Live Baby Fabric!
It was a rhetorical question. To point out how daft Gaia's suggestion that "TERFs aren't feminists" is; they are, by definition.
I've seen on social media the preffered term is FARTs now (Feminist Appropriating Radical Transphobe),apparently.
It's like being back at school. "Scabby Speccy Boffin 4 Eyed Loser", "Try-hard Educated Random Freak"
Fuckin Sad. From adults n all.
But then we all know how Post Modernists and liberals like to play with language in order to be "liberating". 7 different classes which we can all move between freely. Leftism=freedom of choice.
"It's all in your mind dude, shit maybe there aint no real!"
"Go for an aura reading and some crystal healing" BLAH BLAH BLAH. Magical thinking bollocks meets the playground.
Everyone knows who the females are.