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A thank you to Brexiteers.

I thought everybody knew about the official / provisional / continuity thing, it's been about for years and years
Nope I’ve googled and everything , only results for Continuity Remain post 2016 seems to be guido falkes.
What does it mean to those who use it on here?
there is no discernible Rejoin movement far as I know, what is Continuity Remain ?
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"Continuity remain" is a political movement that objects to Brexit as being a bit like the UK is wearing a tie, then there's a cut and suddenly it isn't.
There are still some people who believe the referendum was illegal & it was only on its advisory status that it managed to get through. Still the foreign backers got a result.
I feel like I was ripped off & would never be happy with a company who ripped me off so why the load of bollocks that the Brexit campaign came out with at the time.
It was mainly lies & scaremongering.
I would not forgive a mugger & that is how I feel is the UK has been mugged by a bunch of cunts.

Sorry for the rant. :thumbs:
I’d estimate 95% plus of the PMC were remain.

i doubt that very much
home counties is where the brexit vote was really won
Yep, my nearest town - proper home counties - Conservative Club on the high street next to the m&s , bunting, tea rooms, the whole stupid thing, it voted leave (narrowly but still) and its the most middle class place you can imagine.

The strongest predictor for voting leave was owing yr own home.

I'm going to keep on typing that. just to annoy you and cos its true.
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Age and wealth decided that leave would win.



More middle class voted for leave than the stereotype says, and vice versa.


It's also that solid boomer demographic that voted Leave, the post war gen.

The choice was always a tough one, I've said this from the start.

There were good reasons to vote leave, my argument was I didn't want to be stuck here dealing with the political class we have in charge. Or the likes of Farage and Boris in charge. That didn't work out.

Regardless of which way you voted we have now moved to a post leave world. What remains is dealing with the fallout and pushing past an environment where the cuddly conservatives have an 80 seat majority
Smokeandsteam Is it you that keeps saying continuity remain?
if it is you, what do you mean by it?

A dwindling army that fights on after the war has been ended. Increasingly remote from the constituency that it claims it draws support from. Due to its awareness of its own active and palpable decomposition prone to stunts/overreach/fantasy. As it drifts further into space the small group of fanatics marooned in the bubble tell themselves ‘one more heave’…
A dwindling army that fights on after the war has been ended. Increasingly remote from the constituency that it claims it draws support from. Due to its awareness of its own active and palpable decomposition prone to stunts/overreach/fantasy. As it drifts further into space the small group of fanatics marooned in the bubble tell themselves ‘one more heave’…

It worked for fucking UKIP types for 40 years which is why we are here, so fuck it, heave away boys
A dwindling army that fights on after the war has been ended. Increasingly remote from the constituency that it claims it draws support from. Due to its awareness of its own active and palpable decomposition prone to stunts/overreach/fantasy. As it drifts further into space the small group of fanatics marooned in the bubble tell themselves ‘one more heave’…
Where are these people?
i have never seen one, even online, until that link a few posts up. They seem to haunt your imagination like some ghoulish horde.
Brexit is done, we who live on this island have all brexited, why are you constantly going on about these invisible fantasists ?
A dwindling army that fights on after the war has been ended. Increasingly remote from the constituency that it claims it draws support from. Due to its awareness of its own active and palpable decomposition prone to stunts/overreach/fantasy. As it drifts further into space the small group of fanatics marooned in the bubble tell themselves ‘one more heave’…

is the not GETTR

Where are these people?
i have never seen one, even online, until that link a few posts up. They seem to haunt your imagination like some ghoulish horde. Brexit is done, we have all brexited, why are you constantly going on about these to me invisible fantasists ?
Its leaders are the whole of the professional middle class, so of course you've seen them, silly.
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