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    Lazy Llama

And next, Syria?

They need to find an e- cig alternative to their addiction to the AK47? Personally, I believe once they embrace democracy and have to pay 50p a round they will give peace a chance.

I didn't see a single ak in that footage, and they all look like their personal weapons . So they probably did pay for their own rounds . And they did embrace democracy . They just voted for someone the west and their Saudi mates don't approve of them voting for .
Fucking hell you really are an insufferable cunt

Well that's not necessarily untrue . However I'm just back from Berlin were the NY celebrations were completely mental. Fireworks everywhere , literally thousands of people firing them out their apartment windows and all sorts.
And I'm still chuckling over an English couple who were disgusted at the smoking in the pub and their worry that Syrian refugees might have PTSD triggered by noisy Germans. The post reminded me of that a bit. Very terry and June.

If grown adults want to smoke in the pub, let off fireworks or fire their guns in the air for Christmas let them I reckon.

It makes for absolutely shit reading. The usual " anonymous activist " ...which is the basis for pretty much ALL your tearjerking posts on this subject... the other source is sitting in America thousands of miles away . And the SOHR..in a Coventry semi detached . Not a single mention of the rebel groups controlling the town..like not fucking one mention . And from what I've read elsewhere the towns population pre war was 9000 .now it's somehow 40,000 civilians...and no fighters apparently according to that piece . But then again the Coventry semi " observatory " admits it classifies armed insurgents as " civilians " . So the sources are unreliable as fuck and the story as disingenuous as that .

Can you actually confirm for us there are armed insurgents in control of that town ? Any estimate of their strength as compared to the " 40,000 starving civilians " ? Who they are ? It's all missing from that piece you posted .
Lol I just knew you'd come out with the usual drivel.

I suppose this is the result of photoshop expertise or perhaps it never happened at all

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Lol I just knew you'd come out with the usual drivel.

I suppose this is the result of photoshop expertise or perhaps it never happened at all


According to the 2004 census the population of Madayah was 9,371 . It seems to have more than quadrupled in size. I've asked you for an explanation of that . I've also asked you what is the approximate size of the armed force which occupies the town, as your post makes absolutely no mention of any armed force occupying madayah. It speaks only of some " men " , who were killed trying to break out . No mention of them even being armed . Much less what armed faction they belong to and it's size .

Do you even believe any armed groups control the town ? Why does your post and it's "anonymous source " make absolutely zero mention of any rebel force occupying the town ? Do they not exist ?
You didn't read the article properly did you? The town is besieged by Hezbollah forces who have furthermore forced people from the surrounding countryside into the town. This is apparently being used as leverage to the lift the siege of two Shia towns who are currently besieged by bearded loons. Both acts should be considered as war crimes.
I wonder why there are more people in some areas than before. is it because there are an extra 30 000 'rebel's in one little village or because of people fleeing things like barrel bombings and random rounding ups torture and execution. Isn't it odd how the the areas around ISIS controlled places in Iraq have gone up as well. I cannot wonder why.
You didn't read the article properly did you? The town is besieged by Hezbollah forces who have furthermore forced people from the surrounding countryside into the town. This is apparently being used as leverage to the lift the siege of two Shia towns who are currently besieged by bearded loons. Both acts should be considered as war crimes.

I've read that article and , as ive hinted at already ,quite a few others on the same subject . Unlike you I don't claim knowledge based on a single source, a single anonymous source at that . Jihadist fighters fled there , to a town other jihadist fighters already controlled . Many others were evacuated there from another besiegement under a previous deal. Its chock full of them, which is why the Syrian army havent entered it . Your article makes no mention of any armed groups controlling the town at all . It claims they're all civilians. Which is a complete load of bollocks . Which casts severe doubt on any claims being made in your post .

Have you read your own post ? Why are you and it claiming the town is nothing more than besieged civilians ? it's an armed jihadist stronghold which is the only reason why it's under siege . Unless you believe the Syrian forces should just ignore an armed jihadist stronghold .
I've read that article and , as ive hinted at already ,quite a few others on the same subject . Unlike you I don't claim knowledge based on a single source, a single anonymous source at that . Jihadist fighters fled there , to a town other jihadist fighters already controlled . Many others were evacuated there from another besiegement under a previous deal. Its chock full of them, which is why the Syrian army havent entered it . Your article makes no mention of any armed groups controlling the town at all . It claims they're all civilians. Which is a complete load of bollocks . Which casts severe doubt on any claims being made in your post .

Have you read your own post ? Why are you and it claiming the town is nothing more than besieged civilians ? it's an armed jihadist stronghold which is the only reason why it's under siege . Unless you believe the Syrian forces should just ignore an armed jihadist stronghold .

Where is your evidence for this fantasy? The article uses more than one source and the Twitter account i've posted above is run by activists in Raqqa resisting guess who? I an sure that they are a whole lot better informed than either you or I
Where is your evidence for this fantasy? The article uses more than one source and the Twitter account i've posted above is run by activists in Raqqa resisting guess who? I an sure that they are a whole lot better informed than either you or I

The article uses 3 sources, one anonymous that claims to be madayah but is unverifiable and could be in Canvey fucking island for all we know. Another which is in the US and another in a semi in Coventry . Which openly acknowledges it classifies armed insurgents and jihadists as civilians .

Where is my evidence for the fantasy that madayahs population was 9371 pre war

Madaya, Syria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Where is my evidence for the fantasy madayah is actually under the control of armed insurgents contrary to your articles claim ? Are you serious ?
i can't watch those atm as I'm on a mobile connection so perhaps you could provide a web page or a link to an article to corroborate your claims? Also youtube vids have been used by all kinds of people to make false claims so in this respect an actual article would be preferable.
Also I've searched the hashtag #Madaya on Twitter and I've yet to find any reference to jihadist fighters or indeed fighters of any description in the town. Now you would think that if this was indeed the case them someone pro-Assad or pro-Hezbollah would be tweeting about it.

This article from 08/12/15 is quite informative if you can manage to suspend your cognitive dissonance for five minutes.
Well that's not necessarily untrue . However I'm just back from Berlin were the NY celebrations were completely mental. Fireworks everywhere , literally thousands of people firing them out their apartment windows and all sorts.
And I'm still chuckling over an English couple who were disgusted at the smoking in the pub and their worry that Syrian refugees might have PTSD triggered by noisy Germans. The post reminded me of that a bit. Very terry and June.

If grown adults want to smoke in the pub, let off fireworks or fire their guns in the air for Christmas let them I reckon.
I was only making the point that people who use terms like 'elf n safety' are always massive twats. I'm not interested in going into a derail on this though as you already have more than enough rope and have been making good use of it
Also I've searched the hashtag #Madaya on Twitter and I've yet to find any reference to jihadist fighters or indeed fighters of any description in the town. Now you would think that if this was indeed the case them someone pro-Assad or pro-Hezbollah would be tweeting about it.

This article from 08/12/15 is quite informative if you can manage to suspend your cognitive dissonance for five minutes.

Those pics are horrendous :(
They are indeed. If you read the Syria direct article I linked to it becomes apparent that starvation is being used as a weapon by the regime and Madaya is not the first place it's been used.

It was in yarmouk and other besieged areas too afaik. Assad regime has also built walls around some suburbs to stop anything getting in and out:(
Also I've searched the hashtag #Madaya on Twitter and I've yet to find any reference to jihadist fighters or indeed fighters of any description in the town. Now you would think that if this was indeed the case them someone pro-Assad or pro-Hezbollah would be tweeting about it.

This article from 08/12/15 is quite informative if you can manage to suspend your cognitive dissonance for five minutes.


"Cognitive dissonance"....my cognitive fucking dissonance...jesus

. The article you've posted states clearly at the outset madaya is " rebel controlled ". You seem to have ignored that just as wilfully as the videos of the fighting and weapons seizures . Posting articles to disprove my assertions which only back them up is so dim I can only conclude you don't thoroughly read your own posts and only bother with the bits that might be useful to " win " on the Internet .

Btw Syria Direct is funded by the US state department. Were it kremlin funded you and the rest of the cool kids would , naturally, be going off the rails. But that's Russophobia for you. No end to the hypocrisy.
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They are indeed. If you read the Syria direct article I linked to it becomes apparent that starvation is being used as a weapon by the regime and Madaya is not the first place it's been used.

If you'd bothered reading it you'd see the term " rebel controlled "town . Something you we're denouncing as "a fantasy" all fucking evening .
I was only making the point that people who use terms like 'elf n safety' are always massive twats. I'm not interested in going into a derail on this though as you already have more than enough rope and have been making good use of it

You just generalise the fuck away then
. The article you've posted states clearly at the outset madaya is " rebel controlled ". You seem to have ignored that just as wilfully as the videos of the fighting and weapons seizures . Posting articles to disprove my assertions which only back them up is so dim I can only conclude you don't thoroughly read your own posts and only bother with the bits that might be useful to " win " on the Internet .

Btw Syria Direct is funded by the US state department. Were it kremlin funded you and the rest of the cool kids would , naturally, be going off the rails. But that's Russophobia for you. No end to the hypocrisy.

“Merchants hoard [food] and play a role in the inflation,” Ain Jabir, a citizen journalist in Madaya, told Syria Direct, adding “there aren’t rebel factions to take charge and monitor the prices and keep the monopolists accountable.” The town is primarily run by the civilian council, not a particular rebel faction.

So from that i think it's a reasonable assumption to say that it's in a rebel controlled area rather than having rebels actually in command

I have no time whatsoever for the US administration's agenda which they certainly have, neither for the Russians.

This Reddit conversation has the claims of US funding of Syria Direct but the consensus seems to be that it's not a big deal as there is no obvious evidence of agenda-pushing. Someone even links to an article by them which is unfavourable of coalition airstrikes

Neither have you addressed the absence of any reference to fighters in Madaya in that Twitter search so the cognitive dissonace is doing just fine I see

So from that i think it's a reasonable assumption to say that it's in a rebel controlled area rather than having rebels actually in command

I have no time whatsoever for the US administration's agenda which they certainly have, neither for the Russians.

This Reddit conversation has the claims of US funding of Syria Direct but the consensus seems to be that it's not a big deal as there is no obvious evidence of agenda-pushing. Someone even links to an article by them which is unfavourable of coalition airstrikes

Neither have you addressed the absence of any reference to fighters in Madaya in that Twitter search so the cognitive dissonace is doing just fine I see

It's not just claims of US funding, it's proof of us funding. And the issue isn't what they say on reddit but the utter, craven hypocrisy of yourself and a few other posters on here when it comes to different governments funding news organisations. BBC, al jazeera, Syria direct...no problem. RT..shrieks, howls and wails. Your hypocrisy and russophobia stands evident.

Rebels control the fucking town, from a military standpoint . Regardless of how frantically and hypocritically you dance on that pin . Otherwise the Syrian army would control it. Which any fucking idiot could figure out . If the towns merchants and black marketeers are hoarding the food supplies and creating artificial shortages to boost profits then that's for the rebels to sort out . Or the people. Without invading the town the Syrian army can't prevent them .
You don't seem to be asking the obvious question as to why the rebels aren't stopping the hoarding . The obvious answer is they aren't starving. But then again it took you the entire fucking page to admit there were any to begin with. That's the type of utter ballsology and dishonesty I'm dealing with here . And I'd presume the very same goes for their omission on twitter by the activist industry .
You are clearly delusional. I am more than well aware of various official news outlets agendas RT just happens to be a bit more blatantly obvious. In fact it was me that bought the matter up months ago when attempting to have some kind of reasonable conversation with you :)

I am not a Russiaphobe. I don't even know any Russians, I just dislike the way that Putin has people he finds irritating dealt with.

But likewise i have complete contempt for the the current crop of tories in charge in Westminster. Also Obama has been a disappointment but there again if he wasn't bought and paid for by the the money people he would never even have gotten a whiff of power.

I suppose generally i have an aversion to the way that power is exercised and abused by people who really ought to know better. As far as the 'great powers' are concerned i am anti-imperialist and I reserve the right to level my contempt at anyone who abuses their power no matter where they come from.

I will ask my third point again:

Neither have you addressed the absence of any reference to fighters in Madaya in that Twitter search
I've addressed twitter...fucking twitter for christs sake ....on the basis the twitter accounts are political activists engaged in propaganda . Who don't want to mention this as it upends their own propaganda .

You yourself have finally admitted after repeated denials the area is rebel controlled . Your own posts refer to the town as rebel controlled. Ive posted a string of videos showing heavy fighting in the town . And as neither the Syrian army or Hezbollah want to enter it it's quite clearly rebel controlled . Otherwise they'd control it .

In the light of all that I'll just assume repeated denials of the patently bloody obvious are nothing more than trolling for the sake of it .
I've admitted nothing, fool. It was in the article i linked to which also said that there was no overall armed rebel control of the town something you said was false. It also went on to state that the large influx was people fleeing fighting in a neighbouring town.

You have not addressed Twitter you have sidestepped it. Twitter can be used by anyone hence tweets from the Russian embassy here in the uk. Do you really not think that if there was a significant armed rebel presence in the town some government bod would be making hay out of it for propaganda purposes. I can find nothing in with that hashtag search to suggest that is the case so get back to me if you can. :)
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