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75-year-old widow to be flogged

the only good thing to come out of gulf war one was several of saudis relgious police tried there shit on with US female soldiers and either got beaten or had guns shoved in there faces :D
I'd cheerfully use a tebbit knife every last one of the woman hating fuckers
Fuck religion and fuck all the sad twisted cunts who impose their oppressive shit on others.

A pointless rant, I agree, but it had to come out.

Now now, you're being unfair on islam, you can't judge the whole religion by just one theocratic society, blah blah etc etc.
You all seem to be having an islamophobic fest so it will probably spoil your party to note that this sentence is being criticised all across Saudi society and in their press.
You all seem to be having an islamophobic fest so it will probably spoil your party to note that this sentence is being criticised all across Saudi society and in their press.

We managed to evolve to a level where it's not considered reasonable to say "nigger, pakis or poofs" but not yet to the point where it's been worked out that some people like to believe in a higher force and behave in a better way so it's fine to knock religion.

Islam is especially handy as not that many non Muslims understand much so they can pretty much make up what they like and say all Muslims do that.
Even better when a couple of the nutty end of Islam do something stupid. Ye godz, Urban 75 and the BNP love it.

I can't wait for the UK to war with the French so frogs can be the new bastards.
Well, renewed bastards. :)

You made the comment.
Perhaps you could explain the difference between calling a black bloke that and doing the same to a Muslim. :)

Please. I'm really very interested why it's wrong (and it is wrong) for one but fine for the other.
You made the comment.
Perhaps you could explain the difference between calling a black bloke that and doing the same to a Muslim. :)

Please. I'm really very interested why it's wrong (and it is wrong) for one but fine for the other.
Religion is a superstitious pile of bollocks, predominantly used for manipulating the ignorant.

Times have moved on. Get on the bus!
Now now, you're being unfair on islam, you can't judge the whole religion by just one theocratic society, blah blah etc etc.

I'm sure he can reply for himself, but i could not see any singling out of one religion by editor there, just any religion that caused such inhumane behaviour.

Is islam on your mind?!
Religion is a superstitious pile of bollocks, predominantly used for manipulating the ignorant.

Times have moved on. Get on the bus!

So is it OK to call a 'nigger' a Sadistic knuckle-dragging wankstains?

Maybe we could ban muslims from pubs or restaurants.
Make sure they only get shit jobs that whites (sorry, non muslims) don't want and ask them if they have rhythm.

Time to consider your position or an I a nigger, sorry, muzzie lover?
So is it OK to call a 'nigger' a Sadistic knuckle-dragging wankstains?

Maybe we could ban muslims from pubs or restaurants.
Make sure they only get shit jobs that whites (sorry, non muslims) don't want and ask them if they have rhythm.

Time to consider your position or an I a nigger, sorry, muzzie lover?

Are you being deliberately stupid or what?
No. You are.

Answer my question please.
Why is it ok to use a daft statement like that about Muslims but not about blacks?

Very simple question.

because one is a biological trait with no baring on ones actions where as the other is a series of belifes and social structures that are chosen to be followed

thefore one is simply a biolgical state that we know does not effect ones personality yet the other is a somewhat contentions choice of social conduct

there is a problem with assuming that all muslims are fuckwits however your statment was fuckwitted in itself so i needed to comment
No. You are.

Answer my question please.
Why is it ok to use a daft statement like that about Muslims but not about blacks?

Very simple question.

Oh FFS, don't be a knob - this has nothing to do with race.
Oh FFS, don't be a knob - this has nothing to do with race.

Didn't say it had.
I did ask why it's OK for one group but not another.

Answer the question please or are you unable to defend your statement?

If it's not a race thing how about shirt lifters, is that OK? :)
next time a group of gay guys flog a granny we shall, run a poll

The point is, of course, that's it's clearly wrong to label any group as the same and even more so to label them knuckle draggers.

I really think jon has a problem with his prejudices.

Why is it that we consider ourselves so enlightened but are still able to get away with bollocks like that?
The same thing about niggers, poofs or pakis would have got him a slapping.
Why not this?

Or is he right and it's fine?
Didn't say it had.
I did ask why it's OK for one group but not another.
<sigh> ...
As has been said, race is not a matter of choice.
Religion, on the other hand is backward, superstitious fuckwittery, which ignores evidence, rejects reason and is the source of delusion, discord and suffering.
<sigh> ...
As has been said, race is not a matter of choice.
Religion, on the other hand is backward, superstitious fuckwittery, which ignores evidence, rejects reason and is the source of delusion, discord and suffering.

So all the people who are born Muslims are fuck witted cunts and I suppose that goes double for converts.

What a prejudiced cunt you are. :mad:

I would fuck off and join the BNP you useless bastard.
Nobody is 'born' muslim you tool. I was born into a christian family in a christian country-am I a christian? Fuck no.
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