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A thank you to Brexiteers.

I was talking / reminiscing to a mate of mine in the U.K. about Saturday mornings before the supermarkets took over and opened all hours . Used to be queues outside the butchers from 8 onwards to get the best bits of meat , same with bakers for bread , fishmongers for fish and the grocers for fruit and veg . If you hadn’t done your shopping by 3 in the afternoon you just made do with what they had left as nothing was open Sundays .
Used to the paper sale 10 o’clock for an hour , quick pint , do the shopping and back in the pub for a pint . Pick some horses out , watch the racing in the pub and then totter off home at 3 when the pub closed.
We've heard of Farage's tirades against the RNLI saving asylum seekers in the channel, but the backdrop to this is the following Brexit fallout:

An EU law called Dublin III allowed asylum seekers to be transferred back to the first member state they were proven to have entered.
However, the UK is no longer part of this arrangement as it has now left the European Union.

How ironic, after playing a part in stopping free movement within the EU.

It's all just a bunch of dark-money-driven, Randist, libertarian, deregulatory-inspired, revisionist bullshit.

Everything else is fluff.

William Rees Mogg, et al, in 1993.

The Kochs, the Elliots, the Mercers, the Austrian schoolists - the 55 Tufton Street lunatics. Cambridge Analytica and spin-offs.

The deregulation of data and finance - and setting up "free cities" for the wealthy is all that matters.

Sausages are a smokescreen and everyone other than the very wealthy are merely collateral damage.

And then climate change.

Happy days.

I was talking / reminiscing to a mate of mine in the U.K. about Saturday mornings before the supermarkets took over and opened all hours . Used to be queues outside the butchers from 8 onwards to get the best bits of meat , same with bakers for bread , fishmongers for fish and the grocers for fruit and veg . If you hadn’t done your shopping by 3 in the afternoon you just made do with what they had left as nothing was open Sundays .
Used to the paper sale 10 o’clock for an hour , quick pint , do the shopping and back in the pub for a pint . Pick some horses out , watch the racing in the pub and then totter off home at 3 when the pub closed.
It all changed after the war though

It's all just a bunch of dark-money-driven, Randist, libertarian, deregulatory-inspired, revisionist bullshit.

Everything else is fluff.

William Rees Mogg, et al, in 1993.

The Kochs, the Elliots, the Mercers, the Austrian schoolists - the 55 Tufton Street lunatics. Cambridge Analytica and spin-offs.

The deregulation of data and finance - and setting up "free cities" for the wealthy is all that matters.

Sausages are a smokescreen and everyone other than the very wealthy are merely collateral damage.

And then climate change.

Happy days.

There's been a massive rise of nationalism and the far right across the EU. I'm sure you know about the falling average living standards and rising inequality - especially in Greece.

The EU is, like the WTO, from its founding, "a project of deregulation and redistribution of wealth to the wealthy"

Globalists: The End of Empire and the Birth of Neoliberalism by Quinn Slobodian (a europhile) is good if dry on this. Hayek, Mises and others, and their reaction to the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Climate change we're fucked.
they have form :mad:


They've been letting the pigs go a bit then?

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I was talking / reminiscing to a mate of mine in the U.K. about Saturday mornings before the supermarkets took over and opened all hours . Used to be queues outside the butchers from 8 onwards to get the best bits of meat , same with bakers for bread , fishmongers for fish and the grocers for fruit and veg . If you hadn’t done your shopping by 3 in the afternoon you just made do with what they had left as nothing was open Sundays .
Used to the paper sale 10 o’clock for an hour , quick pint , do the shopping and back in the pub for a pint . Pick some horses out , watch the racing in the pub and then totter off home at 3 when the pub closed.
People enthusiastically voted for the removal of rights because they miss standing in line for things on a Saturday morning, drinking warm piss in a nicotine stained pub and betting on what horse can run the fastest?

Christ, I understand why Brexit happened on a pay and conditions basis (ignoring the highly predictable fact the same wankers who punted Brexit are now badly implementing it on that front) but getting all misty eyed for queues outside the butchers? Nah, I'll never understand it but then again I'm an aging millennial snowflake so what do I know?

Have you seen his bio? .

Tim Walker has worked for The Observer, the Daily Mail, the Daily Telegraph. the Daily Mirror, The European and The New European. He stood as a parliamentary candidate for the Lib Dems in Canterbury in the 2019 general election, before controversially standing down and falling behind his Labour opponent.

Sounds exactly like the sort of person we should be listening to
People enthusiastically voted for the removal of rights because they miss standing in line for things on a Saturday morning, drinking warm piss in a nicotine stained pub and betting on what horse can run the fastest?

Christ, I understand why Brexit happened on a pay and conditions basis (ignoring the highly predictable fact the same wankers who punted Brexit are now badly implementing it on that front) but getting all misty eyed for queues outside the butchers? Nah, I'll never understand it but then again I'm an aging millennial snowflake so what do I know?
Nostalgia's not what it used to be :(
People enthusiastically voted for the removal of rights because they miss standing in line for things on a Saturday morning, drinking warm piss in a nicotine stained pub and betting on what horse can run the fastest?

That’s a really interesting hot take. What would be both interesting and extremely valuable would be some fieldwork to test your hypothesis out.

Why not pick a working class area near to you (we can help you find one if you are struggling to locate one) and find a place where they gather to drink piss, gamble (most of them are probably on benefits as well) and try to get the best food they can with their money? Set out your views and then report back to us on the debates you’ll inevitably get into about them.
People enthusiastically voted for the removal of rights because they miss standing in line for things on a Saturday morning, drinking warm piss in a nicotine stained pub and betting on what horse can run the fastest?

I don't think the Leave campaign explicitly promised to get rid of supermarkets and restore the shopping conditions of the 1970s, tbf.

Personally, I'd much prefer visiting several small shops then having a few pints and watching the races to going to the supermarket, though there would likely be some strain on my marriage after the 50th time I came home pissed in the afternoon and realised I'd left the meat I'd bought five hours earlier in the pub. :D
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People enthusiastically voted for the removal of rights because they miss standing in line for things on a Saturday morning, drinking warm piss in a nicotine stained pub and betting on what horse can run the fastest?

Christ, I understand why Brexit happened on a pay and conditions basis (ignoring the highly predictable fact the same wankers who punted Brexit are now badly implementing it on that front) but getting all misty eyed for queues outside the butchers? Nah, I'll never understand it but then again I'm an aging millennial snowflake so what do I know?
The first step to wisdom is accepting that you know nothing
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