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Search results for query: political compass

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  1. tim

    The Unabomber is dead

    Having compassion for him doesn't make you a fool, having any sympathy with his political objectives does.
  2. Wilf

    Roger Waters self indulgent twat / not self indulgent twat

    That would take quite a bit of plotting on political compass. 'I hear you're a centrist racist now father'.
  3. Smokeandsteam

    Keir Starmer's time is up

    Agreed, It’s possible to walk and chew gum at the same time as, I thought I’d made clear, in the last paragraph of my post.
  4. Pickman's model

    Keir Starmer's time is up

    ...fuck shammer. If you think the people of brum have been treated with contempt already you'll find shammer's lot will treat them with hitherto unseen levels of contempt in future. If you find yourself agreeing with shammer something has gone desperately wrong with your moral and political compass
  5. R

    Thatcher is dead

    Thatchers moral compass, and anybody who shares its direction, are so far off the wall and in such a state of denial about the damage of 'free markets' that their opinions can be discounted. Such politics are a sick sick joke. Allowing the 'invisible hand' free reign is still delivering us all...
  6. littlebabyjesus

    Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

    Where? One if the many problems with political culture in this country is that politicians are expected to pretend to be paragons of virtue. The irony here of course is that Corbyn comes much closer to meeting that impossible standard than the vast majority of politicians from any party.
  7. hitmouse

    A cancelled thread

    For some context, some posts from over on the Lineker thread: As it happens, today I happened to stumble on this piece by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, which is excellent imo: https://www.chimamanda.com/news_items/it-is-obscene-a-true-reflection-in-three-parts/ And, you know, I never miss an...
  8. J

    Hong Kong: what next?

    A small correction. Apparently, the Level 4 Japanese that the youngest has been tested to, is not just in spoken Japanese. It involves passing four, separate, one-hour examinations in speaking, listening, reading and writing. My bad. Despite that (and on top of her Masters and everything...
  9. J

    Hong Kong: what next?

    And always, lurking in the background and arriving imminently ... My youngest daughter is arriving from the Philippines tomorrow lunchtime (23/12/22,) to stay for two weeks. I haven't seen her for four fucking years, what with the NSL and Covid and shit! She's 30 years old. She graduated from...
  10. littlebabyjesus

    Bye bye MEAT! How will the post-meat future look?

    Compassion in World Farming are worth looking at. They've had a number of specific legislative successes over the years. Brexit was a fucker for them as many of their successes pre-2016 came at the level of EU legislation. I don't entirely agree with their approach, but we don't live in a...
  11. spitfire

    Meeting place near Bethnal Green tube...

    The Salmon is a dump. Good decision.
  12. Pickman's model

    Meeting place near Bethnal Green tube...

    The traditional thing is to stand near the salmon and compasses enjoying a can of beer on the street. Each time I've been in the salmon and compasses I've heard some dubious political opinions expressed which is why standing having a beer on the corner, or soft drink if preferred, is better than...
  13. JimW

    PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

    Think there'd be an interesting thread in this as I both agree and then wonder how you combine it with tolerance and compassion which I want at the bedrock of my politics too. I think there isn't necessarily a contradiction despite appearances. Maybe try thrashing it out some day, bit late here...
  14. story

    Misogynist barbarians in Alabama impose forced pregnancy law

    It’s not that either. Otherwise they would, y’know, be protecting the weakest and the most in need. It‘s about power and control, especially when it comes to women, and more especially when it comes to women in the midst of life who might conceivably threaten the status quo. Women during...
  15. BigMoaner

    Feminism and violence again women

    i've always tried to nurture empathy for criminals, outcasts, even political enemies etc, but after reading those books i can remember thinking "no, there's none. there is zero compassion for this person." he was a near monster in the most literal sense. anyway, derail, apologies.
  16. LDC

    The war and "the left" - what do "we" do?

    This is very long, but a good friend just wrote it on the subject being discussed here, and I think it's a very thoughtful and useful contribution, so here ya go (posted with their permission)... -------------------- When Picasso painted his depiction of the victims of the bombing of the...
  17. cupid_stunt

    The stupidity of the anti-vaxx nutcases

    Yes. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/keir-starmer-police-car-parliament-protesters-lockdown-b981231.html
  18. VirulentNeoCon

    A United Front for a Sane Foreign Policy? Can Left and Right co operate?

    Okay, I see what you're saying. A couple of points. Right now, I need to find some collaborators. Mainly people who can kick around ideas .... I've got a couple already, but we're not at critical mass yet. So I'm just 'handing out leaflets' so to speak. And yes, there is scope for co...
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