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Just returned from the V. E. T. and on the vets scale her weight is actually 4.75kg - barely 100g down from last visit . . . so this is good

The vet has a good squeeze around to check for, yunno, "lumpy things in her stomach" and apart from "she appears to need a poo" all was fine

My fault, the cream that's being rubbed into her ears is an appetite booster, which means she's had an anti-nausea injection today to see if that helps

Doesn't fully kick in for a couple of hours, but she's just had some biscuits, which is good

She's not out of the woods yet, but I do feel a bit more positive with the vets weight readings

Onwards and upwards, I 'spose

Good luck, I hope she continues to do well.

Facing similar worries about weight loss atm with Jakey, I think I already mentioned it after his annual checkup. He's due back on 11th April for a weigh in, if he's still losing it will be blood test time. He seems ok in himself (still looks for Sonic sometimes, but otherwise seems to be settling into new routines).
Just returned from the V. E. T. and on the vets scale her weight is actually 4.75kg - barely 100g down from last visit . . . so this is good

The vet has a good squeeze around to check for, yunno, "lumpy things in her stomach" and apart from "she appears to need a poo" all was fine

My fault, the cream that's being rubbed into her ears is an appetite booster, which means she's had an anti-nausea injection today to see if that helps

Doesn't fully kick in for a couple of hours, but she's just had some biscuits, which is good

She's not out of the woods yet, but I do feel a bit more positive with the vets weight readings

Onwards and upwards, I 'spose
I completely understand the worry with an ill cat, mate. Glad to hear things are better than you feared!
I met three quite separate cats in the space of about 200 metres walking to town this morning. Two were regulars, who love the attention. The other I don't think I'd met before, and he took a bit of coaxing/charming before he was ready to sniff my fingers and permit a stroke.

Prior to that though I saw him a few metres ahead of me on a footpath, crouched low, looking at a bird in a bush above him. Then, suddenly, the bird flew off, and he launched himself vertically in a forlorn attempt to catch it. A flailing cat airborne is quite a sight.
I met three quite separate cats in the space of about 200 metres walking to town this morning. Two were regulars, who love the attention. The other I don't think I'd met before, and he took a bit of coaxing/charming before he was ready to sniff my fingers and permit a stroke.

Prior to that though I saw him a few metres ahead of me on a footpath, crouched low, looking at a bird in a bush above him. Then, suddenly, the bird flew off, and he launched himself vertically in a forlorn attempt to catch it. A flailing cat airborne is quite a sight.
Like my Lilith when she launches herself at a fly. She gives it a damn good try though!
Oh let me find the drawing I did in Paint to demonstrate what happened when Sonic once fell asleep on top of my computer, slipped off the side, and got stuck between the case and another item of furniture...

Sonic wedged between furniture.png

The daft sod was always falling fast asleep and falling off it, bless him ❤️
It's amazing how they keep their balance! I've seen Lilith curled up in precarious positions on her beanbag many times and it beats me how she never rolls off.
When we lived in Rinteln in Germany, the living room radiator in our quarter has a slate shelf above it, about 1" thick. Toby used to sit on it, get sleepy and wobble. One night he fell off. One rather startled cat on the floor with a 'WTF' expression on his face. :)
Popped into the vets this morning to, I thought, pick up "stuff" for her Laydee ship - ended up having a 20 minute chat with one of the nurses there - ended up making an appointment to get FiFi back into the vet an hour later

Saw a different vet so had to retell the tale of woe

Vet had another look at her mount / teefs - then did a magic thing - "somehow" (I think an under chin tickle was involved) but her head went back, then a little rub on the sides(??) of her mount - mouth opened and then she did "another magic thing" and FiFi kept her mouth open and the vet had a good long look into her mount and down her throat. I'VE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE IT - and I've been taking cats to the vets as a "grown up" for fucking years - yet this was witchcraft

Suffice to say - her mouth etc is fine

Then she got out the thermometer :eek::eek:

Good luck with that, thinks I - once again, no problem, I'm not convinced that the cat didn't "back onto it" - again, all perfectly normal

So a Vit B12 injection and a pain killing injection later - we are non of us convinced that this isn't a case of the cat being arsey

Good bit of advice regarding feeding / food - put it down, if the cat doesn't show any interest then take it up and take it away and try a couple of hours later - whereas we've been leaving a veritable smorgasbord for her, turns out that this might not be such a good idea - you live and learn

She's back on Monday for a follow-up and "stuff" - there's a well worn path twixt Chez Voltage and Vet, I can tell you
Popped into the vets this morning to, I thought, pick up "stuff" for her Laydee ship - ended up having a 20 minute chat with one of the nurses there - ended up making an appointment to get FiFi back into the vet an hour later

Saw a different vet so had to retell the tale of woe

Vet had another look at her mount / teefs - then did a magic thing - "somehow" (I think an under chin tickle was involved) but her head went back, then a little rub on the sides(??) of her mount - mouth opened and then she did "another magic thing" and FiFi kept her mouth open and the vet had a good long look into her mount and down her throat. I'VE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE IT - and I've been taking cats to the vets as a "grown up" for fucking years - yet this was witchcraft

Suffice to say - her mouth etc is fine

Then she got out the thermometer :eek::eek:

Good luck with that, thinks I - once again, no problem, I'm not convinced that the cat didn't "back onto it" - again, all perfectly normal

So a Vit B12 injection and a pain killing injection later - we are non of us convinced that this isn't a case of the cat being arsey

Good bit of advice regarding feeding / food - put it down, if the cat doesn't show any interest then take it up and take it away and try a couple of hours later - whereas we've been leaving a veritable smorgasbord for her, turns out that this might not be such a good idea - you live and learn

She's back on Monday for a follow-up and "stuff" - there's a well worn path twixt Chez Voltage and Vet, I can tell you

Aye it can be worrying if they don't have food down and you are trying to get them to gain, what if they would have had a mouthful but there's nothing there for them - but mine (past and present) have tended to get excited about food being put down for them (which if there is no physical reason why they are not eating, they will usually then eat - ofc if they look excited about food and then turn away from it that can indicate nausea or loss of sense of smell).

When I was trying to get Radar to eat when he was anorexic and had a feeding tube I'd be putting a teaspoon or two of wet food down for him every couple of hours - when he showed an interest and ate some, I'd give him a bit more half an hour later. It helped of course that I wasn't working at that time, I mean obviously if you are out most of the day then that approach is too little food at a time, it needs to fit with when you will be around to put food down for them and ensure that sufficient food is offered over the course of the day.
My daughter took these pics of her cats..

View attachment 315925
And Binx
View attachment 315926
Have these developed any . . . yunno . . . Australian "features"??

Lazers, poison, constricting tail, poisonous whiskers, additional stabby things - that kinda thing

Doesn't take away from the fact that they're lovely cats mind . . . just . . . yunno! Glad they're in Australia
Food visit from Mr Fox

In further FiFi news - it's suspected that over the period of last night she managed to eat in the region of 40g of biscuits - for her weight her recommended daily intake is "around" 60g, so just in biscuits she's doing OK

Then there was the chicken she had - again, not that much, but . . . 40g of biscuits

Then there was the large'ish teaspoon of vet cat food this morning, barely touched the sides that did at 6:30am

Then a couple of hours later there was another teaspoon of wet cat food, that was daintly picked out of another cat food that she's now decided she doesn't like

Then there was some more wet cat food . . . you're getting the idea

I'm not for one second saying that she's "better" but we are both hoping that a corner has been turned

She's back, again, to the vet this afternoon, this time with a sample of pee for them to check
In further FiFi news - it's suspected that over the period of last night she managed to eat in the region of 40g of biscuits - for her weight her recommended daily intake is "around" 60g, so just in biscuits she's doing OK

Then there was the chicken she had - again, not that much, but . . . 40g of biscuits

Then there was the large'ish teaspoon of vet cat food this morning, barely touched the sides that did at 6:30am

Then a couple of hours later there was another teaspoon of wet cat food, that was daintly picked out of another cat food that she's now decided she doesn't like

Then there was some more wet cat food . . . you're getting the idea

I'm not for one second saying that she's "better" but we are both hoping that a corner has been turned

She's back, again, to the vet this afternoon, this time with a sample of pee for them to check

Good luck at the vet! That food intake sounds like a real improvement, especially hearing about her enthusiasm for it :)
Is anyone else familiar with the "hairball howl" or is it something that is particular to mouthy OSH/Siamese?

Jakey just scared the living shit out of me, being an ultra-shorthair with only a passing interest in normal feline personal hygiene he doesn't normally get hairballs - so when he started that loud deep moaning just now and circling I thought he was about to keel over or something terrible and I was reaching for my phone to call the vet.

Nope just a massive hairball, like a fucking log it was, must have just been uncomfortable to bring up.

Radar used to get a lot of hairballs (although a shorthair he had very dense fluffy fur, plus a habit of overgrooming his thighs) and he never made a noise like that.

I have heard Jakey do it before but not for ages and not quite that loud and with the circling, really had me scared for a minute.

He seems fine now, better out than in.

Thanks Jakey!
Neela makes a similar but not sooo drastic mewling when she goes to have a drink of water. She talks to the water. It's quite loud and annoying especially in the dead of night :D

She also does this fairly randomly throughout the day about something else but I'm not sure what.

It does take on a more urgent/dramatic tone when there are hair balls involved
You need a bright throw or cushion on that chair, she does blend in a bit! Something that contrasts nicely with her beautiful coat :)

I sat on my poor Sonic once when I had a dark blue throw on the sofa - just didn't see him :oops:
I bet Sonic soon forgave you! They don't hold grudges.

I'll steal one of the red cushions from the lounge, that'll be perfect.
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