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Meeting place near Bethnal Green tube...

don't know why i said salmon and compasses, as you point out it's salmon and ball. salmon and compasses formerly closest pub to where i used to sign on, nowhere near bethnal green. anyway, i've never been in the s&b without hearing a dodgy opinion expressed which i've never experienced in any other pub i've been in.

…and it usually stinks of the bogs too.
Oh, and All Points East, Kraftwerk and Chemical Brothers were gash, Six Music all queens stage was thumping TeKnO all day, Mary Anne Hobbs and various DJs properly having it in the sun. 20, 30 years ago we had to dodge the police, risk a nicking or a kicking or losing our rigs if we wanted to dance to TeKnO in the sunshine, yesterday we done it in a London park and the licence fee payers subsided it 😀

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We were right at the front for Kraftwerk. I had been really looking forward to it having never seen them, but it felt like they were rushing through a greatest hits medley and couldn't wait to get off stage. 3D was underwhelming, although the satellite coming towards you was nice. Visuals were very literal. People were raving about it in the urinal right after. I wondered if I'd been at the same thing.

Smaller stages had some good stuff during the day. Mr Scruff and Moktar were good, mixing Arabic/Sufi/African sounds. In the big tent, there was someone whose name I've forgotten playing music that my mate described as '1990s rave music pushed off a cliff'. Industrial rave, I guess? That was good.

I was bored by the Chemical Brothers. But cos we'd been at the front for Kraftwerk, we were at the back for CB, and I was flagging a bit by then. There's only so many dancing michelin men you can watch in one set.
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