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17-year-old girl facing jail because of G20

the wee boy at the front is certainly very well fed.

How do you know? He could just be big boned, or he could be living on high calorie cheap ready made meals. By the look at the houses in the background and the clothes they are wearing, I think it's safe to assume they come from a working class background.
Who are these children? Are they supposed to be poor? How do you know they are poor? I mean, I know you often can't tell by looking, but they look well cared for and the wee boy at the front is certainly very well fed.

And what do these children have to do with the girl who got arrested?

lol the mistake your making as I did, is assuming sunshine1 was making any sort of sense at the time and that you will get anything like a satisfactory response. Judging on past performances I expect a cut and pasted rant about the plight of the emperor penguin or similar.
How do you know? He could just be big boned, or he could be living on high calorie cheap ready made meals. By the look at the houses in the background and the clothes they are wearing, I think it's safe to assume they come from a working class background.

That is a well nourished wee boy. "Big boned!" His mammy is spoiling his wee prince.

They're wearing boys' clothes for playing in, and the houses are houses with their own front and back door and gardens.

And how is being working class equivalent with being poor, or prone to criminality?
Albert Einstein? What was that sposed to be exactly? You need to make more sense in your posts and actually reply to points.
What it ment! Big head - Dick Head.

Your incorrect assumption was basically everything you posted about commodity as you clearly have no idea what the word meant and made arguments based on that failure. Failed to answer points about how replacing money with anything would help in any way. Brought up guns in the same sentence as foodstuffs based on your assertion they were both commodities, when they arent. Failing to give any actual reason whatsoever for linking those things together even in the broken way you attempted. Unless your intention was to say all commodities are bad cos guns are bad and guns are commodities. Which is wrong in at least 3 ways on its own. Before then going on to ramble off some figures about military spending which bore no relevance.

A commodity is, in the first place, an object out side us, a thing that by it' properties satisfies human wants of some sort or another. The nature of such wants, weather, for instance, they spring from the stomach or from fancy, makes no difference.

Not least to say your level of naiveity is remarkable. Aswel as the pure rudeness of quoting people in replies then coming out with some irrelevant crap. Much like your swearing at azrael unprovoked then replying to the polite request for an apology with an rant about save the children.

Aswel is a fascist and as such will get not reply or apology from me Pal!
I must be the first "fascist" who supports parliamentary government, jury trial, and free speech.

Oh, sorry, you were addressing "Aswel". :D
Azrael, Aswel what the fuck still a "fascist" like the fascist we have in London on the GLA who are you and your friends kidding!
That's jury trial with 24 pre-emptory challenges and a unanimous verdict, BTW.


The Jury, or, Fascism in Perfection.
Albert Einstein? What was that sposed to be exactly? You need to make more sense in your posts and actually reply to points.

What it ment! Big head - Dick Head.

lol i notice you dont have any actual responses to well, anything, do you, just complete and utter fucking gibberish and unwarranted abuse. If your too fucking thick to be able to answer simple questions Im frankly surprised how you managed to work out how to turn your computer on. Infact even replying to you seems somewhat pointless as I doubt you will be able to work out any words longer than 4 letters long. Which would go some way towards explaining the scattershot approach you appear to have to debating.

:Your incorrect assumption was basically everything you posted about commodity as you clearly have no idea what the word meant and made arguments based on that failure. Failed to answer points about how replacing money with anything would help in any way. Brought up guns in the same sentence as foodstuffs based on your assertion they were both commodities, when they arent. Failing to give any actual reason whatsoever for linking those things together even in the broken way you attempted. Unless your intention was to say all commodities are bad cos guns are bad and guns are commodities. Which is wrong in at least 3 ways on its own. Before then going on to ramble off some figures about military spending which bore no relevance.

A commodity is, in the first place, an object out side us, a thing that by it' properties satisfies human wants of some sort or another. The nature of such wants, weather, for instance, they spring from the stomach or from fancy, makes no difference.

Whilst you appear to be quite willing to redefine words to your own definition, its wrong, thats not what it means and your unwillingness to commit to a common language seems a somewhat confusing approach for someone who seems to propose whole world cooperation yet you wont even agree to use the common meanings of simple words. I posted a dictionary entry for said word which you appear to have ignored and continued to use your own meaning for.

:Not least to say your level of naiveity is remarkable. Aswel as the pure rudeness of quoting people in replies then coming out with some irrelevant crap. Much like your swearing at azrael unprovoked then replying to the polite request for an apology with an rant about save the children.

Aswel is a fascist and as such will get not reply or apology from me Pal!

Apart from your inability to speak or understand the language it also appears you cant read, or understand simple definitions. I dont know or care who azrael is or about the apology(no offence whoever you are) my point which you appear to make a habit of ignoring, is your postings make little or no sense when compared to the quotes. And im not your pal you nauseating little twat.
newme: Big head, Dick Dead - I'm a nauseating little twat I'm I then, frankly I'm not bothered what you think, it's a waste of time engaging with you or your kind, but you have been exposed for what you really are and that's all that matters, and not for the frist time is it, so to be called a nauseating little twat is indeed a complement!
newme: Big head, Dick Dead - I'm a nauseating little twat I'm I then, frankly I'm not bothered what you think, it's a waste of time engaging with you or your kind, but you have been exposed for what you really are and that's all that matters, and not for the frist time is it, so to be called a nauseating little twat is indeed a complement!

LOL yes you are, at least you admit it i spose, thats the first step I hear. It was never a waste of time engaging with me because at no point have you actually managed to do that. Most likely because as you've repeatedly shown, you dont have anything to backup even one of your bizarre rants or claims. Exposed for what I really am? And whats that then? Someone who unlike you is capable of rational thought and tying my own shoelaces?
You and your mates

LOL yes you are, at least you admit it i spose, thats the first step I hear. It was never a waste of time engaging with me because at no point have you actually managed to do that. Most likely because as you've repeatedly shown, you dont have anything to backup even one of your bizarre rants or claims. Exposed for what I really am? And whats that then? Someone who unlike you is capable of rational thought and tying my own shoelaces?

More complements, thank you as I have said exposed for what you and your mates are shit-heads, sorry dick-heads!


  • 11hitler_youth_02.jpg
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More complements, thank you as I have said exposed for what you and your mates are shit-heads, sorry dick-heads!

Well, who are THESE children, then? Or do you just put up random pictures of children in the hope we'll think "oh, children! Now I understand!"
LOL really? a nazi picture? what an epic fail. Do hope you've got something to backup this assertion, tho since I know you dont Im just gonna laugh at the image of you struggling with your velcro before mummy sends you off to big boys school. Id claim godwins but really theres no point as you are making more of a fool of yourself than anyone else could.
that is actually a far more reasoned response than the others hes come up with so far.
OK something partly in what you say...
How very gracious of you to acknowledge that. :)
...however my concern is with this society only and thats what I'm referring too, and yes foodstuffs and raw materials are somewhat different from bombs and bullets, the frist is necessary for sustaining life and that later is used to end it. However they are both owned and controlled solely for profit are they not, to make it sustain it and defend it. Global military expenditure stands at over $1.2 trillion in annual expenditure and has been rising in recent years.
1) "foodstuffs and raw materials" aren't "solely" owned and controlled for profit. They're also owned for subsistence.
2) "Bombs and bullets", unfortunately for your argument, are also occasionally use to sustain the lives of one party to the detriment of another party. They are defensive as well as offensive artifacts.
Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes … known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few.… No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.

— James Madison, Political Observations, 1795
While the Madison quote may be tangentially relevant, it's amazing how many people that use the quote divorce it from the context Madison made it in.
More complements, thank you as I have said exposed for what you and your mates are shit-heads, sorry dick-heads!

Except that you haven't exposed anything but your own shallow grasp of what you're discoursing on.

Oh, and by the way, posting up a picture of akameradschaft of the Hitlerjugend on parade is a fairly pathetic way to attempt to make a point, what with Godwin's law.
Except that you haven't exposed anything but your own shallow grasp of what you're discoursing on.

Oh, and by the way, posting up a picture of akameradschaft of the Hitlerjugend on parade is a fairly pathetic way to attempt to make a point, what with Godwin's law.

If you say so!
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