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7/7 Home Office 'narrative' leaked: Iraq led to July 7

Azrael23 said:
Don`t talk about what you have no knowledge on. Do you dream at night? Do you too not suffer from hallucinations? You do realise everything you see is a hallucination?

If your going to condescend at least do a better job of it you hack.
Blimey. What a nutjob!
Jazzz said:
I've found the original messageboard comment which it came from here you can scroll down to the Kirsch reply.
So when some unknown bloke claiming to be a "retired forensic pathologist" posts up on a dodgy board with a startling claim, you just believe him, yes?

Did you do any checks on his background?
Did you check his clais with other pathologists?
Have you in fact confirmed he is a retired forensic pathologist?

In fact, in the three years since you posted up your Vialls 'scoop', have you found any proof at all that he exists?

All I've seen is an email address that could belong to anyone (so there's not much point writing to him), and an extremely dodgy anti-Jewish rant.

Even if he does exist, why the fuck didn't you bother to check these things out in the first place?
I`m happy

I`ve got a good education, a loving family, a beautiful partner, a close circle of friends, fun hobbies, a semi-good band on the go, more books than you can shake a leopold at, a fun car to piss about with, i have lots to live for.

Which is exactly why i`m so opposed to the dehumanisation around us.

Yeah i realise some "conspiracy theorists" hate the NWO simply because they hate everything in their life. They are the ppl I hate, they don`t even believe we can beat it. They`re usually failures in their own lives, they actually get all high and mighty on people like me for daring to believe we`re going to end it all. Tortured poet mentality makes me want to vomit...

We are the good guys, we will win, we aren`t meant to be marginalised in the corner, we aren`t mean to be generalised....

We`re supposed to get angry and then we`re supposed to WIN!!!!
Soul On Ice said:
My best advice is to just ignore them and not give them the "oxygen of publicity" that they and other crackpots like the BNP crave.
That is deeply offensive, I can see no link between anything I have posted and the vile venomous preachings of a neo-fascist group. Apologise please.
Prole said:
That is deeply offensive, I can see no link between anything I have posted and the vile venomous preachings of a neo-fascist group. Apologise please.

The BNP craves publicity. Conspiracyloons crave publicity. No-one is going to apologise for stating the obvious.
detective-boy said:
We don't. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I have yet to see a definitive source for the fact that there were no major plane parts. And I haven't seen a series of pictures in which it is clear there are no plane holes.
More to the point, I haven't seen any source which states that any piece of aircraft has been officially identified as coming from one of the flights in question. Nor have I seen a photo which shows where the wings went. Did you read the George Nelson link?

It's no more perverse than to suggest it needed to come down and yet wasn't specifically targetted in any way which would make it's collapse look logical. And I don't use the fact to support the official theory. I am merely pointing out that it's use to support the unofficial theory is not "fact".
Well you are not applying proper logic. It only takes one impossibility to rule out a theory; a proper explanation for the collapse of WTC7 is required. If it could not have come down as is suggested then one must reject the official theory. "Once you eliminate the impossible...". You can't just wave your hands in the air and say, oh well a skyscraper collapsed with apparently no cause, how strange.

Find me a building which has been brought down in a controlled explosion from the top down then.
They are collapsed from the bottom as you well know. That doesn't mean they need be. Presumably you will need more explosive to do it from the top. It didn't look like demolition because of the order the floors came down. It looked like controlled demolition because of the vast dust cloud, charges appearing to go off, squibs, collapse in near free-fall time, collapse into own footprint, huge central steels flung out into little pieces, etc.

Er .. like it was too hard to find those two planes which hit the WTC then?
Two planes? Can you identify the north tower impact as a 767? I certainly can't.

Oh but it is, if you are using it as part of your theory. It is for you to explain why it supports your theory. So far as I can see the "official side" suggests it is due to blasts down elevator shafts, etc. If you don't go with that, it is up to you to explain some alternative. Cos it sounds plausible enough to me. And I am sure big buildings hit by big planes do lots of things that we wouldn't necessarily expect.
If you think it fits with the jet fuel explanation how is an alternative going to affect you? Others don't think it does square though, such as William Rodriguez who was there and witnessed a huge basement steel door wrinkled like aluminium foil and a hydraulic press vanishing.
editor said:
So when some unknown bloke claiming to be a "retired forensic pathologist" posts up on a dodgy board with a startling claim, you just believe him, yes?

Did you do any checks on his background?
Did you check his clais with other pathologists?
Have you in fact confirmed he is a retired forensic pathologist?

In fact, in the three years since you posted up your Vialls 'scoop', have you found any proof at all that he exists?

All I've seen is an email address that could belong to anyone (so there's not much point writing to him), and an extremely dodgy anti-Jewish rant.

Even if he does exist, why the fuck didn't you bother to check these things out in the first place?
It's you that made the whole song and dance about him. For me, the argument that the dead bodies produced by the USG were not Uday and Qusay is strong and stood for itself. I don't see the need to email Kirsch, nor need I see a reason to doubt his claim to be a retired forensic pathologist.
Lock&Light said:
The BNP craves publicity. Conspiracyloons crave publicity. No-one is going to apologise for stating the obvious.
I find it interesting what the editor here allows to pass without comment.

I believe in truth and justice, I comment here occasionally (although I hate venturing on here due to the nasty abusive remarks that are made) only on issues relating to 7th July.

I believe that events such as 9/11 and 7/7 create a new 'enemy', Muslims, for corporate Capitalist countries, since the break-up of the Soviet bloc countries meant that the old enemy, Communism, could no longer be used as a bogey-man.

I abhor the BNP and any other neo-fascist groupings.

This forum is a very unpleasant place to post for anyone who questions 'official' versions of events. I don't know what people's views are on the great lie of WMD, and the subsequent slaughter of thousands and thousands of innocent people, but that is one proven conspiracy FACT that many people were involved in. How many of them have admitted it?

I would still like an apology or a comment from the ed, thanks.
Jazzz said:
I don't see the need to email Kirsch, nor need I see a reason to doubt his claim to be a retired forensic pathologist.
Wooargh! Spot the backtrack!

YOU decided to waffle on about Kirsch again after all this time, so why are you suddenly so keen to forget all about the fella?

But let's get this straight: if someone posting on a conspiracy-tastic website makes a claim, you simply believe it?!!!

Why didn't you check his credentials?

Apart from some deeply anti-Jewish unpleasant material authored under his name, there's not a single shred of evidence I've seen yet that he actually exists - yet his name has been bandied about twice in these forums: once in his supposed conspiracy-busting capacity as a 'retired forensic pathologist' and then again as part of the 'Scientific Panel Investigating Nine-Eleven', claiming to be a back-out-of-retirement 'MD' at the 'University of Witwatersrand.'

And still no one knows if he actually exists or not - but with absolutely no evidence to hand, you see "no reason to doubt" the word of an apparently invisible, unpublished, unverified, anti-Jewish (retired/non-retired) pathologist.

Do you beleive in fairies too - because right now there's as much proof of them existing as there is of this unpleasant Kirsch character.
Prole said:
I find it interesting what the editor here allows to pass without comment.
That'll be because the editor was having dinner and you haven't bothered to report the post.
Prole said:
I would still like an apology or a comment from the ed, thanks.
And what the fuck have I got to 'apologise' for?

Prole said:
This forum is a very unpleasant place to post for anyone who questions 'official' versions of events.
Actually, it's an unpleasant place for deluded, obsessed individuals who seem to think they can abuse the hard-earned popularity of these boads by repeatedly posting up evidence-free conspiraloon fruitcakery.

And rightly so. If you can't bear your idiotic 'theories' or clueless 'questions' being torn apart by people who live in the real world and know how to research stories properly, go and post on Fruitloop Central or whatever.
Jazzz said:
It's you that made the whole song and dance about him. For me, the argument that the dead bodies produced by the USG were not Uday and Qusay is strong and stood for itself. I don't see the need to email Kirsch, nor need I see a reason to doubt his claim to be a retired forensic pathologist.

Don't you feel that, in a world not understocked with forensic pathologists, it's a sign of the weakness of your case that only one hermit-like supposed expert suggested that the bodies weren't real? Surely people would be queuing up if things were as easy to identify as 'wrong' as Kirsch suggested? I severely doubt that even you believe that there's some kind of overarching organisation ruthlessly enforcing the govt line amongst pathologists everywhere.

Something seems fishy about this guy, as there's absolutely no trace of him anywhere. Even little old me merits more than a few google entries, mainly because of my meagre masters degree. Surely he should pop up somewhere? And even if he does exist, why prioritise the view of an untraceable bod based on one or internet contributions over the thousands and thousands of easily accessed pathologists?

Doesn't really make logical sense does it? It is as if you were desperate to cling onto any shred of 'evidence', no matter how poorly sourced or unlikely, in your desperation to bend the facts to fit your worldview.
to editor - fast moving thread

Well just because YOU maintained that he didn't exist. I ventured that he does. Anyway seeing as he does seem to express anti-Jewish sentiments I won't be demanding he prove his credentials to satisfy you. Yes he could be some fraud, but reason I 'believed' him about Uday and Qusay is because of the facts.
Prole said:
This forum is a very unpleasant place to post for anyone who questions 'official' versions of events. I don't know what people's views are on the great lie of WMD, and the subsequent slaughter of thousands and thousands of innocent people, but that is one proven conspiracy FACT that many people were involved in. How many of them have admitted it?

I would still like an apology or a comment from the ed, thanks.

Well... At least this forum keeps fruitloop nutjob jaffacases like yourself and Azreal off the streets... I can't believe you've posting all afternoon when its been a lovely day outside...! :rolleyes:
tarannau said:
And even if he does exist, why prioritise the view of an untraceable bod based on one or internet contributions over the thousands and thousands of easily accessed pathologists?
There weren't any independent pathologists who identified the bodies as that of Uday and Qusay. Anyway, this isn't an argument I particularly want to return to. It was just funny that an email addy for Peter Kirsch turned up out of the blue when his existence had been the subject of countless jibes from editor over several threads. Got to see the funny side of that, even if it was just me.
Jazzz said:
Well just because YOU maintained that he didn't exist. I ventured that he does.
Great. So let's see your evidence!

After all, you've had three years to find something of his existence as a 'retired forensic pathologist,' and only today you were excitedly pointed out that his name was on that (guffaw) 'Scientific Panel' that included, err, junior technicians and other irrelevant non-entities.

So what have you got?
Jazzz said:
It was just funny that an email addy for Peter Kirsch turned up out of the blue when his existence had been the subject of countless jibes from editor over several threads. Got to see the funny side of that, even if it was just me.
You're going to be the subject of many more jibes if you can't produce proof that this anti-Jewish 'retired pathologist' actually exists.
And there goes Jazzz's argument!


This is fun! Shall we move on to those other untraceable conspiraloon yarn-spinners of yours now?

Remember, the two people who you claimed were the only people in the whole of Long Island, NY to see two huge passenger planes roaring overhead the rush hour traffic in broad daylight in a 'dangerously low' and totally illegal formation?

You've had a few years to track them down, so would you care to tell us more?
editor said:
Remember, the two people who you claimed were the only people in the whole of Long Island, NY to see two huge passenger planes roaring overhead the rush hour traffic in broad daylight in a 'dangerously low' and totally illegal formation?

You've had a few years to track them down, so would you care to tell us more?

Yea. And how is the Birmingham investigation coming on Jazzz?

<goes back to lurk mode>
editor said:
And there goes Jazzz's argument!


This is fun! Shall we move on to those other untraceable conspiraloon yarn-spinners of yours now?

Remember, the two people who you claimed were the only people in the whole of Long Island, NY to see two huge passenger planes roaring overhead the rush hour traffic in broad daylight in a 'dangerously low' and totally illegal formation?

You've had a few years to track them down, so would you care to tell us more?
Christ you are boring. For the umpteenth time - that was just speculation as to a method planes could have been got rid of.
Techno303 said:
Yea. And how is the Birmingham investigation coming on Jazzz?

<goes back to lurk mode>
The Birmingham Mercury did a piece which drew heavily on my article. National press haven't touched it. The police released details of some of the more inocuous items found inviting us to draw the conclusion that the rest were also inocuous. I should probably have made more of it but hey I went up there and heard the story first hand from more than one person, of course it doesn't bother editor that the hotel owner who doesn't exist I went and interviewed in his hotel that doesn't exist featuring a Daily Jang article that never existed. In fact how do you know I exist? I'm beginning to wonder if I really exist myself. ;)
Jazzz said:
Christ you are boring. For the umpteenth time - that was just speculation as to a method planes could have been got rid of.
That's simply not true, it it? You're telling porkies, Jazzz!

You claimed that the event happened and these two people - a man and a woman - had kept it a big secret - apart from telling just one person in the whole world about the amazing sight they saw.

And that was a conspiraloon in New York who you, naturally, believed!
Jazzz said:
The Birmingham Mercury did a piece which drew heavily on my article.
Could we see that please?

And why do you think the national press didn't bother with your story?

I could offer a few ideas, but I'd like to hear your opinion.
Jazzz said:
The Birmingham Mercury did a piece which drew heavily on my article. National press haven't touched it. )

And the South London Press ran a story on Brixton's addicted crack squirrels too. Most of the national press didn't touch it either...

And btw, thousands and thousands of pathologists, plastic surgeons and other well qualified folks saw the Uday and Qusay photos. Why did only the mysterious and untraceable 'Dr' Kirsch speak out - are the others stored somewhere in a special underground bunker, scared for their lives?
editor said:
That's simply not true, it it? You're telling porkies, Jazzz!

You claimed that the event happened and these two people - a man and a woman - had kept it a big secret - apart from telling just one person in the whole world about the amazing sight they saw.

And that was a conspiraloon in New York who you, naturally, believed!
Funny how you are having a go at me for 'believing' people so shortly after such righteous indignation that I dare not believe Ted Olsen. For those posters who are the slightest bit interested in this hoary old chestnut of editor's, you can read Dewdney's Operation Pearl which was an 9/11 scenario in which this claim by two Long Island residents is simply quoted as 'inspiration'. :rolleyes:
tarannau said:
And btw, thousands and thousands of pathologists, plastic surgeons and other well qualified folks saw the Uday and Qusay photos. Why did only the mysterious and untraceable 'Dr' Kirsch speak out - are the others stored somewhere in a special underground bunker, scared for their lives?
I don't believe they did (edited to add - or not closely examine them against known photos of the two). Did the photos appear in 'pathology monthly'? 'Cadaver of the year'? I doubt it. This extrapolation by omission is weak argument. We have no independent identification that the bodies were who the USG said they were, and since they covered them in putty and gave them back completely rotten some pretty good reason to think otherwise.
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