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Stan seems to be doing ok-ish - he's eaten and had some water, but mainly slept all day under my desk. He's now curled up on the chair with his summer carpet-body lion cut. Hopefully the fur will grow back on his face and his exposed ear hole to protect it, and he won't look so bad.
Post operative cat - ear removed
Post operative cat - ear removed
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Stan seems to be doing ok-ish - he's eaten and had some water, but mainly slept all day under my desk. He's now curled up on the chair with his summer carpet-body. Hopefully the fur will grow back on his face and his exposed ear hole to protect it, and he won't look so bad.
Post operative cat - ear removed
View attachment 323381
Post operative cat - ear removed
At least you've made him as comfy as poss while he recovers. He's lucky to have you.
Stan seems to be doing ok-ish - he's eaten and had some water, but mainly slept all day under my desk. He's now curled up on the chair with his summer carpet-body lion cut. Hopefully the fur will grow back on his face and his exposed ear hole to protect it, and he won't look so bad.
Post operative cat - ear removed
View attachment 323381
Post operative cat - ear removed

Poor love! It might take a bit of adjustment to get used to seeing him earless, but he doesn't care - I mean I expect it's sore and the cone is bothering him, but he won't care what he looks like and will be much happier once it's healed up.
And we don't care either, as long as he's ok. :)

Aye, it's more the fact that you know it's going to be sore while it's healing up, when my Jakey had to have major abdominal surgery a few years back it was shocking to see all the stitches after his surgery, poor love looked like he had had a zip installed and looked really sore poor thing. (And then there was the whole cone/inflatable collar battle and he couldn't groom himself and needed a lot of help poor love).

Once he'd had the stitches out and healed of course that "poor love" sympathy feeling every time I looked at his wound went too. It wasn't ever ugh that doesn't look nice, it was feeling sympathy with the poor mite and what he'd been through, if that makes sense. :)
Absolutely. Even though it looks rough, his haircut means we don't have to worry about him grooming for a while. He's just come down and is all over Waxoyl like a rash, snuggling up. Need to squirt gabapentin and an antibiotic down his throat shortly.
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Soooo, Kizzy was violently sick in two places earlier then almost fell over trying to walk, looked drunk!!! She did make it upstairs and hid under the bed but seemed better a short while later.
She's still not totally looking herself and partner wants to do a video consultation through the pet insurance thing

Guess they'll only say to take her to a vet or keep an eye on her??
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Soon, Kizzy was violently sick in two places earlier then almost fell over trying to walk, looked drunk!!! She did make it upstairs and hid under the bed but seemed better a short while later.
She's still not totally looking herself and partner wants to do a video consultation through the pet insurance thing

Guess they'll only say to take her to a vet or keep an eye on her??
Forget the video consultation, take her to the emergency vet ASAP! Vomiting is one thing, but drunken walking is alarming. Hopefully it's treatable whatever it is, and I don't want to sound alarmist, but I'd say don't assume there's time to waste.

I hope she gets well soon.
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