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Search results for query: political compass

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  1. S

    "Honey trap" girl (south London teenager who lured boyfriend to his death)

    ...idea of letting the more academcially gifted kids from working class backgrounds go to grammer schools but that seems to be off the political compass so we are stuck with the comprehensive system. For me offering more opportunities for working class kids to gain trade skills is a pratical...
  2. P

    Does the left understand the working class and how would they answer their concerns?

    I agree with your last paragraph, but the first? Guilt stems from capitalism? Not from any sense of compassion? Or have I misread that? oh, and why do you have to resort to insults again?
  3. Blagsta

    “No passaran!”

  4. M

    “No passaran!”

    ...It's possible I belive even to work together with capitalists, and especially on pan global issues such as climate change and opposing fascism. On the political compass there are many libertarian capitalists who strongly oppose fascism, they just have a different way of trying to fight it.
  5. T

    Compass(LP 'soft left') statement on crisis.

    Compass(LP soft left) making loud noises, but didn't Jon Cruddas vote for the welfare reforms?
  6. T

    James Purnell Resigns: Wants Brown to Go

    i see your point. I would like to see Labour be Labour again. I would actually vote for them if they were.
  7. Kaka Tim

    James Purnell Resigns: Wants Brown to Go

    I'm not taking any pleasure from this. British people fought, demonstrated, marched, went on strike and were imprisoned, beaten and bayoneted over centuries so that they would no longer be governed by the whims of the rich and powerful but so that they had power over their own lives. The...
  8. K

    To be, or not to be state capitalism, By The Socialist Party

    YUIOU We find ourselves looking to philosophy to base our beliefs and our ideas on. But in turning to philosophy we only disagree about the nature of philosophy. I strongly disagree that philosophy is about the discovery of eternal truths. Not that there are no philosophers who think that...
  9. Jeff Robinson

    Libertarian Party Uk

    I can't embed this fucker either. Still worth a peak though, for a laff like. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_LWATvIMoPtw/SYc2xtiiwKI/AAAAAAAABh8/NxusND5ZhUQ/s1600-h/Political+Compass+2.JPG
  10. T

    To be, or not to be state capitalism, By The Socialist Party

    Hi knotted; I hope you will indulge me just interacting with you as a human being for a moment, instead of just discussing our politics, as if our political perspectives were not shaped by our different experiences of life. The first thing I'd like to say, is well done on your contribution...
  11. C

    EU elections: a questionaire thingy to help discern your nearest party.

    Scottish Conservative party followed by SNP (probably because there's ony one "do you want to split from Enger-land" question.
  12. J

    EU elections: a questionaire thingy to help discern your nearest party.

    ...at, but the second axis being pro/anti eu is to crude and just means that the first axis is the old fashioned left/right spectrum but no, for comparing things, political compass is gash, i sent them an email 4 years ago asking if they were gonna even put plaid, snp and NI parties on their chart
  13. L

    EU elections: a questionaire thingy to help discern your nearest party.

    ...sure that in power they would be sympathetic to those that they consider 'scroungers'. My nearest parties in Europe are the Pirate Party from Sweden (!), the Left Bloc in Portugal, Rifondazione in Italy and the Bloc Nacionalista Galego from Galicia. Better than the political compass I...
  14. danny la rouge

    EU elections: a questionaire thingy to help discern your nearest party.

    There's all sorts of stuff you can click and see. Pop ups, exclude importance, etc.
  15. kabbes

    EU elections: a questionaire thingy to help discern your nearest party.

    Mines a Flash thing with a political compass and stuff. Did you have a c&p job? Anyway -- Green 83.5% Lib Dem 81.7% Con 60.4% BNP 56.3% Lab 47.9% UKIP 33.0% So overwhelmingly Green or Lib Dem, which is exactly what I would have expected.
  16. taffboy gwyrdd

    EU elections: a questionaire thingy to help discern your nearest party.

    ...to authoritarianism but it doesnt bear out when someone as anti-authoritarian as me comes up with fascists as a number 2 match. They have replaced the Political Compass "Authority/Liberty" axis with pro/anti integration, which is understandable in the context but creates obvious problems.
  17. taffboy gwyrdd

    EU elections: a questionaire thingy to help discern your nearest party.

    http://www.euprofiler.eu/ Similar in principle to Political Compass but a bit more nuanced and specific to current issues, especially EU integration. Let us know how you get on and what you think of it.
  18. DownwardDog

    The Budget Thread 2009

    They've won a perception of the tax on the rich. It's all been done with a sly wink to the 150k+ earners from the government by keeping the many circumventions in place. The amount of money this will raise is meaningless and negligible in the scale of Gordon's debt bukkake. It's been done...
  19. bluestreak

    Against police brutality - Saturday 11th, Bethnal Green nick

    Please help keep the pressure on. None of us can afford to let this drop no matter what our political allegiances are. Please come along to this so that they know they can't sweep this under the carpet easily. ---------------------------- Against Police brutality- Saturday 11th April-...
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