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By the way, if anyone is the market for a fluffy void my NFC breeding friend is looking to rehome a spayed adult male (no fee). She says he's just not that happy sharing with a bunch of other cats so stays in the garden and would be happier without lots of competition for attention.

His name is Charlie, very friendly, not the brightest and apparently a bit of a scaredy cat about loud noises. I have met him a couple of times and he is very sweet.

Kenno has had his vet appointment. He was very angry about it but I'm having a beer to recover and he's joined me on the sofa so I think I'm forgiven. They still don't know and can't see anything but as he's a bit better don't think it's anything scary and have said I can either have him sedated and various investigations (£1.5k) which may show nothing and need a further MRI (£manyk) or monitor him and see how it goes (£0). Sorry Ken :/

Kenno has had his vet appointment. He was very angry about it but I'm having a beer to recover and he's joined me on the sofa so I think I'm forgiven. They still don't know and can't see anything but as he's a bit better don't think it's anything scary and have said I can either have him sedated and various investigations (£1.5k) which may show nothing and need a further MRI (£manyk) or monitor him and see how it goes (£0). Sorry Ken :/

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Ah bless his little heart!
Hopefully it will clear up by itself and not need anything risky and expensive - I know how that goes all too well as 2 of mine (now both deceased from unrelated reasons) have had MRI scans and it's very much ££££ker-ching££££ :eek:
Ah bless his little heart!
Hopefully it will clear up by itself and not need anything risky and expensive - I know how that goes all too well as 2 of mine (now both deceased from unrelated reasons) have had MRI scans and it's very much ££££ker-ching££££ :eek:

I'm so sorry to hear it. I hope you got your money back from insurance?

We are with a really expensive vet and I keep meaning to change as they're not even very nice. I think now is probably a good time.
I'm so sorry to hear it. I hope you got your money back from insurance?

We are with a really expensive vet and I keep meaning to change as they're not even very nice. I think now is probably a good time.
I changed vets earlier this year as the one I'd been going to for years got bought up by the CVS group and their prices rocketed. I go to an independent one now and not only are they a lot cheaper but they're every bit as good and the staff are a lot nicer.

One of my customers has an elderly dog who developed a large lump on her shoulder that was growing rapidly. They took her to the CVS owned vet first who wanted £3,100 to remove the lump so they went to the independent vet for a second opinion as they were worried about her undergoing surgery because of her age. The second vet agreed that the lump should be removed but charged them £780. They've now transferred the dog and their 3 cats to the independent vet.
I changed vets earlier this year as the one I'd been going to for years got bought up by the CVS group and their prices rocketed. I go to an independent one now and not only are they a lot cheaper but they're every bit as good and the staff are a lot nicer.

One of my customers has an elderly dog who developed a large lump on her shoulder that was growing rapidly. They took her to the CVS owned vet first who wanted £3,100 to remove the lump so they went to the independent vet for a second opinion as they were worried about her undergoing surgery because of her age. The second vet agreed that the lump should be removed but charged them £780. They've now transferred the dog and their 3 cats to the independent vet.

Wow, that's insane! I had heard independent vets were cheaper but had no idea it was that extreme. They really need to get on with regulating them.

Sadly my nearest independent vet is about 10 miles away - all the vets in my town are chains. I don't fancy driving a stressed cat all that way :/ But there are still cheaper ones than mine. I called around after they charged me £200 for vaccines and it was half that everywhere else.

God bless the NHS.
I'm so sorry to hear it. I hope you got your money back from insurance?

We are with a really expensive vet and I keep meaning to change as they're not even very nice. I think now is probably a good time.

Insurance paid for a lot of it, most in Radar's case because he was under 12 when he had the MRI, and they paid 75% of Sonic's as he was over 12.
Radar's MRI was to have a look at the extent of his nasopharyngeal polyps which I mentioned earlier (poor sod was shaking his head and splattering blood spots everywhere prior to surgery, but they had to check where they were as there were several both ears and in the throat too).
Sonic's was to investigate his horrible snot problem, never seen anything like it in a cat tbh and we had an MRI, a CAT scan, and a rhinoscopy done to take biopsies too and never did get to the bottom of it, there was no obvious physical reason why he was that snotty so it was assumed to be allergies (and you can't really do allergy tests on a cat the same way you can with a human, cos their skin slides over their body so you can't easily do a skin prick test on them iykwim).
Wow, that's insane! I had heard independent vets were cheaper but had no idea it was that extreme. They really need to get on with regulating them.

Sadly my nearest independent vet is about 10 miles away - all the vets in my town are chains. I don't fancy driving a stressed cat all that way :/ But there are still cheaper ones than mine. I called around after they charged me £200 for vaccines and it was half that everywhere else.

God bless the NHS.
Gosh, I don't think even my old vet would charge £200 for vaccinations but I see you're in Essex so it probably is a lot dearer there. I use to live on the Essex/London border and when we moved to Wales we were surprised at how much cheaper the vets were.... although this was before the big chains started buying them all up.
All our local vets are Goddard Vet Group - I LOVE the vet and the regular nurses at our local clinic, they are awesome!

However, a basic consultation has gone up in price from £35 a couple of years ago, to £50.
There is another vet that isn't part of GVG a little further away - they used to be independent but are now part of another group and charge fucking £67 for a consultation.
All our local vets are Goddard Vet Group - I LOVE the vet and the regular nurses at our local clinic, they are awesome!

However, a basic consultation has gone up in price from £35 a couple of years ago, to £50.
There is another vet that isn't part of GVG a little further away - they used to be independent but are now part of another group and charge fucking £67 for a consultation.
I remember Goddard's from when I lived in Essex in the 70s. They only had the one surgery in Epping (I think) but they're obviously expanded over the years! £50 for a consultation isn't bad as I'm paying that with my vet but the CVS vets are charging £67 which seems to be a standard charge regardless of where you live.
I remember Goddard's from when I lived in Essex in the 70s. They only had the one surgery in Epping (I think) but they're obviously expanded over the years! £50 for a consultation isn't bad as I'm paying that with my vet but the CVS vets are charging £67 which seems to be a standard charge regardless of where you live.

I saw some figures somewhere (probably to do with the investigation into vet group monopolies) that said that 20 years ago, something like 80% of vets were independent, and now it's around or less than 20%, the majority are owned by large companies.
I saw some figures somewhere (probably to do with the investigation into vet group monopolies) that said that 20 years ago, something like 80% of vets were independent, and now it's around or less than 20%, the majority are owned by large companies.
I've been told by a retired vet that CVS are loosing interest in the British market as they're not making as much money as they hoped to and they're starting to concentrate on the Australian market instead. They paid over the odds for a lot of the practices they bought, just to stop other vet chains getting them but then came covid and the cost of living crisis so they're not making the profits they thought they would, despite charging crazy prices.
That moment when you're sitting still and afraid to move lest you "activate" the cats with your movement, like R2D2 detecting the shuffling of a poisonous worm in Natalie Portman's sleeping chambers. I just know they'll perk up and start demanding more biccies.
I remember Goddard's from when I lived in Essex in the 70s. They only had the one surgery in Epping (I think) but they're obviously expanded over the years! £50 for a consultation isn't bad as I'm paying that with my vet but the CVS vets are charging £67 which seems to be a standard charge regardless of where you live.

I pay £50 for a consultation too so at least we aren't being too ripped off there! I think it was 35 when I had my last cat, which was only two years ago.

Had such a lovely independent vet when we lived in London. Pleased to see it's still independent - can recommend to anyone living in Kilburn/Cricklewood.
I'm rather disappointed by this as there are so many lovely cats and kittens in rescues just begging for a nice home.

I have a Siberian cat who boards with me and they are very high maintenance (not to mention seriously expensive to buy) as they have a very thick coat and require daily grooming. If you miss a day's grooming the coat starts to get matted and becomes almost like felt . The one who comes to me also has very dodgy digestion and can only eat the expensive stuff like Encore or Applaws or she starts to get diarrhea which is the last thing you want with a fluffy bum!
A neighbour spoke to partner about the new ginger cat on the block that has been bothering Kizzy, apparently it has been chasing their cat too and it is scared to go out! Even got chased in their house
The owner said they were considering rehoming it as it was so scared!! :(
Partner suggested feliway or lion poo to try
Glad Kizzy isn't THAT scared, tho still looks quite freaked out now and then when the ginger cat is about
Probably getting near the time to let Larry retire somewhere a bit more laid back. I wonder how the stress of a move somewhere quiet with some outdoors space would compare with the stress of hundreds of people always milling about and the frequent change of "owner" the past few years...
Probably getting near the time to let Larry retire somewhere a bit more laid back. I wonder how the stress of a move somewhere quiet with some outdoors space would compare with the stress of hundreds of people always milling about and the frequent change of "owner" the past few years...
Larry must be about 16 years old now and iirc he came from Battersea dogs and cats home when David Cameron was in office so he's been there through 6 Prime ministers now!
A neighbour spoke to partner about the new ginger cat on the block that has been bothering Kizzy, apparently it has been chasing their cat too and it is scared to go out! Even got chased in their house
The owner said they were considering rehoming it as it was so scared!! :(
Partner suggested feliway or lion poo to try
Glad Kizzy isn't THAT scared, tho still looks quite freaked out now and then when the ginger cat is about
Feliway might help the cat feed reassured in the house but I'm not convinced that lion poo would deter the unwelcome visitor. We bought some for our neighbour when she complained about our cats going in her garden but they just went and shat on top of it!
''Tuna now or I press ESC and your day's work is gone!''
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