That's an interesting point abotut he talented pool and i'd argue there's a seriosu problem there too. Talent isn't really coming through!!!
Generaly safety means drivers staying at the top for longer. Sad to say but in the 60s right through to the 80s drivers died, or were sacked on an almost monthly basis. If you look at the driver turnover at even the ultra successful teams they moved around.
And then there's the lack of seats available. F3000 and F3 are great ways into F1 but now money and sponsorship is beginning to make them irrelevant. Not so long ago (well 15 years) there were 16 teams fighting to get on the grid but costs forced many of them out of F1. Yeah to Coloni, Eurobrun, Leyton House were a bit shit but it gave guys a chnace to show they could drive and let other teams see what they could do.
Now if you look at how many GPs many of the drivers have driven, even the younger guys, they have a good few under their belt.
I have nothing personally against Massa, Klien et al as they are obviously fairly talented but when a team backed by Ford, one of the biggest manufacturers FFS! takes money from Red Bull to let a driver in ahead of someone like Justin Wilson who totally and utterly destroyed the so called "next big things" in F3000, or Wirhiem who beat everyone in sight just 2 years ago then you know something is wrong.
Luizzi might be lucky and be signed by Ferrari, but that's very much the exception to the rule IMO. The talk of bringing back JV and Hakk is the same - they've had their chance - one of them retired the other burnt his bridges - let someone else in and lets see how good they are.
I only hope the new rule changes will see teams like Joest, SuperNova, and Arden join F1 to at least increase the number of seats, but it's clutching at straws.