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A thank you to Brexiteers.

Who cares?

I really don't either way any more, but this endless whinging from entrenched positions is tiresome and deserves nothing more than mockery.

Brexit has happened, it will never be reversed. End of.
It might get reversed some day but its here now, and whining about it will fix nothing.
It might get reversed some day but its here now, and whining about it will fix nothing.

Could say the same about tories being in power. I see most of it as "look how the tories have fucked this up ..." on both sides.
It might get reversed some day but its here now, and whining about it will fix nothing.

I really don't think it will. The EU in anything remotely resembling its current form would not have us back without conditions that would never be approved here, they would want us on Greek terms. It's over and a new chapter awaits, let's go.
Could say the same about tories being in power. I see most of it as "look how the tories have fucked this up ..." on both sides.
That seems like a reasonable position to take.

Unfortunately there are a few die-hard Remainers here who are still taking every opportunity to blame those who voted to Leave five years ago rather than those who have fucked up implementing it.
Who cares?

I really don't either way any more, but this endless whinging from entrenched positions is tiresome and deserves nothing more than mockery.

Brexit has happened, it will never be reversed. End of.

Yep, Brexit is a done deal, signed, sealed, and delivered by the Conservative Party, "Remain" and "Lexit" are now things of the past.

But there should still be room for discussion of if and how badly the Tories are fucking things up, especially if they're going to be arguing at the next election that their Brexit policies should take all the credit for pay rises etc. when workers in EU countries and elsewhere might be coming out of COVID with bigger pay rises etc. than their British counterparts.
Unfortunately there are a few die-hard Remainers here who are still taking every opportunity to blame those who voted to Leave five years ago rather than those who have fucked up implementing it.
out of interest, how would you have liked to see Brexit implemented differently, or rather what are the key things the Tories have done you disagree with in regards its implementation, and what should they have done instead?
out of interest, how would you have liked to see Brexit implemented differently, or rather what are the key things the Tories have done you disagree with in regards its implementation, and what should they have done instead?
Consultation ahead of triggering article 50. National coalition government after that first election that reduced majority to nothing. Personally favoured staying in single market but moving clear of the EU's ever closer union
This just the start , huge potential for union organisation as well. The article also explains how one firm is also looking to recruit woman drivers.

Who was it on here who claimed Tesco didn't employ HGV drivers? :p:facepalm:

Come on own up.
For the record, this thread can fuck off as well
When is the Brexit forum launching? I've never "ignored" anything on Urban but that's getting it.

It's a Brexit country. 5 years and longer. 2 general elections and a referendum. Over half a decade ago.

Remainers are approaching that point where you'll end up in a central American jungle clearing with a large vat of elixir, and a charismatic cult leader. You're way out there with flat earth folks. Ever further fringe and weird, in an ever-diminishing bubble: the chosen people. The true believers.
It's a Brexit country. 5 years and longer. 2 general elections and a referendum. Over half a decade ago.

Remainers are approaching that point where you'll end up in a central American jungle clearing with a large vat of elixir, and a charismatic cult leader. You're way out there with flat earth folks. Ever further fringe and weird, in an ever-diminishing bubble: the chosen people. The true believers.
Kool-aid irony.
It's a Brexit country. 5 years and longer. 2 general elections and a referendum. Over half a decade ago.

Remainers are approaching that point where you'll end up in a central American jungle clearing with a large vat of elixir, and a charismatic cult leader. You're way out there with flat earth folks. Ever further fringe and weird, in an ever-diminishing bubble: the chosen people. The true believers.
This is just alphabetti spaghetti

We don't have Brexit. None of the things you believe you voted for are happening nor will they. Currently we aren't upholding our agreements under the deal we negotiated and your messiah won an election on. The whole thing is an unworkable mess won on a campaign of lies.

There are no remainers. There are just people who don't like the fact a group of lying cunts are now in power having fooled gullible twats into believing obvious lies
And now we have a government that wants slave labour via chain gangs, and to up the ante on the long debunked stop and search policy. All because Brexit has enabled these wankcunts
And now we have a government that wants slave labour via chain gangs, and to up the ante on the long debunked stop and search policy. All because Brexit has enabled these wankcunts
The chain gangs is just a bit of Blair’s community service in high viz jackets revisited. All talk no trousers
Who was it on here who claimed Tesco didn't employ HGV drivers? :p:facepalm:

Come on own up.

Nice try. But nobody has claimed that. I have however stated that their drivers are not part of the planned strike day by Hauliers. You really don’t know anything about the food supply chain do you? Come on, own up.
Nice try. But nobody has claimed that. I have however stated that their drivers are not part of the planned strike day by Hauliers. You really don’t know anything about the food supply chain do you? Come on, own up.
Sorry I must have mistaken your reply.

You do realise they aren’t employed by Sainsbury’s and Tesco’s right?
There are no remainers. There are just people who don't like the fact a group of lying cunts are now in power having fooled gullible twats into believing obvious lies
reference clown photos of bread shelves: look at these photos of the moon with the shadow at the wrong angle!!!
Will read when I can suss out how to bypass the paywall (I know there are links on here) and am not ludicrously tired.

I was (and still am) against the UK leaving the EU, I'm not middle class, and can really see a lot of your and Smokeandsteam's points about Brexit and the EU.
Open a private/incognito (or whatever it is called) browser window, go to google and type in the title of the article - this usually gets around the FT paywall for me.

Or you can sign up for 3 months access for £1 (if a new reader). Well worth it, it is easily the best UK paper.
out of interest, how would you have liked to see Brexit implemented differently, or rather what are the key things the Tories have done you disagree with in regards its implementation, and what should they have done instead?
I'm not sure that my 'fantasy Brexit' has much relevance to where we are now, but one thing I would have done was to make it quite clear that anyone from the EU who could demonstrate they had been living in the UK for a period of one year before a certain date would be welcome to remain living and working here, and would be able to claim British citizenship to enable them to do this if they wished.
out of interest, how would you have liked to see Brexit implemented differently, or rather what are the key things the Tories have done you disagree with in regards its implementation, and what should they have done instead?
I'm not sure that my 'fantasy Brexit' has much relevance to where we are now, but one thing I would have done was to make it quite clear that anyone from the EU who could demonstrate they had been living in the UK for a period of one year before a certain date would be welcome to remain living and working here, and would be able to claim British citizenship to enable them to do this if they wished.
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