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75-year-old widow to be flogged

great argument i can see how your going to get yourself lots of converts

nobody is born with a belief these things are passed onto individuals by the society they grow up in

to claim that some one from the moment they are born is set to have one belief is as good as removing from them any free will

if one choses to have faith that is one thing but faith is thrust upon children which can not be justified
great argument i can see how your going to get yourself lots of converts

nobody is born with a belief these things are passed onto individuals by the society they grow up in

to claim that some one from the moment they are born is set to have one belief is as good as removing from them any free will

if one choses to have faith that is one thing but faith is thrust upon children which can not be justified

So you would think but still wrong.
My daughter is 13 months. When the call to prayer is heard, she shuts up and sits still.
No one forced her or even taught her. She just does it.

I have to admit it was part of the reason I settles here that this is a Muslim country.
Here my daughter has a far better chance to grow up happily and free from bad influences like drugs and excess booze (or any booze).
When she gets married there is a better than average chance the marriage will be for life and her future husband will treat her with the respect that is common out here.
There is just so much that posters on here are blind to.
shock horror in child reacts in response to outside stimulus and mimics adult behaviour development...

as for the latter stuff thats just empty rhetoric

marriage for life is big in many religious countries... with many of those couples hating each other and only staying together because of social and religious pressure...
is not respect for people common all other the world or is this some special kind of respect
i'm not even going to get started on the idea that drinking is somehow bad

there is so much you chose to blind yourself to

religion doesn't make people good... people make people good

and for all the good you mention why do you not mention the horrors also done in the name of god? are you blinded to them or do those not count?

religion has helped some people and holybooks often have some reasonable moral tales inthem

but they also contain death and needless slaughter

and yet somehow it is good for children to be born into a world where they do not get a choice in what they belive they do not get a choice in what they drink or eat? thjis is nothing but the taking of freedom

but yet somehow it is i who is blind

better blind than a taker of freedom
When she gets married there is a better than average chance the marriage will be for life

it is you could say... a crime of passion...

it is distasteful to call religion child abuse

whatever you personally think of religion looking from the parents point of view they are only trying to help the child
Islam is political. In fact muslims that take the religion the most seriously consider there to be nothing outside of islam.

I would think all religions are political in terms of behaviour and where humans try to control other humans.

In fact, i once read that we should keep politics out of religion, and liked it so much i've never forgotten it!

Politics and religion are great bedfellows. I also remember reading blair talking about iraq and telling the reporter 'my christian conscience is clear'!!!

Probably just about all the bad stuff in the human world is due to these twin evils.
Islam is political. In fact muslims that take the religion the most seriously consider there to be nothing outside of islam.

There is no definitive 'Islam'. I just think blaming religion for oppressive regimes is barking up the wrong tree.

For instance religious people are not the only people who have beliefs and faith in a higher, unchangeable truth. Science shapes beliefs and is also political.
I would think all religions are political in terms of behaviour and where humans try to control other humans.

In fact, i once read that we should keep politics out of religion, and liked it so much i've never forgotten it!

Politics and religion are great bedfellows. I also remember reading blair talking about iraq and telling the reporter 'my christian conscience is clear'!!!

Probably just about all the bad stuff in the human world is due to these twin evils.

I don't think of politicians as trustworthy types, they strike me as suspect personalities tbh, but politics itself, if you're a social creature, then you're a political being.
There is no definitive 'Islam'. I just think blaming religion for oppressive regimes is barking up the wrong tree.

For instance religious people are not the only people who have beliefs and faith in a higher, unchangeable truth. Science shapes beliefs and is also political.

My feeling is that religion itself doesn't really exist. That's why I find it so frustrating, people bang on about their Religion but when you look closer you find that like a drawing, it's just a bunch of notional lines that don't actually exist in reality put down on paper to define things that do. It's all names and words and rituals and ideas draped other things that do exist, like prejudice, tradition, fear, hierarchy, tribalism and so on. that's why religion isn't capable of taking responsability for anything, because ultimately it's just a load of man-made-up talk caste around aspects of the struggle for time and resources called life. Take all that crap away and life is still there, unchanged. with the same problems still needing to be solved. Religion solves nothing. You can be a genocidal maniac with or without it, a child rapist, noble-social-emotional, whatever. Religion or lack of it will add nothing either way. That is it adds nothing to the substance, it certainly sucks up alot of energy though.

I don't blame religion for anything, how can you blame an absense of substance for anything, I blame people who waste all our time and energy by bigging up this made up delusion so they don't have to take responsability for the very real things that they are responsable for. For instance yammering on about 'god' and what 'he hath commandeth-ed' instead of facing up to and engaging with the fact that a society is structured for the convenience of men at the expense of women. And that the only bottom line justification for this is testosterone, and the greater force it enables in the human body. That's just one example, there are many others, colonialism, empirialism etc. As human beings we owe it to ourselves to rtake responsability for our actions, religion interferes with this vital process. Religious societies tend to be backward brutal places where the powerful rule by virtue of their power in my opinion. I find it totally compatible with fascism.
No my friend. You are missing the point. People here are born Muslims.
Come here and find out why I'm right. :)

I thought that the actual Muslim belief is that all people are born Muslim, that when we are babies we are in harmony with God, and as we get older we give in to temptation and thus lose harmony with god, and the only way to regain that harmony is to submit to Allah and Shariah.

(Hence why muslims refer to 'reverts' not 'converts' as when someone from a previously non-muslim background converts to islam, they are simply 'reverting' to the state in which they were born.
but politics itself, if you're a social creature, then you're a political being.

I don't agree mate. If you're a competitive selfish creature then perhaps you're a political being. I don't think there's any politics out of love and empathy for life. In fact, i'd say politics, and being political, is what happens when there is an absence of love and empathy and compassion for one's fellow beings.
ok i've only skimmed this thread so if i've missed something then sorry, but: the woman asked for 5 loaves of bread and was arrested for such.

there are 2 main questions that jump out here:

a) why did she need 5 loaves?
b) why the hell is it illegal for men to give a woman bread?

are loaves of break like sex tokens in saudi arabia or something, with 5 signifying the ultimate no holds barred scat-fuelled pissfest, anal toenail vomit fetish threesome? only if they're wholegrain paninnis of course....

well depending on the size of loaf you could probably easly go through a few a day if bread was one of your primary sources of carbohydrate

it's not the giving of bread that is wrong it being in the company of men
well depending on the size of loaf you could probably easly go through a few a day if bread was one of your primary sources of carbohydrate

it's not the giving of bread that is wrong it being in the company of men

so if she'd asked for 36 smarties she'd be alright?
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