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Afghanistan: Mission Accomplished

Looking for news of Afghanistan came across this German documentary. Its Afghan women talking of growing up in Afghanistan. Several lived through the whole period from before the war started to now. Mainly women from better off families based in Kabul. Some became politicians and some had to leave.

I got into it. Its moving picture of how war affects women and society.

One points out women were used by both sides politically. Both the communist and Islamicists.

One women dressed as a man to go out to work and feed her family in first Taliban rule.

Its also good as short history of recent Afghanistan. Plenty of footage from different periods. From 60s onwards. Country also looks beautiful. It was on the hippy trail at one point.

The women say that initially back in 1996 the Taliban were welcomed as they ended the violence and fighting between different Mujahideen groups. It was only after they took power that people ended up fearing them. Due to the brutal rule.

They had the same hopes when the US and its allies toppled the Taliban. But the same old warlords came back. Political and economic corruption flourished. Leading to resurgence of Taliban.

The doc is based on Kabul women. One thing is that the urban and rural areas were completely different. Kabul was westernised and some people were relatively well off. Rural areas were very poor.

One woman said she was stuck between a brutal communist government that was arresting hundreds of people and the Islamicist opposition who wanted to remove any gains that women had made.

Did find it moving. Its not that Afghans have no sense of nation or are inherently tribal. What happened in Afghanistan was a failed modernisation. If I get the women right it was down to outside intervention and internal failure to be able to move the country forward.

One thing I liked about it was that the doc makers let the women talk. You don't see the doc makers.

As an aside, DW do some boss documentaries on a number of subjects.

Anyway, the 'debate' has started in the HoC, naturally after the fact.

Its the political equivalent of 'See the match?'
boris saying the Core mission was achieved of removing terror camps from afganistain
whislt they are being rebuilt
Boris is going to spend the rest of today trying to pretend that the UK Govt has some input and influence over what has happened/will happen when in reality the HoC might as well be a group of blokes in a pub discussing it.
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Nope. That video of fighters yesterday drinking tea and mineral water, chatting quietly in the routed general's mansion, those men were stone cold sober and calm as hell even in such a moment of triumph.
Psychopaths are very good at such, You know...the sort that can have a business deal with a man minutes after raping his daughter without batting an eyelid. calm does not equal reasonable
That is what I see when I look at these people
Boris is going to spend the rest of today trying to pretend that the UK Govt has some input and influence over what has happened/will happen when it reality the HoC might as well be a group of blokes in a pub discussing it.
Men in pubs have more influence on events in the Islamic Emirate
They’re not 75,000 psychopaths don’t be silly.

Very briefly met someone who used to drive a truck for the Taliban once, was just a job, although he did get out as soon as he could. Wasn't any more psychopathic than the average van driver as far as I'm aware.
Psychopaths are very good at such, You know...the sort that can have a business deal with a man minutes after raping his daughter without batting an eyelid. calm does not equal reasonable
That is what I see when I look at these people
This is the kind of offensive nonsense that can happen when you treat Afghans like some alien 'other' rather than human beings, which the left as well as mainstream media have been doing quite a lot in recent days. Afghanistan is a very poor country and militias pay some of the best salaries. They recruit perfectly ordinary men with the help of an ideology that may seem to have nasty elements to you and I, but claims - with some plausibility - to offer something better than perpetual colonialism and corruption. Like most armed insurgencies it offers the chance of self-respect to people who have been living in the shit with no chance to improve their lot. One of the reason the Western powers stood no chance of actually helping Afghanistan (apart from being motivated by revenge and the need to display their power) was that most of those involved can't see that Afghans are humans with exactly the same needs as anyone.
Going back to the German doc I posted one of the women talked about the first Taliban government in 90s. She dressed as a young man to go out to work to feed her family.

The first Taliban were educated and recruited in the refugee camps of Pakistan. Where many Afghans had gone due to the ongoing war.

She said the young men who she met in Taliban had been formed by war. Many were orphans. There were some better than others. But she was saying that war / violence as an everyday part of life had a pyschological effect on people. Not saying that makes them all psychopaths but the ongoing trauma of endless war can damage people. She wasn't using this to excuse excesses of Taliban rule. It was her trying to make sense of how what had been an ordinary society if poor become a living nightmare for her and many others.

I agree with previous posts there is tendency to slip into viewing Afghans as different from rest. But I do think effect of endless war going over several generations now does have effect. Another woman in the doc said after all this she thought depression in Afghans was common.
This may have been covered, but any thoughts on how this might affect next year's mid terms? Plus or minus for Biden and his apparent heir?
A thread on US war crimes in Afghanistan

Everything that went wrong in Iraq went wrong in Afghanistan earlier. Tbh the American way of warfare, smashing opponents with bombs, missiles and artillery, was always going to come a cropper when what was needed was a force which would live among the people rather than separate themselves: the same in Iraq. But there was no appreciation of counterinsurgency strategy or tactics for the important early years. And as your link makes clear, by seeking allies who were already powerful the Americans made friends with people beating down the population.

But even if different and better decisions had been made, I don't think a positive outcome was possible because of the isi and their involvement with the Taliban.
a lot of loons love the psychopath argument - makes it dead easily to explain why there is bad in the world: some people are just born evil. removes any political or sociological context from the debate and it can't really be argued against.
Typical loons

The ANA seem to have been recruited from Afghanistan's most unemployable. From 48 mins: Elders saying how exactly it will end.

In 2008/9 I worked for the UK government, deploying ‘civilian experts’ to work on stabilisation/development/relief/nation-building in unstable places. Most of the work involved Afghanistan.

We deployed one person, on a salary in excess of £100K p.a. with deployment costs around £5K per week, to run a programme in the Afghan National Police.

The ANP were (or should have been) a vital element of national security. They were more of a gendarmerie than what we’d recognise as a police force and they were distributed through the country much more than the army, who tended to stick to their bases.

The programme was to reduce opium use within the ranks of the ANP. After 6 or 7 years of ‘capacity building’ the majority of members of the ANP were opium users. The only exceptions seemed to be those who joined to desert with their weapons.
Very briefly met someone who used to drive a truck for the Taliban once, was just a job, although he did get out as soon as he could. Wasn't any more psychopathic than the average van driver as far as I'm aware.

plenty vacancies for truck drivers in the U.K atm so maybe opportunities for refugees in search of a new life...
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