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Afghan Banking System about to collapse


New Member
Its simple. The americans control the Afghan-American Central bank, and they've frozen all the Banks assets. The Afghan local banks now have insufficient liquidity to trade, but have been closed for two weeks. Ordinary Afghans are running out of money. Which means the moment the banks dare open, there will be a run on them, they will run out of cash, and the entire system will come crashing down, destabilising the Afghan economy. Well done Joe, another victory for senility over common sense.
Its simple. The americans control the Afghan-American Central bank, and they've frozen all the Banks assets. The Afghan local banks now have insufficient liquidity to trade, but have been closed for two weeks. Ordinary Afghans are running out of money. Which means the moment the banks dare open, there will be a run on them, they will run out of cash, and the entire system will come crashing down, destabilising the Afghan economy. Well done Joe, another victory for senility over common sense.

Yes, things aren't looking good.

Would the Republican administration have done any better?
Its simple. The americans control the Afghan-American Central bank, and they've frozen all the Banks assets. The Afghan local banks now have insufficient liquidity to trade, but have been closed for two weeks. Ordinary Afghans are running out of money. Which means the moment the banks dare open, there will be a run on them, they will run out of cash, and the entire system will come crashing down, destabilising the Afghan economy. Well done Joe, another victory for senility over common sense.
Yup, it's all Biden's fault... including the deal struck by the previous administration that set this whole sorry process in motion... :facepalm:
Yup, it's all Biden's fault... including the deal struck by the previous administration that set this whole sorry process in motion... :facepalm:
It was up to biden to plan it properly. he's the potus and has been18 months. His job to execute the deal ,or make a new one, or to plan it. He did none of thoise 3. Just up sticks and fuck off at 5 mins notice. A complete balls up of planning and thinking. But then, how could you expect a senile old man with early stage Alzheimers to be up to the job? This wont be the last catastrophe of Bidens dismal reign.
It was up to biden to plan it properly. he's the potus and has been18 months. His job to execute the deal ,or make a new one, or to plan it. He did none of thoise 3. Just up sticks and fuck off at 5 mins notice. A complete balls up of planning and thinking. But then, how could you expect a senile old man with early stage Alzheimers to be up to the job? This wont be the last catastrophe of Bidens dismal reign.
Biden has been in the job for 8 months. If you're going to go down this road, at least get the basics right...
It was up to biden to plan it properly. he's the potus and has been18 months. His job to execute the deal ,or make a new one, or to plan it. He did none of thoise 3. Just up sticks and fuck off at 5 mins notice. A complete balls up of planning and thinking. But then, how could you expect a senile old man with early stage Alzheimers to be up to the job? This wont be the last catastrophe of Bidens dismal reign.
I think you'll find Biden has not been us president for 18 months. Count backwards with me - August, July, June, may, April, march, February, January. And lo and behold it was back in January that he became president. If you can't be trusted to remember the presidential election was in November 2020 and the inauguration in January 2021 you should consult a medico about your failing memory
It was up to biden to plan it properly. he's the potus and has been18 months. His job to execute the deal ,or make a new one, or to plan it. He did none of thoise 3. Just up sticks and fuck off at 5 mins notice. A complete balls up of planning and thinking. But then, how could you expect a senile old man with early stage Alzheimers to be up to the job? This wont be the last catastrophe of Bidens dismal reign.
Everybody knows he's a useless cunt just less of a useless cunt than Trump. As for Alzheimer's either you or I are also sufferers as by my reckoning he's only been in office for less than 8 months.
It was up to biden to plan it properly. he's the potus and has been18 months. His job to execute the deal ,or make a new one, or to plan it. He did none of thoise 3. Just up sticks and fuck off at 5 mins notice. A complete balls up of planning and thinking. But then, how could you expect a senile old man with early stage Alzheimers to be up to the job? This wont be the last catastrophe of Bidens dismal reign.
Yeah. It's not looking good for the Dems.
Not fair on the Afghans that their banking system might collapse.

They have had and will have enough misery without that also.
The Taliban's assets were frozen by Bill Clinton in 1999 and further sanctions were added after 9/11, so I'm not sure if the US could allow the Taliban access to central bank reserves held in the US without being required to place sanctions on itself.

Biden could recognise the Taliban as Afghanistan's legitimate government and issue executive orders to lift the sanctions, but I don't think headlines like "Biden Lets $10B Flow to Taliban" would improve his standing much.
I don't know if the bank reserves issues was dealt with under the shitty deal Trump made, which Biden was stupid enough to allow to stand - the Taliban could argue that they have held up their end of the deal by not attacking US forces. The deal didn't ban the Taliban from attacking Afghan government forces, yet the US still seemed puzzled about how demotivated they turned out to be.
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