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Your preferred day for our Liz's passing

When should she go to best please her subjects?

  • Today

    Votes: 15 31.9%
  • Christmas Eve

    Votes: 10 21.3%
  • Christmas Day

    Votes: 8 17.0%
  • New Year's Eve

    Votes: 6 12.8%
  • New Year's Day

    Votes: 7 14.9%
  • Greedy royalist/tory and hope she lives forever

    Votes: 1 2.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Any time off would be on the day of the funeral, assuming your boss gives you the day off and that it's not at a weekend.

I can assure the Rt Honourable Gentleman that I personally will not be offended in the slightest if it takes more than 10 mins to lower the flag (surely not a job that requires specialised training) once Brenda's secretary rings BoZo and says "Yo She's Carked It Bro"
Being self-employed I am confident that my boss will give me as much time off to grieve as I want, trouble is I bet my customers won't pay me. I definitely want her to last to summer though, The Q's have been badly shortchanged on family barbecues these last couple of years due to the lurgy. We will sit out in the sunshine and cook burgers and sausages in Brenda's honour. There is a spot on the side of the shed next to the squirrel feeder where we can blue tack up one of the no doubt thousands of fucking pictures of her that will be printed at the time plus a day off for Chucky's coronation so double result as far as I'm concerned if the weather's nice.
If she fell down a flight of stairs, it might reasonably take about 30 days for an ambulance to show up given how her Tories have wrecked the healthcare system. Which would make for extended mourning and a national holiday of intense News 24 coverage as journo's repeatedly ask her how she's feeling and provide updates on the no-show of ambulances while she screams in pain at the bottom of the stairs for 30 days and slowly dies.
The earliest we will get a day off is the day after she dies.
We're in uncharted territory no monarch having died in the lifespan of virtually everyone posting on these boards, I would expect a day off for Brenda's funeral and one for Chucky's coronation. Given it looks to me that Chucky is nowhere near as robust as his Mum then there is a possibility of a day off Chucky's funeral and for Billy the Bald's coronation. We don't have a dead monarch for decades then 2 come along at once, bit like No 9 buses.
We're in uncharted territory no monarch having died in the lifespan of virtually everyone posting on these boards, I would expect a day off for Brenda's funeral and one for Chucky's coronation. Given it looks to me that Chucky is nowhere near as robust as his Mum then there is a possibility of a day off Chucky's funeral and for Billy the Bald's coronation. We don't have a dead monarch for decades then 2 come along at once, bit like No 9 buses.
Whoa there. monarchs have died in the lifetimes of everyone posting here. Emperor Hirohito for example, in 1989. Gustav vi Adolf of Sweden in 1973. Olav v of Norway in 1991. Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand in 2016. there are many more, not least in Nepal. But here we have a special chance to use the lachrymose mourning period as the springboard to demand Charles must never be king, nor any of his emetic family succeed the foul Elizabeth ii
Support for the monarchy was 53% in the last poll in July (of only about 1500 people though) prior to that support its averaged between 60-70% with the odd higher peak for the past 30 years. There is no way this country is becoming a republic in any of our lifetimes. Charles will probably erode that (perhaps it's the thought of him that has led to that recent drop) but both he and his son are going to get their turns. Maybe by time George Alexander Louis gets his chance support might have dropped enough for abolition to be considered but barring something totally unpredictable the House of Windsor still has some life in it for a couple of generations.
Support for the monarchy was 53% in the last poll in July (of only about 1500 people though) prior to that support its averaged between 60-70% with the odd higher peak for the past 30 years. There is no way this country is becoming a republic in any of our lifetimes. Charles will probably erode that (perhaps it's the thought of him that has led to that recent drop) but both he and his son are going to get their turns. Maybe by time George Alexander Louis gets his chance support might have dropped enough for abolition to be considered but barring something totally unpredictable the House of Windsor still has some life in it for a couple of generations.
Well there's always the Nepali Solution. I'm seeing Edward in the starring role. :hmm:
Who wants two bank holidays in early January :confused:

She ought to consdier this and hang on until May or June, then Charles can have a quickie coronation and give us another extra bank holiday in August.
It'll be at least a year before a coronation.
Well there's always the Nepali Solution. I'm seeing Edward in the starring role. :hmm:
I'd pin my hopes on Harry if I were you, he's clearly narked with the rest of them and presumably has experience in using automatic weaponry.
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It would benefit most people if it was during a really snowy spell. Day off indoors.

Nobody would have to stand on a freezing platform for trains that can't run due to frozen points, no cars would skid on black ice, no falls and fracture fests in a and e, no jack knifed lorries blocking the m25. Monarchists would be safe at home glued to the telly. Everyone else would be safe at home not glued to the telly. Win win.
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