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A thank you to Brexiteers.

More Brexit wining

I know someone who works at the Swindon plant in a relatively senior role.

The decision is as much to do with diesels being less popular, electric cars becoming more popular and Asian markets being more critical to Honda as it is with Brexit.

Of course it’s easier for Honda to blame Brexit than their own shit business strategy
I know someone who works at the Swindon plant in a relatively senior role.

The decision is as much to do with diesels being less popular, electric cars becoming more popular and Asian markets being more critical to Honda as it is with Brexit.

Of course it’s easier for Honda to blame Brexit than their own shit business strategy
their "shit business strategy" made them pretty much the only significant car manufacturer not done for bending the rules for emissions. Feel sorry for Honda always had a soft spot them and they were seen off .over what happened with Rover
This is a bit scary. If there’s no milk for our tea what are we supposed to do drink it with lemon like those weird foreigners do?

Imma gonna get me a cow, put it in my 8 x 4 backyard, should just fit. Think outside the box bimble.
I know someone who works at the Swindon plant in a relatively senior role.

The decision is as much to do with diesels being less popular, electric cars becoming more popular and Asian markets being more critical to Honda as it is with Brexit.

Of course it’s easier for Honda to blame Brexit than their own shit business strategy

Honda, the people who made the decision stated as fact Brexit had nothing to do with it. The article is some professor saying he thinks he knows better and that Honda did pull out cos Brexit and not cos shite sales in europe vs US and the electric car revolution, something that seems to be heavily centred on the U.K., oddly enough.
I was talking / reminiscing to a mate of mine in the U.K. about Saturday mornings before the supermarkets took over and opened all hours . Used to be queues outside the butchers from 8 onwards to get the best bits of meat , same with bakers for bread , fishmongers for fish and the grocers for fruit and veg . If you hadn’t done your shopping by 3 in the afternoon you just made do with what they had left as nothing was open Sundays .
Used to the paper sale 10 o’clock for an hour , quick pint , do the shopping and back in the pub for a pint . Pick some horses out , watch the racing in the pub and then totter off home at 3 when the pub closed.
You are sounding like an eerie echo of the 4 Yorkshiremen sketch here, tbh:D
This is a bit scary. If there’s no milk for our tea what are we supposed to do drink it with lemon like those weird foreigners do?

Echoes of the misery caused by the great Kentucky Fried Chicken shortage when people were forced to ring the Police

For a while it wasn’t clear how much the pandemic was complicating the picture. Those who campaigned for Britain to quit the single market and customs union were able to hide behind broader figures that showed global trade taking a hit – and, since January, when the transition period came to an end, how the second and third waves of the virus had distorted most exporting countries’ trading patterns.

That isn’t true any more. There are just too many independent reports examining the UK’s trade figures that are reaching the same conclusion: Brexit is bad for exporters. And not just today and tomorrow, but for a very long time.
In case anyone still thinks it is project fear.

From your article:

  • Why is Honda closing its only European factory?
Honda bosses say they sell more cars in Asia and America than in Europe and so need to focus their production in their strongest markets.

But not everyone is convinced this is the real reason.

Professor Andrew Graves at the University of Bath believes the factory may be closing due to Brexit.

Honda states as fact it's cos: Honda bosses say they sell more cars in Asia and America than in Europe and so need to focus their production in their strongest markets.

But this guy has a belief: Professor Andrew Graves at the University of Bath believes the factory may be closing due to Brexit.

So which is right, the company stating their reason for closing its only factory in Europe cos Europe is a dead market or some professor's belief?
This is a bit scary. If there’s no milk for our tea what are we supposed to do drink it with lemon like those weird foreigners do?

There won’t be i ported EU lemons any more, your better start cultivating quinces
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