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A thank you to Brexiteers.

On one hand food prices are rising without wages rising, on the other hand, food prices will rise if workers get a pay rise and on yet another hand the best way to assist those on UC really is for workers to refuse wage rises sort of stuff ? Yes I get your drift .
The most rational answer would be to accept that there might be good items here and there that you can't by for a few weeks. It's only because that's intolerable to capitalism that wage rises become the lesser evil.

More importantly, wrong thread.
It'll be interesting to see even small rises in poverty wage characterised as evil causes of inflation, as contrasted with residential property inflation of over 100% during the 10 years of peak Austerity - which wasn't characteristic as inflation at all; just one of those crazy free market outcomes - esentially free money for the righteous middle class.

For a government, there's an important double benefit from rising poverty wages; one, direct taxation revenues increase and second, smaller Universal Credit payments. They're going to need all of that when sovereign debt repayments begin to rise.

Another new source of unexpected income for the Gov is far grimmer; about £2 billion a year from reduced pension payments, plus an increase in Inheritance Tax.

The Gov has the capacity to handle wage inflation, it's the uexpected that's cause for concern. But it sure as hell won't be presented in that way in the Remain media.
It'll be interesting to see even small rises in poverty wage characterised as evil causes of inflation, as contrasted with residential property inflation of over 100% during the 10 years of peak Austerity - which wasn't characteristic as inflation at all; just one of those crazy free market outcomes - esentially free money for the righteous middle class.

For a government, there's an important double benefit from rising poverty wages; one, direct taxation revenues increase and second, smaller Universal Credit payments. They're going to need all of that when sovereign debt repayments begin to rise.

Another new source of unexpected income for the Gov is far grimmer; about £2 billion a year from reduced pension payments, plus an increase in Inheritance Tax.

The Gov has the capacity to handle wage inflation, it's the uexpected that's cause for concern. But it sure as hell won't be presented in that way in the Remain media.
A good post that illustrates the base truth that neither neoliberal economics nor the agenda of the neoliberal, consolidator state are affected by the slight rearrangement of the political superstructure effected by exiting membership of the supra state.

If some real-terms wages rise the Tories will, of course, see that threat to the neoliberal project as an opportunity to shift even more public revenue generation from capital to labour. We're already hearing the Johnson's "social care plan" will involve increased NI contribution etc.

Those seeking exit from the supra state certainly weren't doing so in order to raise real wages for the working class, and if that is an unintended macro-economic outcome, those same folk now in power will do what is required by capital to negate the cost burden.
On one hand food prices are rising without wages rising, on the other hand, food prices will rise if workers get a pay rise and on yet another hand the best way to assist those on UC really is for workers to refuse wage rises sort of stuff ? Yes I get your drift .
Not really what I said though is it? :D

I would like to see the minimum wage increase to a level that it is actually enough to live on & UC (the taxpayer) is not subsidising Tescos & Sainsbury's wage bill.
Not really what I said though is it? :D

I would like to see the minimum wage increase to a level that it is actually enough to live on & UC (the taxpayer) is not subsidising Tescos & Sainsbury's wage bill.

The story I linked to isn’t about the Sainsbury’s or Tesco’s wage bill.
I'm quite excited by this book proposal from Johnny Favourite , the ex-leader of Skaters Against the War and the short lived Skaters Against Feral Youth. Probably needs a bit more fleshing out and advice from someone on here about the technical issues of computers and portals (providing they don't bore everybody with recommending installing SSD cards ) but I think it could even attract film rights tbh.

Something is happening in the now affluent area of Cheadle High Street. Once a bastion of pre revolutionary optimism thrusting with advanced sections of the working class and anarchist estate agents the area has now been levelled up. The area is booming, the local Spar shop was replaced by a supermarket, more supermarkets arrived to meet demand .There are four supermarkets to every ten people. 25% of the population now have a house inside a supermarket and greet each other in the morning by shouting over the aisles that separate them from their neighbours.

However at t the Headless Chicken Plant Based Wine Bar, where the EU flag at half mast casts a permanent shadow, all is not right. Locals glumly sip their craft beer dismayed by the chronic au pair shortage. The decision by the local Council run by the Urbanistas to abolish the working class as it was too hard to define has led them to frantically count their change for any sign of hyperinflation due to wages rising by 50 pence an hour.

What is really disturbing is that not only are lorry drivers being pinged by the local Trick and Trace system but so are drivers of electric Range Rovers, MPVs, , expensive bikes with trolleys made in Germany subject to import tax. Even those pushing a supermarket trolley are pinged when approaching the frozen department where the petis pois would normally be. In some cases customers approaching an aisle to take a photo of it for the Empty Shelf of the Month competition have been pinged and told to isolate.

Something somewhere is decidedly odd. When quizzed, by people who have nothing better to do than quiz supermarket checkout staff , checkout staff reply in an almost Stepford way ‘That it is nothing to do with Brexit’. At night there are rumours that convoys of trucks of peas are being delivered to the Headless Chicken by men dressed in black armed with baguettes

However the game is a foot when the intrepid Bimble, by day an ordinary bat owner, discovers that the vaccines administered by the supermarkets to staff have been made by a company called Astaroth Zeneca .The mysterious owner of whom is also a Director of Trick and Trace.

Further more a chance and unexplained problem with her Chrome browser leads her to stumble on a virtual portal on her computer that leads to the subterranean cellars of the Headless Chicken in which not only is there a mountain of petit pois but a cosmic gateway to the EU. . This portal not only enables travelling small bands form Luxemburg to tour the UK and sell merchandise but more importantly bypasses the jurisdiction of the UK Government and Brexit. If Bimble and her Urbanistas can get to the legendary facsimile of Weatherspoons of which legend has it that on Vder Leyen has built in her garden then Cheadlehighstreet will rejoin the EU.

Passport to Bimblico will be released by Ladybird Books in early 2022. These events are based on a true story
The story I linked to isn’t about the Sainsbury’s or Tesco’s wage bill.

From the article you linked to.
On Friday, the supermarkets Asda, Tesco and Sainsbury’s began asking suppliers for extra payments to cover the costs of raising wages for delivery drivers in a desperate move to offset shortages.
I'm quite excited by this book proposal from Johnny Favourite , the ex-leader of Skaters Against the War and the short lived Skaters Against Feral Youth. Probably needs a bit more fleshing out and advice from someone on here about the technical issues of computers and portals (providing they don't bore everybody with recommending installing SSD cards ) but I think it could even attract film rights tbh.

Brilliant! :D
I'm quite excited by this book proposal from Johnny Favourite , the ex-leader of Skaters Against the War and the short lived Skaters Against Feral Youth. Probably needs a bit more fleshing out and advice from someone on here about the technical issues of computers and portals (providing they don't bore everybody with recommending installing SSD cards ) but I think it could even attract film rights tbh.

The chicken plant based wine bar….. classic 😁
You do realise they aren’t employed by Sainsbury’s and Tesco’s right?
Are you sure about that?

How much does Sainsbury’s pay HGV drivers?​

HGV driver at Sainsbury’s


Typical range


HGV driver employees at Sainsbury’s are typically paid £13.50–17.57 an hour
I just read that due to Brexit rules and regs, M&S have dropped half the range of sandwiches they're exporting into Ireland. EXCELLENT! Another Brexit positive. Fucking massive food miles on things like sandwiches is disgraceful and should be outlawed.
Very long and extremely pompous but kind of fascinating is mr giant brain Cummings’s account on his blog of what Vote Leave did and how come in his opinion they won.

'The office could only do so much. If Boris, Gove, and Gisela had not supported us and picked up the baseball bat marked ‘Turkey/NHS/£350 million’ with five weeks to go, then 650,000 votes might have been lost. .'

'Would we have won without immigration? No. Would we have won without £350m/NHS? All our research and the close result strongly suggests No.

etc etc . Great stuff.
Went to Sainsburies today and at this time of year it's usually very quiet in general as there's no students in what is an area with a high student population. I've never seen the shelves this empty. The fruit and veg section is completely cleared of produce save a few bits here and there. The rest of the shop doesn't fare much better with huge gaps on the shelves.

I'm sure someone will be along to tell me that it's all just covid and that pesky app, even though shops had no real supply issues last year (start of pandemic panic buying not withstanding).

I can't wait for the benefits of Lexit to take hold when our shops will be full of high quality produce all grown, hand picked and delivered by people who resemble the cast of Postman Pat.
I'm down to my last Fray Bentos tinned pie 😔

A bit wordy as a slogan, though. You can see why they dropped it from the side of the bus.
It's not as long as the title and number of the latest Fast And Furious movie, which is also plastered on the side of many buses.

It also describes the Leave campaign's attitude to the truth
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