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My foxy friend in the garden again for some food



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She seems to be having a love/hate relationship with the heat. Well mostly loves it but is extremely angry with me.

Sonic used to blame me for fluctuations in the weather. Glaring at me if it was too hot, or if it wasn't sunny enough (there was a sweet spot for him where it was perfect).

The morning of his last day it was overcast and he wearily made his way to the window and looked out, the weather was crap and he looked round at me and he gave me a look like it was clearly my fault. ❤️
Sonic used to blame me for fluctuations in the weather. Glaring at me if it was too hot, or if it wasn't sunny enough (there was a sweet spot for him where it was perfect).

The morning of his last day it was overcast and he wearily made his way to the window and looked out, the weather was crap and he looked round at me and he gave me a look like it was clearly my fault. ❤️
Whenever it rains, I get angrily yowled at. I know it's all my fault. Though I should be flattered that he thinks I control the weather.
There was a mouse in the middle of the sitting room and Jakey was just sitting here cleaning his undergarments - we've had to go over his job description and daily tasks and duties (again!)

oh dear. not a good performance assessment coming this year?

depends of course how long mouse has been there. if mouse has been there long enough, he may have got the idea that it's family...
oh dear. not a good performance assessment coming this year?

depends of course how long mouse has been there. if mouse has been there long enough, he may have got the idea that it's family...

Well he gummed 7 juvenile mice to death late last year which we were hoping would put off a future attempt at the fuckers trying to breed here - but alas not and I'm not sure he can do a lot with an adult mouse due to the whole lack of teeth issue...

He is still supposed to prowl though :D
maybe he doesn't work sundays?
He has gone on a bit of a prowl after I pointed out the mouse to him - then he was all lively for 10 minutes and the mouse has now disappeared (still lurking nearby for sure).

He's just an old boy bless him. He used to be quite predatory but he's aged a lot since Sonic died. Now Sonic was the laziest cat ever, he never caught anything, hunting was beneath him. He was a 100% I'm going to sit on a velvet cushion and make everyone wait on my every last need sort of cat :D (He would have made a superb supervillain's cat, if only I'd managed to get the death ray fired up). He once watched Radar hunt a really big moth for an hour then dashed in and ate it leaving poor Radar wondering where his prize had gone :D :D

But I always said Sonic was the purely decorative one. Both Radar when he was still with us and Jakey have always been good mousers.

It's upsetting that 2 are gone now and Jakey is obviously elderly, it's like the last 15 years have gone so quick. it doesn't seem long ago that they were all young. I'm still in quite deep grief about Sonic, he was my special one.
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He has gone on a bit of a prowl after I pointed out the mouse to him - then he was all lively for 10 minutes and the mouse has now disappeared (still lurking nearby for sure).

He's just an old boy bless him. He used to be quite predatory but he's aged a lot since Sonic died. Now Sonic was the laziest cat ever, he never caught anything, hunting was beneath him. He was a 100% I'm going to sit on a velvet cushion and make everyone wait on my every last need sort of cat :D (He would have made a superb supervillain's cat, if only I'd managed to get the death ray fired up). He once watched Radar hunt a really big moth for an hour then dashed in and ate it leaving poor Radar wondering where his prize had gone :D :D

But I always said Sonic was the purely decorative one. Both Radar when he was still with us and Jakey have always been good mousers.

It's upsetting that 2 are gone now and Jakey is obviously elderly, it's like the last 15 years have gone so quick. it doesn't seem long ago that they were all young. I'm still in quite deep grief about Sonic, he was my special one.

Liked for the lovely memories.

Sonic used to blame me for fluctuations in the weather. Glaring at me if it was too hot, or if it wasn't sunny enough (there was a sweet spot for him where it was perfect).

The morning of his last day it was overcast and he wearily made his way to the window and looked out, the weather was crap and he looked round at me and he gave me a look like it was clearly my fault. ❤️
Edit - Deleted as didn't read the last bit properly, so maybe insensitive. My apologies.
No, didn't read the last bit properly so maybe insensitive, deleted.
If I could have made it the middle of summer that morning for him, I would have done everything in my power to make it so ❤️

EDIT: And no no what you said was fine, absolutely no need to apologise at all :)

(Going to be sad forever that he is gone, but no need to tiptoe around me - I talk about him because it makes me happy to remember him).
If I could have made it the middle of summer that morning for him, I would have done everything in my power to make it so ❤️

EDIT: And no no what you said was fine, absolutely no need to apologise at all :)

(Going to be sad forever that he is gone, but no need to tiptoe around me - I talk about him because it makes me happy to remember him).
I can be a bit of a klutz so find it hard to gauge, so probably swing between clunkily obtuse and too polite. :oops:
I've attracted another one. Only 5 houses where I live and rural. So I suspect another has been dumped ( cost of living maybe).
It's beautiful and very friendly. Unfortunately Charlie has started over grooming and has bald bits on her belly and back legs :(
While I figure out what to do with the stray would a feliway help with the overgrooming?
New kitty on the block, unneutered tom.
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Billy big bollocks (the un neutered tom) turned up for his nightly feeds. Opened the living room window and he came straight in, rubbed himself off all available rubbing stations and jumped back out.
Can we take bets on how long it is before Billy Big Bollocks sprays on your curtains? :D

He's gorgeous but I just remember what Jakey was like when we first got him (ex stud who had just been neutered, there was a bit of a settling in period in which various soft furnishings were thrown away and walls and skirting boards thoroughly washed because he decided he needed to mark everything as his territory by spraying!!!)
He's much better behaved now btw, he does occasionally leave a great big turd on my pile of cleanly laundered socks (I say "on", but there is some burying action which occurs so it is more of a carefully hidden booby trap which will be sprung later when I am pairing up socks to go in the drawers, rather than an obvious gift on top of everything), which I can only assume is due to some invisible cat battle of the senses with laundry detergent or something - but other than that he is a lot better than he used to be about that sort of thing :D
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