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A thank you to Brexiteers.

Really interesting reading actual drivers responses to it all on the Twitter, their takes on why so few younger British people are coming into the job here & haven’t for years. Like you have to pay stupidly loads to qualify and then nobody wants drivers without a years experience, then you pay loads more to park up anywhere that’s legal, as required by law, probably fight someone for your space cos there are nowhere near enough.
If when you’re off for a wee some migrants manage to hide in yr truck en route you go to prison.
No facilities, or massively expensive ones at service stations.
It basically doesn’t make any sense unless you’re earning more after all of that than you could at home / elsewhere.

Same in most industries these days, junior positions needing degrees and three years experience. Almost every IT job I see advertised for newbies expects you to have degree and more importantly experience.

Even half the hospitality stuff expects you to have experience - wife spent a few months applying for café jobs back in like 2014/2015 and none would take her as no experience.
I think people here understand basic international economics; but just to be sure...maybe you could say what you understand by basic international economics; for instance are you angling at purchasing power parity ("Big Mac index") as a justification for your isolationist position?
Yup Urban is the first call , checks notes, for a basic understanding of international economics. Please follow us for part 2 of Bimble and others discover how working class people struggle for a career that pays and how focussing on Marty1's latest incarnation can divert us from these depressing issues. News follows.
Yes; I suspect that the troll's ideological position is predominantly a nativist/nationalist one, but he's accused posters here of not understanding International Economics which is...checks notes...QI.

I won't be the first to mention to you that you are a predicatable, repetive boor; boorish and crass. Of course U75 is important in you life.
He is not Marty1 for God sake.

They've conditioned themselves to behave on here so as to conform to the group. Not a single one thinks independently. The group comes first, you can't risk having a different opinion even if you were capable of it: yeah he's Marty! Marty! - everyone back me up, be in with the gang: Marty! Marty! Marty!

Anything other than think for yourselves.
Anyone else think the NI/EU border issue will just be kicked down the road for a couple years, insuring very comfortable retirements for more lawyers, before rejoining the customs union in all but name.
Nah. I'd don't think it can be allowed to slide for that long, and I also don't think the UK can be back in the customs union that quickly. There will have to be either implementation or a sanctions/trade war scenario by the end of the year.
I won't be the first to mention to you that you are a predicatable, repetive boor; boorish and crass. Of course U75 is important in you life.

It's clearly important in your life, otherwise you wouldn't have come back.

Don't be coy. We know you're not Marty1. So, who did you used to be and why did you return?

To settle some scores etc?
For anyone who thinks the 'empty shelves' are all covid related then read this and pick it apart.

For anyone who thinks an article by the former camera man and ally of Tommy Robinson is worth picking apart
No more self isolation pings for the lorry drivers or other essential supply chain workers now, so that must mean no more empty shelves.
Three grand to get a hgv license in this country. That is mad.

For anyone who thinks the 'empty shelves' are all covid related then read this and pick it apart.

Bloody Remoaner fearmonger :D

Brexit is going well #worldbeating and the NHS is so grateful for the £350m pw
Maybe cos of this thread, I got an advert on Youtube earlier for retraining as an HGV driver...

Listening to LBC this morning, a few truckers on. IR35 is also an issue, along with customs and Covid.
Tesco online was noticeably out of a few items when I put an order in the other day. I'm expecting a few more missing items when it turns up on Monday.
They've conditioned themselves to behave on here so as to conform to the group. Not a single one thinks independently. The group comes first, you can't risk having a different opinion even if you were capable of it: yeah he's Marty! Marty! - everyone back me up, be in with the gang: Marty! Marty! Marty!

Anything other than think for yourselves.

Marty1 was a cock, but he definitely lacked the same bitter edge this dude has. He's still got a massive and obvious chip on his shoulder despite being a new poster, so if he's a returner, he's someone else not Marty.
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