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Oh, be aware that he could have sperm in his tubes for up to a month after neutering!

A lot of people seem not to know this :)
Lurking kitty paid a visit yesterday and whilst I stood there, he came very close - then suddenly, he furiously attacked my boots, before skipping a bit further off.

Then as I walked back down the garden, he trotted after me and sat there, staring at the back door once I’d gone-in.

His aggression really does make wonder if he is feral - and that he doesn’t seem to have been done.
Lurking kitty paid a visit yesterday and whilst I stood there, he came very close - then suddenly, he furiously attacked my boots, before skipping a bit further off.

Then as I walked back down the garden, he trotted after me and sat there, staring at the back door once I’d gone-in.

His aggression really does make wonder if he is feral - and that he doesn’t seem to have been done.

I'd be more inclined to think a feral would not approach in the first place - my Radar who was very tame and sweet to us but poorly socialised (including not staying with his mother long enough) used to approach visitors to our flat then attack their footwear, seems to be a specific territorial/overstimulation thing tbh. Most ferals would hide rather than attack something bigger than them.
I'd be more inclined to think a feral would not approach in the first place - my Radar who was very tame and sweet to us but poorly socialised (including not staying with his mother long enough) used to approach visitors to our flat then attack their footwear, seems to be a specific territorial/overstimulation thing tbh. Most ferals would hide rather than attack something bigger than them.

He's had a fair while to get used to me. First he would take-off at great speed. Then he would hide in the depths of a bush and watch with trepidation, then he would come closer/more in the open and watch me from there, then eventually he would start to approach me in the open but always with an escape route.

A couple to times most recently, he has come up to me and meowed at me or given a brief head-bump before jumping the fence but it is still more like 50/50 between being somewhat social or skelping me with his very sharp claws.
Something has had a pigeon and hidden it away under the pallets stacked behind the shed - not Sparrowhawk behaviour. All they usually leave is a neat circle of feathers, mainly at the other side of the garden.

Its unlikely to have been madam as she was only out for a short time this morning and didn't go out of sight of the back of the house, except when I went out just now when she dashed furiously up and down the other side of the garden in the Hedgehog zone! I also cleared some weeds from just in front of that area last thing yesterday and didn't see it. Hmmm..!
Having been the same weight for years and years at his annual check up in July Mr. Kippers was underweight. So a feeding up plan was put in place.

This has led to loud and insistent meowing everytime we go into the kitchen or open the fridge and, after a follow up visit to the vets yesterday, a 300g increase in weight so more warm tummy for me to try and bury my face into!!

Having been the same weight for years and years at his annual check up in July Mr. Kippers was underweight. So a feeding up plan was put in place.

This has led to loud and insistent meowing everytime we go into the kitchen or open the fridge and, after a follow up visit to the vets yesterday, a 300g increase in weight so more warm tummy for me to try and bury my face into!!

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Awww, he's so cute!
more warm tummy for me to try and bury my face into!!

Lil’ Bob disturbed by me changing the sheets (he dozed off again shortly afterwards..). He’s sitting on a chair that has been a feline favourite for nearly 100 years.

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The chair, the chair.
Puts me in mind of this little bit of The Cherry Orchard!

GAYEV Do you know Lyuba how old this bookcase is? A week ago I took out a bottom drawer and saw there were some numbers burnt into it. The cupboard was made exactly one hundred years ago. What do you think of that? Eh? We could be celebrating its jubilee. It’s a lifeless object, but all the same, somehow or other, an inspired bookcase.

PISHICK (Astonised.) A hundred years... Just imagine... !

GAYEV Yes... It is something...(Stroking the bookcase.) Dear, much respected bookcase. I hail with gladness your existence, which already for more than a hundred years has been devoted to the enlightened ideals of goodness and justice; your silent appeal to productive work has not weakened in the course of a century, supporting (tearfully) through the generations of our people cheerfulness, trust in a better future and nurturing in us the ideals of goodness and social conscience. (Pause.)

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