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30 years since Falklands War

That's a fair point, so what then is your answer? What should we have done in 1982?

i think you should have accepted that argentina and not Britian has a rightful sovereign claim on territory off the argentinan coast , many thousands of miles from Britian in a different hemisphere . I think it would have made absolutely no difference to your lives whatsoever had this happened , and you might have something approaching a decent relationship with argentina today . Which you plainly dont and are unlikely ever to have .And given the vast majority of Latin America supports Argentina on this issue it laso colours your relationship with them too . You could well end up in another conflict down there . Those people arent going to let this go .
not for little gangs of colonists pining for the mother country while thousands of miles away on another countrys territory , no . Id have just as little time for a bunch of people of pakistani descent arguing for the same thing in Bradford . Or of Irish descent arguing for it in Boston or Kilburn .

I view the British claim as a colonial hangover extremely detrimental to international relationships and a provocation to all those in Latin America who hold Bolivarian principles , and view the argentine claim to their coastal territory as the legitmate one .
I'd disagree . The fate of its indigenous was no different to the rest of Latin America , or indeed the entire American continent . Its citizens today arent responsible for what colonists did in the past , no matter how despicable that was . Argentina is a nation in its own right and in my view its yet another nation getting fucked around by colonial powers with an innate sense of righteousness and superiority and who'll incessantly meddle in the backyards of weaker nations just because they can . The sooner a colonial power endsup with a bloody nose the better in my view . Tends to be the only language they understand . The occupation of Las Malvinas , in acompletely different hemisphere from Britian is just another exercise in gunboat diplomacy in my view .
I'd disagree . The fate of its indigenous was no different to the rest of Latin America , or indeed the entire American continent . Its citizens today arent responsible for what colonists did in the past , no matter how despicable that was . Argentina is a nation in its own right and in my view its yet another nation getting fucked around by colonial powers with an innate sense of righteousness and superiority and who'll incessantly meddle in the backyards of weaker nations just because they can . The sooner a colonial power endsup with a bloody nose the better in my view . Tends to be the only language they understand . The occupation of Las Malvinas , in acompletely different hemisphere from Britian is just another exercise in gunboat diplomacy in my view .
No matter what way you dress it up it does not change he fact that it never belonged to what are todays Argentinians, they stole the land or there ancestors did.
just so we're clear then you absolutely don't blame current argentinians for their ancestors colonial past but you absolutely do blame falkland islanders for their ancestors colonial past.
In my view you might as well argue the angles and saxons robbed england off the ancient Britons. Or the Irish robbed half of scotland off the picts . On the American continent the Indians lost out big style to colonialism . Nations were created by colonialism , the clock cant be turned back in that regard . In most cases theres nobody to even give it back to . What we have to deal with are actual living nations today and not long dead civilisations of the past that dont exist any more . I understand your empathy with indigneous peoples and im not trying to belittle it but the fact is theyre long dead and not a factor for consideration .
just so we're clear then you absolutely don't blame current argentinians for their ancestors colonial past but you absolutely do blame falkland islanders for their ancestors colonial past.

no , of course i dont . Where on earth did I say that ? Just because i dont agree with someone doesnt mean i automatically heap the sins of the world upon them

why on earth would you make up something so preposterous ?
The next window of opportunity for the Argentinians may come when we have two aircraft carriers but no aircraft to put on them.
no , of course i dont . Where on earth did I say that ? Just because i dont agree with someone doesnt mean i automatically heap the sins of the world upon them

why on earth would you make up something so preposterous ?
you say current day argentinians arent responsible for the actions of their ancestors yet you are perfectly happy to force current day flakland islanders to become argentinian (or else presumably be sent packing back to britain) because of the actions of their ancestors in going to colonise the islands in the first place
Aided by another fascist dictatorship that tortured and killed it's political opponents?
Chile and Argentina are traditional enemies, or rather their respective rightwinger/nationalist/loon sectors are, so Pinochet was only too happy to give Mrs.T the dig out. The zero equipped Argentine conscripts who suffered horrible abuses by their officers, staked out on the ground in freezing weather as punishment and so on, were even told they were going to fight Chileans. Nearly 300 Argentine veterans committed suicide after the war, nearly as many as were killed during the land fighting.
Im not arguing for the rights of non existant indigenous peoples .
oh no i can see that. there are no indigenous falkland islanders. you are only upset about this because you see it as a slap in the face the nation state / ruling class of argentina.
you say current day argentinians arent responsible for the actions of their ancestors yet you are perfectly happy to force current day flakland islanders to become argentinian (or else presumably be sent packing back to britain) because of the actions of their ancestors in going to colonise the islands in the first place

no im not . Its got fuck all to do with their ancestors . Your just creating a strawman on this one .I couldnt care less what nationality they opt for and Im quite sure neither could most argentinians . Theres nothing anyone can do to stop Britian giving them full citizenship, not a thing . What I do object to though is that being used as an excuse for an imperialist country to half inch another countrys territory on the other side of the globe.
Two bald men fighting over a comb as someone once said,worse thing about it was that it handed Thatch the 1983 election on a plate.Cheers Galtieri you fascist old cunt.
oh no i can see that. there are no indigenous falkland islanders. you are only upset about this because you see it as a slap in the face the nation state / ruling class of argentina.

Au contraire . i see it as a slap in the face to the entire Latin American continet . And most of them see it that way too .
no im not . Its got fuck all to do with their ancestors . Your just creating a strawman on this one .I couldnt care less what nationality they opt for and Im quite sure neither could most argentinians . Theres nothing anyone can do to stop Britian giving them full citizenship, not a thing . What I do object to though is that being used as an excuse for an imperialist country to half inch another countrys territory on the other side of the globe.
seems like you have more respect for the 'rights' of nation states than for the rights of individuals
Chile and Argentina are traditional enemies, or rather their respective rightwinger/nationalist/loon sectors are, so Pinochet was only too happy to give Mrs.T the dig out. The zero equipped Argentine conscripts who suffered horrible abuses by their officers, staked out on the ground in freezing weather as punishment and so on, were even told they were going to fight Chileans. Nearly 300 Argentine veterans committed suicide after the war, nearly as many as were killed during the land fighting.

they were going to be fighting the chileans . And more British soldiers committed suicide after it than were killed in it .

seems like you have more respect for the 'rights' of nation states than for the rights of individuals

it seems to me that you have more respect for english speaking imperialist nation states than you do for non english speaking non imperialist states
argentina non imperialist? wonder what paraguayans think of that

possibly " hi caramba ..we never should have tried to invade Brazil and Argentina. That was really loco " ??

Argantina has never once attempted to create an empire . Anyone who thinks its imperialist would be pure daft .
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