My belief is that the entire western carry on in Syria makes Putins blood boil . The arrogant violation of its sovereignty , the empowering and aiding of terrorists...the complete massive fucking disaster . The whole arrogant, blundering business as usual crusade .And not just against anyone but against an historical Russian ally .
And there's also the very pertinent fact that unlike with the western countries, who might face little more than the odd terrorist outrage from returning jihadists, Russia will literally be facing armies of the bastards on its own and near turf . The jihadists ranks are chock full of Chechens , Tajiks, Uzbeks . It's in Russia's immediate interests to wipe as many of those bastards out as possible, as soon as possible . And not to have them returning home as triumphant heroes with a freindly base back in syria .There's already Chechens turning up in the ranks of Ukraines fascist militias directly from the Syrian battlefield albeit in small numbers .That problem will get a lot worse unless Russia acts decisively . And as we have seen in Syria and elsewhere the western powers would be only too happy to use them as proxies . This time against him and his local allies . He can fight them in Syria or fight them in Russia , basically . Better Syria today than Russia tomorrow .
Plus I believe with this move he can truly checkmate the western powers . Look at the reactions already, they're shitting it . Russia will be forcing them to the negotiating table on a different set of terms , exposing the contradictions in their positions, their hypocrisy , blowing the shite out of their proxies while inviting them to join in . Asking them ...sarcastically..why they aren't willing to drop bombs on the very people they're eyeing up as prospective Syrian partners . Forcing them to recognise Assad...making the bastards squirm . Well and truly .
It's a vlad move . It's got vlad all over it .
Btw I'd give this taxi driver a hefty tip if I ever met him