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A thank you to Brexiteers.

All those cosy middle class jobs disappearing after furlough and yet no one willing to take a Brexit available job. What a time to be alive ..
Project Fear/The Guardian's 100,000 shortage appears to have reduced to 60,000 in ... checks notes ... 4 days.

It's a funny old thing how this has happened time and again over ... checks notes ... 5 years. Never once do Remoaners twig ...
When has this happened before? Did we leave the EU prior to last winter and I just failed to notice?
sure it all the people who will lose their income at the end of the furlough scheme can all go work in weatherspoons or being truck drivers

Sorry to piss on your chips but if you’d bothered to read the article you note that the labour shortages are increasing fastest in high paying areas of the economy as well.

What’s wrong with driving a truck by the way? Without lorry drivers bringing food and supplies - and who worked through the pandemic by the way - we’d be fucked. One of the most socially valuable jobs around.
Sorry to piss on your chips but if you’d bothered to read the article you note that the labour shortages are increasing fastest in high paying areas of the economy as well.

What’s wrong with driving a truck by the way? Without lorry drivers bringing food and supplies - and who worked through the pandemic by the way - we’d be fucked. One of the most socially valuable jobs around.
Wetherspoons on the other hand...
Been debated elsewhere.

The mention of it, in this context - and the deliberate exclusion of the rest of the hospitality sector - is a symbol. The symbol being: possession of beclowning continuity remain politics and low level middle class nervousness at places where working class people gather in large numbers.

Tbf, (can't speak for all) it's the Tim Martin factor that rankles. Would drink in spoons every so often, during London days. But wouldn't want to fill his pockets nowadays.
Been debated elsewhere.

The mention of it, in this context - and the deliberate exclusion of the rest of the hospitality sector - is a symbol. The symbol being: possession of beclowning continuity remain politics and low level middle class nervousness at places where working class people gather in large numbers.

Also, it's not as if the drinking public had an active role to play in the decline of non-chain pubs. The rise of Wetherspoons is a symptom of the wider decline and consolidation of outlets which serve the typical punter. You can see this by just looking at your local High Street, with its empty shopfronts and the accompanying rash of Poundlands and charity shops.
Also, it's not as if the drinking public had an active role to play in the decline of non-chain pubs. The rise of Wetherspoons is a symptom of the wider decline and consolidation of outlets which serve the typical punter. You can see this by just looking at your local High Street, with its empty shopfronts and the accompanying rash of Poundlands and charity shops.

What’s hilarious is the idea of middle class remainers venturing into working class districts to enforce their ‘boycott’ of the spoons. What’s typical is their abject failure to nourish, participate in and materially support union efforts to organise the spoons workforce so that it’s staff can leverage improvements to their pay, terms and conditions.
sure it all the people who will lose their income at the end of the furlough scheme can all go work in weatherspoons or being truck drivers
I doubt that many of them are qualified to be truck drivers, TBH, though I detect in your post the idea that truck driving would be somehow beneath them.
I think the idea of "middle class remainers venturing into working class districts" to try to stop people going to Wetherspoons might be a flight of fancy.

Tbh, London recalled doesn't tally with the particular class segregation suggested. IMHO, of course. Yes, there are areas which obviously are posh and obscenely rich but fuck it, maybe remembered it all wrong.

Seem to recall locals were wc/mc and the occasional toff. IME, must stress.
I doubt that many of them are qualified to be truck drivers, TBH, though I detect in your post the idea that truck driving would be somehow beneath them.

would not put it below the Tory to force the unemployed to whatever work their told to lose universal completely and they have plenty more people in the system to play around with shortly

fuck me what is it with this place and trunk drivers atm, fuck me the earn over the average wage before Brexit and plenty of worse jobs around that driving a truck
would not put it below the Tory to force the unemployed to whatever work their told to lose universal completely and they have plenty more people in the system to play around with shortly

fuck me what is it with this place and trunk drivers atm, fuck me the earn over the average wage before Brexit and plenty of worse jobs around that driving a truck

Look forward to the ghoulish Remainiac articles in the Guardian crowing over the "thick racists" being made to jump through hoops by the DWP.
more than likely getting it from the scum and the heil calling the unemployed feckless saying they are leeching off the government for not be willing to accept any old job

they have form not the guardian
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