Your ad homs have no effect on me. They just make you look desparate.
This boils down to just one question - If you agree it was not anti-semitic what grounds do you have for attacking your political enemies over it?
you really do not understand do you? how the SWP/Respect have behaved in this area .. and disgracefully you ignore what i have actually said .. and you still ( digging your grave deeper ) can not see that it does not matter whether it is anti semitic or not or not, re my post, which said simply
" .. i think some people have rightly questionned that if it was a group of elderly asians who were attacked by a group of white kids the 'left' would have been more interested .."
all this abuse for what is a pretty uncontroversial comment tbh .. i have not said the left do not care about jews or that the left ignored this or that they supported this but simply " .. that if it was a group of elderly asians who were attacked by a group of white kids the 'left' would have been more interested .." .. "more interested" .. hey real antagonistic hard core comments from Mr Durruti! LOL
to repeat, you ask "If you agree it was not anti-semitic what grounds do you have for attacking your political enemies over it?" .. and the incredible simple answer, which i have already given to you 2 or 3 times now, is that it is Whitechapel context, of the lies, hypocrisy, dishonesty, piety and cant of the SWP/Respect
i hope you can now see this, and please note tony greensteins comments .. my position is pretty general down here re the SWP and its courting of the Bengali middle class