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And next, Syria?

USUK plan to dismantle Syria has proceeded to direct use of special forces under cover as 'volunteers' fighting Daesh, but in reality to create safe bases of attack for them and to degrade the Syrian aiforce in order to deprive the Syrians of their air-power advantage over Daesh; according to this article from New Eastern Outlook...

US corporate-funded policy think-tank, the Brookings Institution, published a June 2015 paper titled, “Deconstructing Syria: Towards a regionalized strategy for a confederal country.” The signed and dated open-conspiracy to divide, destroy, invade, then incrementally occupy Syria using no-fly-zones and both US and British special forces is now demonstrably underway.

The paper would lay out in no uncertain terms that (emphasis added):

The idea would be to help moderate elements establish reliable safe zones within Syria once they were able. American, as well as Saudi and Turkish and British and Jordanian and other Arab forces would act in support, not only from the air but eventually on the ground via the presence of special forces as well. The approach would benefit from Syria’s open desert terrain which could allow creation of buffer zones that could be monitored for possible signs of enemy attack through a combination of technologies, patrols, and other methods that outside special forces could help Syrian local fighters set up.

Were Assad foolish enough to challenge these zones, even if he somehow forced the withdrawal of the outside special forces, he would be likely to lose his air power in ensuing retaliatory strikes by outside forces, depriving his military of one of its few advantages over ISIL. Thus, he would be unlikely to do this.

Not only does Brookings lay out an open conspiracy to invade and occupy Syria, it does so with the open admission that the goal is not to degrade the fighting capacity of the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS or ISIL), but rather to undermine and eventually overthrow the Syrian government. In fact, Brookings makes a point of stating that the goal would be to seize and hold Syrian territory to further advance American ambitions toward regime change, and would move quickly to degrade the Syrian government’s ability to resist ISIS if any attempts were made by Damascus to stop the US invasion.

News reports have trickled out regarding US and British “fighters” operating in Syria. Their backgrounds, affiliations, logistical support, and transportation to the battlefield have been intentionally left ambiguous by the Western media. Occasionally, open admissions are made that US and British special forces are operating in Syria, with one recent report indicating British Special Air Service (SAS) operators were in Syria “dressed as ISIS fighters.” The UK Express reported in their article, “SAS dress as ISIS fighters in undercover war on jihadis,” that:

The unorthodox tactic, which is seeing SAS units dressed in black and flying ISIS flags, has been likened to the methods used by the Long Range Desert Group against Rommel’s forces during the Second World War.

More than 120 members belonging to the elite regiment are currently in the war-torn country on operation Shader, tasked with destroying IS equipment and munitions which insurgents constantly move to avoid Coalition air strikes.

Of course, this alleged and very risky military operation to “destroy IS equipment and munitions” in Syria begs belief as all of ISIS’ equip first enters Syria at the very Turkish-Syrian border the SAS likely staged to begin their operation. Strategically and tactically, interdicting ISIS’ supplies before they reach Syria would effectively cripple ISIS’ fighting capacity in the matter of weeks. It is clear that the SAS and other Western special forces are not in Syria to fight ISIS, but as Brookings itself admits, to take and hold Syrian territory from which terrorist groups, including ISIS can more safely wage war against Damascus.

As the number of US and British forces on the ground in Syria grow, a variety of cover stories have been invented. The latest has been posited by Foreign Policy magazine. In their report titled, “Meet the Americans Flocking to Iraq and Syria to Fight the Islamic State,” they claim:

…the number of Americans traveling abroad to fight the Islamic State is picking up, with 44 percent of all fighters identified in the report arriving between May and mid-August of 2015. Whether you think of them as brave patriots stepping up to oppose a pressing threat or meddlesome war tourists taking foolish risks, one thing seems certain: More Americans will be arriving in Iraq and Syria to take up the fight against the Islamic State in the near future.

The anecdotes used to qualify Foreign Policy’s claims that these fighters are “volunteers” and not special forces or paid mercenaries are the clearest indication that the article, and many like it, are a cover story. Ironically, it would be one of Cass Sunstein’s “independent credible voices,” Eliot Higgins – who regularly claims Russian volunteers in Ukraine are in fact sanctioned by Moscow – who would publish a “report” supporting Foreign Policy’s “volunteer” premise.

In reality, Foreign Policy is covering up the immediate implementation of admitted and documented US foreign policy to invade and occupy Syrian territory using special forces. A growing number of US and British special forces in Syria to take and hold territory will be impossible to cover up perpetually, so alternative narratives explaining the large and growing numbers of Western fighters in Syria has been fabricated.

And while the prospect of volunteers travelling to Syria is not entirely fantastical, the transportation, funding, arming, and both tactical and political support of these fighters requires state resources. The fact that American citizens are forbidden by law to partake in foreign conflicts in this manner, yet are able to freely enter Turkey, then cross at Turkish-controlled checkpoints to fight in Syria – like the flow of weapons, supplies, and fighters to bolster ISIS at these same checkpoints – suggests stated US foreign policy to both use armed terrorist groups to overthrow the Syrian government by proxy, and now the use of US and British military forces to do so directly, is being executed before the eyes of the world.
First appeared: US Seeks Occupation as US Fighters Flood Syria | New Eastern Outlook

US Seeks Occupation as US Fighters Flood Syria | New Eastern Outlook
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The very excellent SyrianGirlpartisan...

As usual, a deluge of spot-on.

Brilliant link, thanks Cam. Ironic, isn't it, that those who eventually want to return to their home country - if only there was something left of it to return to? - seem to be all Syrians; I've heard no other refugees saying they want to return to theirs, especially Iraqis. I've never understood why the West demonised Assad when it was quite obvious from the beginning that he was trying to keep his country out of the hands of jihadists, and bizarrely demonising Putin when we should be pleading with him to come onside in our approaching conflict with IS. It looks like the Western leaders have totally lost the fucking plot, and are doing the very opposite of what they should be doing?

Brilliant link, thanks Cam. Ironic, isn't it, that those who eventually want to return to their home country - if only there was something left of it to return to? - seem to be all Syrians; I've heard no other refugees saying they want to return to theirs, especially Iraqis. I've never understood why the West demonised Assad when it was quite obvious from the beginning that he was trying to keep his country out of the hands of jihadists, and bizarrely demonising Putin when we should be pleading with him to come onside in our approaching conflict with IS. It looks like the Western leaders have totally lost the fucking plot, and are doing the very opposite of what they should be doing?


I don't think they've lost the plot at all . I think the illogicality of their statements and actions stems from the fact they're simply telling lies . And the fact the jihadists were their proxies for regime change . This was a regime change ..and possibly partition..exercise from start to finish . Not an anti terrorist crusade . The wests primary allies are the primary sponsors of the jihadists . These Syrian refugees have a few choice words for mr Erdogan , and make it clear they'll be going home to rebuild

I don't think they've lost the plot at all . I think And the illogicality of their statements and actions stems from the fact they're simply telling lies . he fact the jihadists were their proxies for regime change . This was a regime change ..and possibly partition..exercise from start to finish . Not an anti terrorist crusade . The wests primary allies are the primary sponsors of the jihadists . These Syrian refugees have a few choice words for mr Erdogan

You could be right. This kind of political subterfuge( incompetent though it is) is exemplified in Bitter Lake re the Afghanistan fiasco.
USUK plan to dismantle Syria has proceeded to direct use of special forces under cover as 'volunteers' fighting Daesh, but in reality to create safe bases of attack for them and to degrade the Syrian aiforce in order to deprive the Syrians of their air-power advantage over Daesh; according to this article from New Eastern Outlook...

US Seeks Occupation as US Fighters Flood Syria | New Eastern Outlook

And it's against that backdrop we have the latest scandal of US intelligence reports being doctored....falsified..by the intelligence chiefs to suggest US and coalition air strikes are degrading IS strength . When they plainly aren't . And seem mainly to be just pointing them away from the Kurds . Which makes sense if the object is the partitioning of Syria .
USUK plan to dismantle Syria has proceeded to direct use of special forces under cover as 'volunteers' fighting Daesh, but in reality to create safe bases of attack for them and to degrade the Syrian aiforce in order to deprive the Syrians of their air-power advantage over Daesh; according to this article from New Eastern Outlook...

US Seeks Occupation as US Fighters Flood Syria | New Eastern Outlook
Russian propaganda. New Eastern Outlook is published by The Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Russian propaganda. New Eastern Outlook is published by The Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But the Brookings Institute is real, and its ideas as published there on its website does indeed chime in terms of the dismantling agenda put forward. Similar to paranoia, just because something's used in someone’s propaganda site, doesn't mean it's not true.
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Ok I know it's the Fail but wtf?


They are though . Do you seriously think all those Syrian troops and citizens militias from all walks of syrian life are dying in their tens of thousands just for Assad ? Over 100, 000 of them are dead . Of course they're not . They're dying in their tens of thousands to preserve a pluralist way of life thats existed there for well over a millenia and a rich cultural heritage those fuckers..even the "moderates"...want to obliterate . And largely have .
They're facing genuine , medieval barbarians who'd drag them all back to the dark ages . There's no denying that . It's a war for civilisation . Regardless of how much some westerners might scoff at the notion of Arab civilisation and Arabs having any attachment to it .
But the Brookings Institute is real, and its ideas as published there on its website does indeed chime in terms of the dismantling agenda put forward. Similar to paranoia, just because something's used in someone’s propaganda site, doesn't mean it's not true.
I smelled a rat when I saw "US corporate-funded policy think-tank, the Brookings Institution." Brookings does get some corporate funding but it's mainly supported by foundations such as Bill & Melinda Gates. The Outlook article makes no sense. US & UK fighters aren't flooding into Syria AFAIK. If the US & allies wanted to sit back & let ISIS overthrow Assad, it wouldn't have been bombing it for the past year.

The Outlook seized on the Brookings article & tried to weave an evil plot by the West. There's really no need to concoct such a plot to portray the US as the bad guy in Syria since history shows it's Iraq invasion is mainly responsible for the disaster that's happening there.
I smelled a rat when I saw "US corporate-funded policy think-tank, the Brookings Institution." Brookings does get some corporate funding but it's mainly supported by foundations such as Bill & Melinda Gates. The Outlook article makes no sense. US & UK fighters aren't flooding into Syria AFAIK. If the US & allies wanted to sit back & let ISIS overthrow Assad, it wouldn't have been bombing it for the past year.

The Outlook seized on the Brookings article & tried to weave an evil plot by the West. There's really no need to concoct such a plot to portray the US as the bad guy in Syria since history shows it's Iraq invasion is mainly responsible for the disaster that's happening there.

Their bombings seem to be little more than window dressing . They have negligible effect and now it transpires us intelligence chiefs are falsifying intelligence to hoodwink the public into thinking US actions are weakening them .
I smelled a rat when I saw "US corporate-funded policy think-tank, the Brookings Institution." Brookings does get some corporate funding but it's mainly supported by foundations such as Bill & Melinda Gates. The Outlook article makes no sense. US & UK fighters aren't flooding into Syria AFAIK. If the US & allies wanted to sit back & let ISIS overthrow Assad, it wouldn't have been bombing it for the past year.

The Outlook seized on the Brookings article & tried to weave an evil plot by the West. There's really no need to concoct such a plot to portray the US as the bad guy in Syria since history shows it's Iraq invasion is mainly responsible for the disaster that's happening there.

Well we agree on that last bit, as for the neo article... I do consider it plausible.
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They are resorting to bombing because they can, the stupid upper class bully semen stains. Bombing is not going to stop ISIS. Supporting instead of degrading their enemies is necessary.
Russia positioning tanks at Syria airfield: U.S. officials

Also from here

Syria’s plains, the gateway into Latakia, about to fall to rebels

Rebels have the regime’s last military base in Syria’s northern plains region “nearly encircled” after advancing from the northwest, capturing a series of regime outposts on hills overlooking the base, a correspondent with the pro-opposition Syria Post told Syria Direct on Monday.

“With the rebel capture of the hills, the fall of the base at Jourin to rebels is as close as it has ever been,” said Mustafa Qantar, a correspondent reporting from Sahl al-Ghab, as the plains are known in Arabic.

“Jourin is now under rebel fire from three directions,” said Qantar, adding that “the regime has nothing left but the southern front.”

Rebel forces have been attempting to push the regime out of Jourin, considered the gateway to Latakia from rebel-controlled Idlib province, since the regime forces from the rest of Sahl al-Ghab retreated there last month.
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It's not following the arguments but here's a video that has appeared in Al-Jazeera.

I know Karzai is no longer the perfect US stooge-man but he's still a world-player and Al Qaeda is still being touted as a dread organization so it's worth a post

Former Afghan PM Hamid Karzai says Al-Qaeda is a Myth : Information Clearing House - ICH

It means little because he is talking about Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, and makes that clear on a number of occasions during that interview. And he has plenty of reasons to have developed that line, including the classic Afghan stance that the problems in Afghanistan are really Pakistans fault. Thats an argument that has some merit but is stretched to cover a multitude of Afghan sins.

If we are looking for people who occupied positions of considerable power going off-message about Al Qaeda, I think Robin Cook in 2005, about a month before his death, wins:

Bin Laden was, though, a product of a monumental miscalculation by western security agencies. Throughout the 80s he was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan. Al-Qaida, literally "the database", was originally the computer file of the thousands of mujahideen who were recruited and trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians. Inexplicably, and with disastrous consequences, it never appears to have occurred to Washington that once Russia was out of the way, Bin Laden's organisation would turn its attention to the west.

( Robin Cook: The struggle against terrorism cannot be won by military means )
West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'

Russia proposed more than three years ago that Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad, could step down as part of a peace deal, according to a senior negotiator involved in back-channel discussions at the time.

Former Finnish president and Nobel peace prize laureate Martti Ahtisaari said western powers failed to seize on the proposal. Since it was made, in 2012, tens of thousands of people have been killed and millions uprooted, causing the world’s gravest refugee crisis since the second world war.

Ahtisaari held talks with envoys from the five permanent members of the UN security council in February 2012. He said that during those discussions, the Russian ambassador, Vitaly Churkin, laid out a three-point plan, which included a proposal for Assad to cede power at some point after peace talks had started between the regime and the opposition.

But he said that the US, Britain and France were so convinced that the Syrian dictator was about to fall, they ignored the proposal.

“It was an opportunity lost in 2012,” Ahtisaari said in an interview.

Officially, Russia has staunchly backed Assad through the four-and-half-year Syrian war, insisting that his removal cannot be part of any peace settlement. Assad has said that Russia will never abandon him. Moscow has recently begun sending troops, tanks and aircraft in an effort to stabilise the Assad regime and fight Islamic State extremists.

The sheer, hubristic incompetence of our past and continued interventions in the ME is truly breathtaking. We've not done one thing right, not one thing that has either improved our lot or the lots of those many millions whose lives have been torn apart by our fucking stupidity, and yet still we go on piling fuckup upon fuckup.

And yet our answer still seems to be to back the wrong people, bomb the wrong people and excuse the actions of the wrong people. We have learned nothing from this. Not a scintilla of wisdom from all that death. :(
The sheer, hubristic incompetence of our past and continued interventions in the ME is truly breathtaking. We've not done one thing right, not one thing that has either improved our lot or the lots of those many millions whose lives have been torn apart by our fucking stupidity, and yet still we go on piling fuckup upon fuckup.

And yet our answer still seems to be to back the wrong people, bomb the wrong people and excuse the actions of the wrong people. We have learned nothing from this. Not a scintilla of wisdom from all that death. :(

"we" are either outrageously stupid or outrageously evil.
The sheer, hubristic incompetence of our past and continued interventions in the ME is truly breathtaking. We've not done one thing right, not one thing that has either improved our lot or the lots of those many millions whose lives have been torn apart by our fucking stupidity, and yet still we go on piling fuckup upon fuckup.

And yet our answer still seems to be to back the wrong people, bomb the wrong people and excuse the actions of the wrong people. We have learned nothing from this. Not a scintilla of wisdom from all that death. :(

Never forget that these people operate for different reasons. They will have motivations beyond the removal of Assad and it will involve money for them and their ilk. It's the greed that drives these people.
Never forget that these people operate for different reasons. They will have motivations beyond the removal of Assad and it will involve money for them and their ilk. It's the greed that drives these people.

Yeah, I get that. Shock doctrine capitalism and vultures circling. I also get the fact that psychopaths operate on an entirely different level to non-psychopaths in terms of the means they will deploy to achieve their objectives. To them, perhaps, none of this is a brutal clusterfuck of epic proportions that is destroying the lives of millions and endangering the security of countless more but is a fantastic business opportunity in waiting.

I can't quite bring myself to deal with that head on, tbh. It's too terrifying. :(
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