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And next, Syria?

This Syrian government advisor, Dr Bouthaina Shabaan , does quite an admirable job here on Australian telly demolishing the habitual lies and tropes at the heart of western propaganda on Syria . She doesn't let that weed of a presenter away with anything, despite his repeated interruptions and evasions . Nice one .

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Since the collapse of the Rouble, are your secret payments merely a waft of notional value as opposed to the previous wall of leather coated wedge?:
Since the collapse of the Rouble, are your secret payments merely a waft of notional value as opposed to the previous wall of leather coated wedge?:

Indeed good patriot hipipol, anyone who argues against the Correct Understanding is in the pay of the Kremlin. Stay vigilant and remember, root out Russianism.
Another article on the US's double game regarding Daesh forces in the region, again quoting the DIA report I linked to earlier and with greater context than I could be bothered to mention (it being all just Putin-bot loonspud bollocks from some Ruski propaganda site etcetera):

The US-NATO-GCC-Israel axis seeks to continue the war on Syria using any means necessary, including continued support for terrorist factions such as the so called “Army of Conquest,” al Qaeda linked groups like al Nusra Front, and ISIS/ISIL. The ultimate goal is the collapse of the Syrian state and the breaking of the Iran-Syria-Hezbollah alliance, which would mean the final and permanent ejection of Russian influence from the region.

Russia fully understands this strategic imperative for Washington, just as it knows that terrorism is the principal weapon being employed in the ongoing war. As such, Moscow has moved to bolster the Syrian government (Russia knows that the Syrian Arab Army is the most effective counter-terrorism fighting force) in order to provide it with the necessary aid to continue to destroy terrorist groups. Moreover, any additional Russian support in terms of advisers, increased shipments of materiel, and/or limited numbers of combat troops, provide Damascus with the physical resources necessary to wage the war.

At the largest level however, Moscow is moving to call Washington’s bluff regarding the fight against the Islamic State, and terrorism generally. Putin knows that the US does not want to destroy ISIS/ISIL, but rather to manage its development in an attempt to steer it toward US strategic objectives.

This strategy was outlined in the declassified 2012 US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) document obtained by Judicial Watch, which revealed that the US has knowingly promoted the spread of the Islamic State since at least 2012 in order to use it as a weapon against the Assad government. The document noted that, “…there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist Principality in eastern Syria…and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion (Iraq and Iran).”

So, by proposing an international coalition to defeat ISIS/ISIL, Putin is essentially forcing the US either to admit that it is not serious about destroying the terrorist network, or that it will only do so under its own aegis, thereby exposing Washington’s motives as entirely self-serving, and rooted in the US hegemonic agenda for the region.

Western Media Hype ‘Russian Aggression’ in Syria

Anyway ignore all that... let's hope the United States and it's allies like the UK, Saudi Fucking Arabia and Turkey will succeed in their effort to defeat terrorism, if only Assad would go away, because then the Syrians can stop dying all the time. *wrings hands*
U.S. says Syrian Kurdistan’s YPG not a terrorist organization

WASHINGTON,— The United States does not consider the Peoples’ Protection Units (YPG), the armed wing of the Syrian Democratic Union Party (PYD) in Syrian Kurdistan, a terrorist organization, U.S. State Department Spokesperson John Kirby has declared.

“We don’t consider the YPG a terrorist organization, and they have proven successful against ISIL [Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant] inside Syria. And as I said, we’re going to continue to work with counter-ISIL fighters who are and can be successful against this group, and they’re not all Kurds,” Kirby said at a press conference in Washington, while responding to a question on the gap between the Turkish and the U.S. stance against the group.

Good news for everyone but ISIS and Turkey
From the latest round of Camerongate:

1 - Lord Richards, the former head of the armed forces, is critical of Cameron’s record on defence. Richards spoke to the authors, and they quote him expressing reservations about Cameron’s handling of the intervention in Libya in 2011, and of the proposes intervention in Syria in 2013. Speaking about Libya, he said:

We never really analysed things properly. Our instinct is knee-jerk support for the underdog, without doing the analysis that would necessarily legitimise that course of action.​

The book also says that Richards was “frozen out of discussions about Syria” and that relations with Number 10 deteriorated. And he says he once had to tell Cameron that “being in the Combined Cadet Force at Eton” did not qualify him to decide tactics for complex military operations.

Guardian re-reporting: Fresh revelations published from Ashcroft's biography of Cameron - Politics live
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More significantly, from the above:

2 - Richards told Cameron in 2013 that he should consider backing President Assad in Syria. Richards did draw up a plan to help build up opposition forces that could fight Assad. But he also worried that Cameron was taking a too simplistic view of the conflict, and that he saw it just as a conflict between “good guys” and “bad guys”. He told the authors:

‘I said: “Are you certain we’re backing the right side, prime minister?” You could see them all tutting, because they didn’t want to debate it. But someone had to say it.

‘It had got to the point where I felt there was a case for letting Assad win, because at least that would put the population out of their misery.’
American policy in Syria is such a joke. "US-trained rebels" (Who are they rebelling against?) are supposed to fight other rebels. Simply arm the Kurds including the YPG & tell Erdogan to go fuck himself.

I genuinely think that they are being set up to fail deliberately.
I think there's over 20 Russian jets in there now, with a similar number of attack helicopters . It's definitely a major Russian investment in Syrias struggle . I'm also seeing a lot of reports of very successful Syrian air attacks on daesh and others thanks to satellite intel , as well as advances by ground troops .

From what I can make out the Syrian army also look to be poised to punch through rebel lines to rescue the besieged garrison of Kweres airbase , which has been surrounded for 4 years now . 4 bloody years besieged by those head hacking bastards on all sides repeatedly trying to get in . To relieve that siege would be a massive morale boost throughout Syria, and that should be a Russian priority IMHO .

The other week the other AQ faction, al nusra, used the cover of a sandstorm to infiltrate and take over a similarly besieged airbase . Then lined the defenders up, who'd held out beseiged on all sides for 2 years, and massacred dozens of them . That's why Kuweres would be so important now from a morale point of view .
And another one, from the Spectator no less...

Assad is in fact now more popular than ever in the roughly one third of Syria he still controls. Anyone in Damascus or on the coast who supported the Islamic State long since either joined it or blew themselves up among the infidels. The West, though, is more hated than ever. A recent poll found that 80 per cent of Syrians believe we created the Islamic State — a common belief, incidentally, throughout the Middle East (and not entirely inaccurate). So it took Washington and its reactionary Gulf allies four years and billions of dollars to end up eating humble pie. They have now effectively admitted that Moscow was right about Syria all along. In the process, they have undermined any humanitarian credibility our military adventurism may still have had after the Iraq nightmare.

Putin and Assad have made fools of the West

Talks nonsense toward the end though in my opinion about Syria becoming a political tool of the Iranians, I don't think Iran or Hizbollah are playing the kind of cynical proxy-war-of-choice thing familiar to the West, Syria isn't a plaything for either of them (or for Russia). For them 'comrade wolf' is at the door.
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An actually is excellent article on Obamas Syria policy, some snippets...

But facts can be stubborn things, even when the interpretative framework for assessing facts is different. For many of us, the historical record is clear – this war was/is Mr. Obama’s. And what we are witnessing in Syria today is the human and political consequences of his administration’s decision to embrace a policy of regime change in Syria.

Obama is now taking a familiar position that European imperialists have taken for years after committing unspeakable crimes against humanity – they feign innocence.”

The geo-strategic objective for the Obama Administration was regime change, therefore, the plan implemented for that objective had nothing to do with wanting to liberate Syrians. In their cynical calculations, eliminating al-Assad outweighed any considerations for the longer term interests of the Syrian people. For the cold-hearted strategists of the Obama Administration, the talk of a people’s revolution was only a ploy to obscure their real intentions and confuse liberals and even some leftists.

It would not be an exaggeration to argue that despite whatever contradictions existed in Syria, and there were many, without the subversion by the U.S./EU/NATO axis of domination and its allies, it is highly unlikely that any social upheaval that might have developed in the country as part of a pro-democracy movement would have reached the scale of suffering experience by the people of Syria today.

The Obama Two-Step on Syria | Black Agenda Report
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The sad thing was this assad like gadafii had if not seen the light had seen what happened to saddam and decided pissing off the US and the west wasn't a good idea hence visits to no10 etc etc etc.

But when the revolts started broke out the guns
The sad thing was this assad like gadafii had if not seen the light had seen what happened to saddam and decided pissing off the US and the west wasn't a good idea hence visits to no10 etc etc etc.

But when the revolts started broke out the guns

Indeed good patriot hipipol, anyone who argues against the Correct Understanding is in the pay of the Kremlin. Stay vigilant and remember, root out Russianism.
You seemed to have conflated an interesting number of assumptions
You have used Maoist language (Correct Understanding) to describe what you obviously feel is some Capitalist Running Dog anti Russian bias
My understanding, correct for me but obviously not a rigid rule for all, is that yer man is a staunch defender of the deranged bear wrestler - even to the point of claiming that Ukraine was " asking for it"
Thats the sort of thing our UK High Court Judges regularly say at rape trials so he seems a clever chap
I deduce from this that he must be getting paid otherwise he would find it hard to spout such guff

PS Are you able to detect which parts of this post are sarcastic?
You seemed to have conflated an interesting number of assumptions
You have used Maoist language (Correct Understanding) to describe what you obviously feel is some Capitalist Running Dog anti Russian bias
My understanding, correct for me but obviously not a rigid rule for all, is that yer man is a staunch defender of the deranged bear wrestler - even to the point of claiming that Ukraine was " asking for it"
Thats the sort of thing our UK High Court Judges regularly say at rape trials so he seems a clever chap
I deduce from this that he must be getting paid otherwise he would find it hard to spout such guff

PS Are you able to detect which parts of this post are sarcastic?

Your starting points are so far from mine I don't know what to say to you, your sarcasm may as well be an ironic quip in Klingon really.

Assad wasnt ment to become ruler he was a dr his older brother was but he died so this one became the heir and was seen as western educated someone "we could work with" gadafi was trying for the wacky tryant that spends cash in europe hence blair and others cozying up to himmin an attempt to get contracts and get him to spend cash on typhoon jets rather than giving it to insurgents etc.
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