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    Lazy Llama

Jews stoned in East End (again)

why are people treating this as racial. there was no racial abuse which would make this anything more than a few lads causing trouble.
Exactly. We won't know whether the stone-throwing was racially-motivated until all the evidence is in.
It is easy to smell the open islamophobia is some posts on this thread.[/quote]
Unfortunately true.
the report itself was from the East London Advertsier, a paper which this week have given letter space to Stuart Russell, ex BNP Press officer and the East London BNP Organiser
Newspapers of any sort aren't particularly well-known for supporting the idea of "no platform", Jim. :)
why are people treating this as racial. there was no racial abuse which would make this anything more than a few lads causing trouble. It is easy to smell the open islamophobia is some posts on this thread

the report itself was from the East London Advertsier, a paper which this week have given letter space to Stuart Russell, ex BNP Press officer and the East London BNP Organiser

you ( and others ) are half correct .. we can not say without further info and comments from the kids themselves whether this was racial .. BUT my angle is that if it were e.g. white kids having a go at old muslims, ( for similar unidentifiable reasons ) the left WOULD have made a big(ger) deal, particulalry in this area, and for opportunist political reasons

and please justify this "It is easy to smell the open islamophobia is some posts on this thread" :)
and yes i absolutely support local jobs for local people .. there is nothing in the world wrong with this .. but what this has to do with state immigration controls i have no fkn idea! :D

show a bit of humility mate show some common deceny .. you have wrongly talked some nasty shit about me .. retract it and apologise

when you say you support local jobs for local people what do you have in mind?

lets strip it down, what you're really saying is local resources for local people, does that mean you support the idea of somehow prohibiting 'strangers' from having an equal access to the resources

and if one area has an abundance and the other a scarcity then would you not support collectivising those resources?
whilst im at it how would you police this

strong local defences, promotion of small local business, different allocation of resources based on ethnic or geographical background

sound familiar?
whilst im at it how would you police this

strong local defences, promotion of small local business, different allocation of resources based on ethnic or geographical background

sound familiar?

mate we at year zero .. i do not have all the answers but if we do NOT start to think about how we can have our lives run our lives live our lives we are going nowhere .. so yes for now we need to think about WHY we have our kids going nowhere and the bosses importing labour and we need to think how we can get our kids back as part of society again

and yes i am saying we need to start at the very smallest building blocks .. family street community .. for decades the left has tried to create revolution by shouting slogans and putches .. it can not has not and will never work .. change will only come from building slowly from the base .. yes there will be problems along the way but they will be about how we can run society ..

ands why do you people always bring ethnicity into it??? any time anyone suggests workers should control where they live or people should have a say in who lives in their street ( rights we should have!) it is hinted aat and suggested this is racial .. NO it is a class thing .. it is about trying to create power for teh people who have it least and deserve it most ..
Newspapers of any sort aren't particularly well-known for supporting the idea of "no platform", Jim. :)
bear in mind also this is an area which voted in a BNP councillour not that long ago (largely as a protest vote admittedly) Derek Becon so it's not as though there isn't history of it in the area.

It's also worth oteing that the East London Advertiser were the ones who started the ball rolling in terms of unmasking Becon as an ineffectual illiterate muppet ...
the left WOULD have made a big(ger) deal, particulalry in this area, and for opportunist political reasons

sorry durruti but this kind of sloppy argument cannot continue unchallenaged who is this left you speak of as though all left leaning groups are some gestalute entity with one semetrical thought process in thoguht word and deed.

Why don't you just come out and ware your prejudices naked on your selve rather than dressing it up in flower language and say which left wing group you dislike and why you think they have some default standpoint to comment on things with being posesstion of all the facts.

you have conitnueally failed to address this single point on the thread to the point it could be considered that actually it's merely a sounding board for your own prejudices and tub thumping about left wingers who either aren't as wadical as thou or conversely to highlight the hypocrasy of the 'left' like some right wing nut job troll...

if you don't want to be seen as some vauge whimsy personal prejudice pursing poster perhaps your like to ellborate on precisely what you mean by the left.
I had you on ignore. I wasn't addressing you, shithead. Please learn to read, cunt.

that being said do you think that telling a dyslexic to learn to read is appropreate fuckheed?

you couldn't resist it could you...

ironically it almost justifies exactly what i'd said ...

such a twat...

sorry durruti but this kind of sloppy argument cannot continue unchallenaged who is this left you speak of as though all left leaning groups are some gestalute entity with one semetrical thought process in thoguht word and deed.

Why don't you just come out and ware your prejudices naked on your selve rather than dressing it up in flower language and say which left wing group you dislike and why you think they have some default standpoint to comment on things with being posesstion of all the facts.

you have conitnueally failed to address this single point on the thread to the point it could be considered that actually it's merely a sounding board for your own prejudices and tub thumping about left wingers who either aren't as wadical as thou or conversely to highlight the hypocrasy of the 'left' like some right wing nut job troll...

if you don't want to be seen as some vauge whimsy personal prejudice pursing poster perhaps your like to ellborate on precisely what you mean by the left.

sorry your post is inaccurate - i have made it VERY clear ( check my posts please ) i am attacking SWP/Respect who have racialised politics in this area and the CONTEXT is that they have a councillor in the area that the jews were attcked .. and p.s. beacon was in a very different area but yes same boro
sorry your post is inaccurate - i have made it VERY clear ( check my posts please ) i am attacking SWP/Respect who have racialised politics in this area and the CONTEXT is that they have a councillor in the area that the jews were attcked .. and p.s. beacon was in a very different area but yes same boro

then you should be saying the SWP/respect and not using this lazy terminonogy of the (unmetered) 'left'

what you are saying is basically you posts are an attempt to make poltical capital from this situiation.

and as for the Beacon issue i made mention of it as the boro had elected him so aren't opposed to having representations or information being posted by the BNP and the east london advertsier doesn't cover just one ward...
sorry your post is inaccurate - i have made it VERY clear ( check my posts please ) i am attacking SWP/Respect who have racialised politics in this area and the CONTEXT is that they have a councillor in the area that the jews were attcked .. and p.s. beacon was in a very different area but yes same boro

Racialised politics? How exactly?

Are you trying a smear game similar to this?

GALLOWAY CLARIFICATION - Ted Jeory, Deputy Editor, East London Advertiser, 7th February 2008 edition
Last week, I wrote that George Galloway had complained that the media was dominated by the "Jewish lobby".

He has angrily asked me to point out that he did not use that phrase and having listened to the show again, he's correct: in fact he said the media, including talkSport, was dominated by the "pro-Israel" lobby.

He also said that the Holocaust was the worst crime in human history. I'm happy to clarify that.

For the record, on the BBC's Newsnight last month he accused George Bush's speechwriter of being in the pockets of the "Zionist lobby".
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