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A thank you to Brexiteers.

There are employment laws. Inc min wage laws. A lot of good law is still in place inc. the Equalitie Act 2010. That isn't what created poverty wages for UK employees.

This happened becasue there was no control on economic migrants from economically underdeveloped, considerably poorer countries - men who were happy to doss in the lorry parks and share a caravan with half a dozen others if it meant sending home remittance.

The EU - with Germany in the lead - created economic mismatches on a national scale, repeatedly, for their own ends.
No, I said "we should have some fucking employment laws that stop that sort of thing and give people - particularly providing essential service - good pay and conditions." Companies can find a whole lot of reasons why pay should be really low. That's why we need laws to stop them.
This is what you said - Brexit explained in a nut shell:
Neighbour worked for Cornish company and the wages were shit - a lot worse than he was promised when offered the job and long shifts with no paid overtime, not paid at all for hours over in a long shift which he reckoned put him under the minimum wage for a job as skilled and responsible as driving a huge fuck-off truck through Cornwall at night :mad:. I'll swear that didn't used to be the deal for overtime pay.
If your neighbour didn't like the deal, there were plenty who'd grab it - from countries where the min wage was either side of £3 an hour.
You explained open border migration in a nut shell. For people from SE EU - Romania, Bulgaria, etc, where the min wage was either side of £3 an hour - a £10 an hour job driving around the UK was living the dream. Prior to thier arrival, the job was skilled work/wage for a family man.

what when what time frame

and before the eastern European was it not the the Irish the blacks and the Indians who were the bogey men driving down wages
This is what you said - Brexit explained in a nut shell:

If your neighbour didn't like the deal, there were plenty who'd grab it - from countries where the min wage was either side of £3 an hour.
Not if there were laws to protect people by stopping that. You don't think workers should be protected in this way to ensure rates and conditions are fair?
Not if there were laws to protect people by stopping that. You don't think workers should be protected in this way to ensure rates and conditions are fair?
Of course they're protected, we're all protected. But it's a free market - supply and demand. Have we really got to go to that level to explain what happened to drivers wages under open borders policy? You just explained to us how the free market - the EU 'single market' - worked in practice, in Cornwall.
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No, I said "we should have some fucking employment laws that stop that sort of thing and give people - particularly providing essential service - good pay and conditions." Companies can find a whole lot of reasons why pay should be really low. That's why we need laws to stop them.
It's worth pointing out here that we did have employment laws while were in the EU (indeed they were often held up as being something we couldn't hope to achieve were we not in the EU), but that those employment laws still didn't prevent the undermining of pay and conditions in many industries, including haulage, which were able to rely on workers from poorer parts of the EU, which effectively kept wage levels lower than they would otherwise be, and allowed employers to get away with not training sufficient new drivers to keep the industry going.
Carpenter who did some work for me hated Blair with a passion because Europeans came over, forcing down pay and conditions for his work, too.
ditto your Polish plumbers. UK self-employed were a sitting target for eastern economic migrants arriving under open borders - a massive mismatch of national economic development . Can't pay a family-sized mortgage when your competitior is sharing a trailer in Esssex with 6 other plumbers.
ditto your Polish plumbers. UK self-employed were a sitting target for eastern economic migrants arriving under open borders.
because there weren't laws to stop that. Just have a proper living wage for anyone who is in the country. Why do you keep ignoring this?
Maybe this is the nub of why i'm such a remoaner. I don't really get the thing of why british jobs for british people is an unquestionable good, why it's important that people from poorer countries stay poorer. Maybe it doesn't help that I'm a child of 'economic migrants'.
because there weren't laws to stop that. Just have a proper living wage for anyone who is in the country. Why do you keep ignoring this?
There are laws. They're called ... checks notes .. immigration laws. We have those now. Have a stab at why that it. It begins with B and involved a national referendum.
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Not if there were laws to protect people by stopping that. You don't think workers should be protected in this way to ensure rates and conditions are fair?

It wasn't all that long ago that British builders were the ones who got jobs in Germany by working for lower wages, until the Germans banned "wage dumping."

Imagine if truck driving was less of a last bastion of manliness, and wasnt missing out on half the potential workforce, that might've have helped make it a bit more resilient to change, or if more women were drivers would that be just as bad as foreigners and push down wages.
One of the reasons it's "a last bastion of manliness", if indeed that's the case, is because in many ways the conditions within the industry are far from ideal, and many women, especially those with children and other caring commitments, quite sensibly decide it's not for them, especially given the poor level of pay.

But it's starting to sound like you're sneering at truck drivers rather than showing any degree of empathy or understanding of the difficult job they do which, joking aside, many/most here are probably not cut out for.
Maybe this is the nub of why i'm such a remoaner. I don't really get the thing of why british jobs for british people is an unquestionable good, why it's important that people from poorer countries stay poorer. Maybe it doesn't help that I'm a child of 'economic migrants'.
What the screaming fuck. Do you honestly not understand that earnings is relative to an economy, that a Polish plumber earns as much relative to the Polish economy as a British plumber does to the British economy - his family is still essentially middle class, in Poland.

Tell me people here understand basic international economics.
Maybe this is the nub of why i'm such a remoaner. I don't really get the thing of why british jobs for british people is an unquestionable good, why it's important that people from poorer countries stay poorer. Maybe it doesn't help that I'm a child of 'economic migrants'.
I'm not sure that anyone posting here (with the possible exception of Loose Meat who I've had on ignore for ages) is actually saying that though.
One of the reasons it's "a last bastion of manliness", if indeed that's the case, is because in many ways the conditions within the industry are far from ideal, and many women, especially those with children and other caring commitments, quite sensibly decide it's not for them, especially given the poor level of pay.

But it's starting to sound like you're sneering at truck drivers rather than showing any degree of empathy or understanding of the difficult job they do which, joking aside, many/most here are probably not cut out for.
i'm not at all sneering. Of course it would not be for everyone but if that link is true and its really just 1% women that's pretty unusual.
because there weren't laws to stop that. Just have a proper living wage for anyone who is in the country. Why do you keep ignoring this?

This is literally the silliest Remainer post I've seen on this message board. Is there somewhere I can nominate this for the Open Borders / UK Brexit Referendum Award ?
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That's how it's starting to come across, TBH.

If you're concerned, maybe think about why that might be; if not, by all means carry on.
you know, equally, your idea that almost no hgv drivers are women is cos 'the conditions are far from ideal' & they're probably mothers does not come across as completely un-sneery to me.
This is literally the silliest post I've seen on this message board. Is there somewhere I can nominate this for the Open Borders / UK Brexit Referendum Award ?
You don't believe in a minimum hourly rate for people working in this country? If it doesn't cover everyone then companies will be able to get round it by employing cheap labour. There'd be no point.
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