Israel rained down bombs on them, just like the IDF said because, ya know, they were choosing to live there. 'They (Israel) have no choice to attack their enemy wherever he is and with whatever they've got.

I could go on but your line is EXACTLY, word for word the Israeli state's line when they attack Gaza. I have rarely, rarely seen someone so slavishly tow the line of a murderous, brutal regime as sickeningly and consistanly as you have.
This is some sick, hypocritical and deluded shit it really is. People choosing to live in the middle of a war zone so it's their fault Russia is raining down bombs on them? Wtf is wrong with you? I guess all those Palestinians in Gaza really were to blame afterall when Israel rained down bombs on them, just like the IDF said because, ya know, they were choosing to live there. 'They (Israel) have no choice to attack their enemy wherever he is and with whatever they've got.

I could go on but your line is EXACTLY, word for word the Israeli state's line when they attack Gaza. I have rarely, rarely seen someone so slavishly tow the line of a murderous, brutal regime as sickeningly and consistanly as you have.

Palestinians are in no danger whatsoever of overthrowing the Zionist state . Nor does the Zionist state have any legitimacy . It occupies Palestinian land and shouldn't be there . The Palestinians are a lightly armed insurgency lobbing little more than fireworks against one of the strongest militaries in the world . From the tiniest most crowded piece of real estate on the planet . We're people have no ability whatsoever to move and avoid any military campaign .

Syria is a legitimate sovereign state, it is..was..on the verge of being overthrown by an international conspiracy supporting invading lunatics from all over the globe . With genocidal implications for its population .the majority of whom support its army and president and demand to be defended from these rampaging lunatics .you seem to be..are..stating that it has no right to defend itself . Syria is a large country , it can't be compared to gaza, a tiny besieged strip nobody can even get out of .

Any country that was invaded like this and facing that level of threat would do the same. This is a fully conventional war, with static battle lines and heavy equipment in all sides . A proper war . Stating those people are living in the middle of a battlefield is entirely correct . There's no hypocrisy about it .
Palestinians are in no danger whatsoever of overthrowing the Zionist state . Nor does the Zionist state have any legitimacy . It occupies Palestinian land and shouldn't be there . The Palestinians are a lightly armed insurgency lobbing little more than fireworks against one of the strongest militaries in the world . From the tiniest most crowded piece of real estate on the planet . We're people have no ability whatsoever to move and avoid any military campaign .

Syria is a legitimate sovereign state, it is..was..on the verge of being overthrown by an international conspiracy supporting invading lunatics from all over the globe . With genocidal implications for its population .the majority of whom support its army and president and demand to be defended from these rampaging lunatics .you seem to be..are..stating that it has no right to defend itself . Syria is a large country , it can't be compared to gaza, a tiny besieged strip nobody can even get out of .

Any country that was invaded like this and facing that level of threat would do the same. This is a fully conventional war, with static battle lines and heavy equipment in all sides . A proper war . Stating those people are living in the middle of a battlefield is entirely correct . There's no hypocrisy about it .
See you just pick and choose which murderers have legitimacy and which don't based on what supports your West = bad Russia = good way of looking at the world. The idea that Assad is a legitimate leader, a man who inherited the country from his murderous father, a man who heads a regime that has tortured, raped, mamed, murdered and bombed his subjects back to the stone age is beyond laughable.

I dunno why I'm bothering because you're completely and utterly lacking in any self awareness about this. To you everyone's a western backed 'head chopper' except poor old Assad and his best pal Putin. The fact that combined those two are far and away in the lead in the death and destruction stakes in all of this completely sails over your head.
See you just pick and choose which murderers have legitimacy and which don't based on what supports your West = bad Russia = good way of looking at the world. The idea that Assad is a legitimate leader, a man who inherited the country from his murderous father, a man who heads a regime that has tortured, raped, mamed, murdered and bombed his subjects back to the stone age is beyond laughable.

I dunno why I'm bothering because you're completely and utterly lacking in any self awareness about this. To you everyone's a western backed 'head chopper' except poor old Assad and his best pal Putin. The fact that combined those two are far and away in the lead in the death and destruction stakes in all of this completely sails over your head.

No offence dude but this is just like listening to Cameron, it's a propaganda line lifted straight from his hymn sheet . Assad is the legitimate leader whether you like it or not, recognised by the UN ..not chosen by me , he undeniably has demonstrated the support of the majority of his people...as has Putin ...and your ridiculous claims that he's killed way more than anyone else don't stack up when almost half those killed have been Syrian armed forces . That doesn't even include civilians the head choppers have massacred and murdered or killed by accident . Which they were doing from the outset, and still are . Or the fact the numerous head chopper factions routinely blow the shit out of each other . With tanks and artillery regardless of the casualties or damage it causes . Hardly surprising when so many of them aren't even Syrian .

Where most of the Syrian population actually lives...government controlled areas were they prefer to live...much life goes on as normal . It's not the stone age by any means . Or anything approaching it .

I suggest you try and educate yourself a bit better on what's actually happening rather than going ballistic any time someone points out to you your narrative is badly flawed .
I agree with you on Syria but bullshit on 'Palestine'

Palestinians have a right to land and Israel is acting in a disgusting manner towards Palestine, but they are not a lightly armed insugency, they are serious motherfuckers in the cities where the conflict is going on, sponsored by outright criminals, it's part of the same conflict, Israel is just being malicious is it? Why can't they treat Arabs like the other Arab countries do. Israelis have as many options as Palestinians

Gaza is barely a few miles wide . Your talking balls .
No offence dude but this is just like listening to Cameron, it's a propaganda line lifted straight from his hymn sheet . Assad is the legitimate leader whether you like it or not, recognised by the UN ..not chosen by me , he undeniably has demonstrated the support of the majority of his people...as has Putin ...and your ridiculous claims that he's killed way more than anyone else don't stack up when almost half those killed have been Syrian armed forces . That doesn't even include civilians the head choppers have massacred and murdered or killed by accident . Which they were doing from the outset, and still are . Or the fact the numerous head chopper factions routinely blow the shit out of each other . With tanks and artillery regardless of the casualties or damage it causes . Hardly surprising when so many of them aren't even Syrian .

Where most of the Syrian population actually lives...government controlled areas were they prefer to live...much life goes on as normal . It's not the stone age by any means . Or anything approaching it .

I suggest you try and educate yourself a bit better on what's actually happening rather than going ballistic any time someone points out to you your narrative is badly flawed .

Honestly why is it so difficult for you to bring yourself to admit he's a murdering fuckwit who's killed tens of thousands, Overseen mass rapes, tortures and so on? All documented by countless witness accounts. Why is there that block for you?

Yes he's the legitimate leader recognised by the UN, so is Bibi of Israel and that's the point I'm making. To you one is a poor encircled fellow defending his country, the other is an illegitimate murdering fuckwit. I just don't understand why you have this blindness? What exactly do you get out of such slavish servitude to a state you don't even live in? A state that saw an uprising of ordinary working class people squashed by Assad and then turned into this. Why the fuck do you support that? I just don't understand it.
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