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Casper's party piece is diving onto the sofa just as you've started to commit to sitting ie you are actually starting to descend right where the little 2, 3, 4 is intending to either sit himself OR use as a short cut to another lap / place of comfort - this is often stopped by a hastily screamed Noooooooo!!! - then all you've got to worry about is the slightly jarred back
Casper's party piece is diving onto the sofa just as you've started to commit to sitting ie you are actually starting to descend right where the little 2, 3, 4 is intending to either sit himself OR use as a short cut to another lap / place of comfort - this is often stopped by a hastily screamed Noooooooo!!! - then all you've got to worry about is the slightly jarred back

Yep this is Jakey's speciality.
You begin to wonder if having only nine lives is enough for some cats

Aye, my Sonic bless him was nicknamed "Captain Underfoot" because wherever I went he'd be slinking around my feet or he'd silently (why? he never normally stopped talking!) walk up behind me and sit right behind me - lost count of the number of times I in some way accidentally trod on him or tripped or stubbed my toe on him :oops:
Aye, my Sonic bless him was nicknamed "Captain Underfoot" because wherever I went he'd be slinking around my feet or he'd silently (why? he never normally stopped talking!) walk up behind me and sit right behind me - lost count of the number of times I in some way accidentally trod on him or tripped or stubbed my toe on him :oops:
I know, and it makes you feel so guilty! Because Lilith is a black cat and she likes hanging around on stairs, I have to make sure the landing light stays on at night.
You begin to wonder if having only nine lives is enough for some cats
I know, and it makes you feel so guilty! Because Lilith is a black cat and she likes hanging around on stairs, I have to make sure the landing light stays on at night.

Aye, Sonic was blue so essentially the same issues.
The camera on my phone would not recognise his face as a face either, but it always recognised Jakey's (Jakey is lilac, so a pinkish colour) - makes me wonder if my phone camera has similar issues with recognising non-white human faces too.
Aye, my Sonic bless him was nicknamed "Captain Underfoot" because wherever I went he'd be slinking around my feet or he'd silently (why? he never normally stopped talking!) walk up behind me and sit right behind me - lost count of the number of times I in some way accidentally trod on him or tripped or stubbed my toe on him :oops:
Liked for "Captain Underfood"
Is anyone else familiar with the "hairball howl" or is it something that is particular to mouthy OSH/Siamese?

Jakey just scared the living shit out of me, being an ultra-shorthair with only a passing interest in normal feline personal hygiene he doesn't normally get hairballs - so when he started that loud deep moaning just now and circling I thought he was about to keel over or something terrible and I was reaching for my phone to call the vet.

Nope just a massive hairball, like a fucking log it was, must have just been uncomfortable to bring up.

Radar used to get a lot of hairballs (although a shorthair he had very dense fluffy fur, plus a habit of overgrooming his thighs) and he never made a noise like that.

I have heard Jakey do it before but not for ages and not quite that loud and with the circling, really had me scared for a minute.

He seems fine now, better out than in.

Thanks Jakey!
Arnold does that sometimes. And yes, he only does it when he needs to bring up a furball or be sick with something he shouldn't have eaten.
Is anyone else familiar with the "hairball howl" or is it something that is particular to mouthy OSH/Siamese?

Very familiar with it - Indeed I'm able to predict when it is most likely to happen with madam. Usually first thing in the morning, not long after I start moving and get out of bed and she follows. It does very occasionally happen at other tines but she has eventually learned to go in to her litter box to throw-up and if she is anywhere else in the house, it is either hurry her to the box or heave her out the door or nearest window!
What I want to know is "where's all the white fur on the dark brown cushion?"

Only if that were Clive or Casper it would be covered in a thick layer

Lil’ Bob doesn’t moult all that much but Vic does. I’ve had many a disaster where I’ve sat down wearing black trousers, then stood up with a bad case of “hairy arse” and Mrs SFM gets busy trying to remove it with sticky tape.
Lil’ Bob doesn’t moult all that much but Vic does. I’ve had many a disaster where I’ve sat down wearing black trousers, then stood up with a bad case of “hairy arse” and Mrs SFM gets busy trying to remove it with sticky tape.
I think that me and Mrs Voltz have all but given up trying to defur our clothes. I like Mogden's take and that's that cat fur should be worn as a badge of honour
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