Hardly getting over it.
He can go much lower.How low can you go, Canuck, making such ill-conceived inferences.
This little number is one of his regular charges; if you don't follow the Canuck consensus line on things to do with Yids, you're obviously anti-Yid as far as Johnny is concerned.
ip, you're forgetting that in JohnnyWorld none of that counts. What counts is what Johnny says counts, and that means that only the facts that he deems important, not what might have actually happened.Spion, like the rest of us on this thread, don't doubt that it felt like an antisemitic attack to the Lecturer who was badly injured and the other Jewish attendees on the Jewish Heritage tour.What he and others have said is that we have no idea that the motivation of the stone-throwers was antisemitic - given that there have been other stone-throwing attacks in the area from bangladeshi youth against all manner of people regardless of their religion or ethnicity - there have been attacks from youths within the same ethnic group.