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Meeting place near Bethnal Green tube...

For this weekend, early afternoon, decent pub that hopefully won't be too mobbed by the All Points East crowd, any ideas?
The traditional thing is to stand near the salmon and compasses enjoying a can of beer on the street. Each time I've been in the salmon and compasses I've heard some dubious political opinions expressed which is why standing having a beer on the corner, or soft drink if preferred, is better than stopping in the s&c
Right. I'm writing off everything East of BG tube as being too in the path of APE goers. Listed in order of distance from tube along BG Road.

S&B - no. Will be mobbed anyway.
Shakespeare - old school east ender pub, might actually be OK but there will probably be football on and you may end up in Epping Forest or being fed to some pigs.
BG Tavern - soulless craft beer pub but quite big.
Sun - My preferred boozer in BG. Small but trendy so possibly busy. Crafty but can get lager.
Old George - I also like this one, decent sized garden (for London!), may just be far enough away from the tube to avoid the rolled up t-shirt APE crowd.

Outlier - Boxcar taproom, craft beer central; but tucked away so may sneak under the radar of the bridge and tunnel crew.
Right. I'm writing off everything East of BG tube as being too in the path of APE goers. Listed in order of distance from tube along BG Road.

S&B - no. Will be mobbed anyway.
Shakespeare - old school east ender pub, might actually be OK but there will probably be football on and you may end up in Epping Forest or being fed to some pigs.
BG Tavern - soulless craft beer pub but quite big.
Sun - My preferred boozer in BG. Small but trendy so possibly busy. Crafty but can get lager.
Old George - I also like this one, decent sized garden (for London!), may just be far enough away from the tube to avoid the rolled up t-shirt APE crowd.

Outlier - Boxcar taproom, craft beer central; but tucked away so may sneak under the radar of the bridge and tunnel crew.

Awesome, cheers mate. Think the Old George sounds like the winner. We will be the APE crowd, (Chemical Brothers, Kraftwerk, Peggy Gou etc. on Saturday), coming from all over London with train strikes etc., have a group ticket so have to all enter at the same time, so that looks like the best place.

Thanks very much :)
Awesome, cheers mate. Think the Old George sounds like the winner. We will be the APE crowd, (Chemical Brothers, Kraftwerk, Peggy Gou etc. on Saturday), coming from all over London with train strikes etc., have a group ticket so have to all enter at the same time, so that looks like the best place.

Thanks very much :)

No worries. Yes I would agree. George is probably best bet. You may be APE but it’s nice to have a seat and let the youngers stand elsewhere. :D

It’s a good day out, went a couple of years ago. Had guest list for 28th but we’re away.
The George is lovely, but I'm here to stick up for the salmon (and ball). Proper pub (cash only!), full of my dad's old mates who look scary but are lovely. There are a few who go in whose opinions are abhorrent, but in my experience they get told to shut the fuck up. You get bellends in every pub, you certainly will in the George.
The George is lovely, but I'm here to stick up for the salmon (and ball). Proper pub (cash only!), full of my dad's old mates who look scary but are lovely. There are a few who go in whose opinions are abhorrent, but in my experience they get told to shut the fuck up. You get bellends in every pub, you certainly will in the George.

I’ve never heard any opinions in there, abhorrent or otherwise, it’s the sticky floors and the pre York Hall crowds that put me off it. Sorry Rebelda. :(
"Palm Tree | Bars and pubs in Mile End, London" Palm Tree

It's still there , thought it had closed down. 😎

That’s a fab pub. Proper east end, still not gentrified at all and apparently the jazz nights they do are great. It’s in Mile End park but probably just off the beaten track enough that most of the APE crowd won’t know about it.

It’s a risk though as if it is jammed then there are no nearby alternatives. But it does have loads of outdoor space.
Basically the APE shock troops advance on 2 axis. From BG and Mile End tubes. Any pubs en route are usually occupied but even go a little off piste and you may get lucky.
The George is lovely, but I'm here to stick up for the salmon (and ball). Proper pub (cash only!), full of my dad's old mates who look scary but are lovely. There are a few who go in whose opinions are abhorrent, but in my experience they get told to shut the fuck up. You get bellends in every pub, you certainly will in the George.
don't know why i said salmon and compasses, as you point out it's salmon and ball. salmon and compasses formerly closest pub to where i used to sign on, nowhere near bethnal green. anyway, i've never been in the s&b without hearing a dodgy opinion expressed which i've never experienced in any other pub i've been in.
don't know why i said salmon and compasses, as you point out it's salmon and ball. salmon and compasses formerly closest pub to where i used to sign on, nowhere near bethnal green. anyway, i've never been in the s&b without hearing a dodgy opinion expressed which i've never experienced in any other pub i've been in.

I always get them mixed up as well.
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