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It looks to me as if Sgarba will go through life with very clean ears :D :D
Diùra really is very fluffy, give it a couple of years you could collect enough fur to knit a jumper I reckon :D

Clean ears are good and the fur will be shoved in a spot in the garden for the birds to collect and line their nests.

Both of them love being combed, unlike my last cats who must never have been combed as kittens, which meant in adulthood, combing was a fraught/barely tolerated event that only lasted until they got angry and wanted to draw blood!

Our part feral cat returned after disappearing for several days. I've been around asking people in arches if they have seen her. As Im trying to find out where she goes.

Some people in railway arch feed some of the feral cats. They get them neutered. Then they are released back. They are like our cat - used to people but don't act like domestic cats in some ways

As you can see she likes head stroking. But she doesn't like to much attention. She likes being around my other half. But doesn't sit in laps or anything like that
I was just the victim of a "mistake". As per usual around this time the table I'm typing this from was jumped upon, but he slightly misjudged the landing space. One front paw slipped onto my midriff, and claws were briefly stuck out to regain traction.

At least it confirms the world's least violent cat actually has claws.
Clean ears are good and the fur will be shoved in a spot in the garden for the birds to collect and line their nests.

Both of them love being combed, unlike my last cats who must never have been combed as kittens, which meant in adulthood, combing was a fraught/barely tolerated event that only lasted until they got angry and wanted to draw blood!
I often wonder if the birds have a sly little laugh when they line their nests with cat fur!
I'd be a bit wary of putting cat fur out for birds - cats have bacteria in their mouths and saliva that birds have no immunity to and it can kill them, and we all know cats groom themselves with saliva all the time.
I'd be a bit wary of putting cat fur out for birds - cats have bacteria in their mouths and saliva that birds have no immunity to and it can kill them, and we all know cats groom themselves with saliva all the time.
I used to wash the fur with warm water or spray it with pet safe disinfectant and let it dry, but it was usually dog moultings rather than cat.

Think the usual users were actually thrushes / blackbirds
Best post on urban so far this year, I fucking love you for this post :D
All this reminds me of something funny Victoria Wood said years ago. She said she liked to keep her..err, down below area tidy so she'd trim it with scissors and throw what she'd cut off into the garden for the birds to put in their nests.

One day she had a bird knocking on her window and saying "Excuse me, but we do have some standards around here!"
I'd be a bit wary of putting cat fur out for birds - cats have bacteria in their mouths and saliva that birds have no immunity to and it can kill them, and we all know cats groom themselves with saliva all the time.
I've been doing this for @20 years with my last cats and my bird population has been thriving all that time.
I've been doing this for @20 years with my last cats and my bird population has been thriving all that time.
Yeah my gran used to put out milk for cats and hedgehogs and reckoned they were thriving, it doesn't mean it's good for them :)
We have better knowledge now than 20 years ago.
Think the usual users were actually thrushes / blackbirds

It's pretty much all of them IME. Starts early in the spring with the Magpies, then the Jackdaws shortly after, Thrushes and Blackbirds yes bit also the Finches and Tits, right down to the Blue Tits carefully gathering the last individual strands of hair off the mat I comb them on. :)
I think for sure don't use fur gathered within a week of giving flea treatments.
I used to have bird pets and am very wary due to the risk of Pasteurella which is part of the natural flora and fauna of a cat's mouth.
Just be careful, cats are not a natural part of our environment here in the UK, and limiting any damage they can cause is good.
I think for sure don't use fur gathered within a week of giving flea treatments.
I used to have bird pets and am very wary due to the risk of Pasteurella which is part of the natural flora and fauna of a cat's mouth.
Just be careful, cats are not a natural part of our environment here in the UK, and limiting any damage they can cause is good.
Absolutely - and fur that builds up over the summer/autumn tends to be left till the Magpies start hauling it out for their nests in the early spring.
Hello all, it’s been a while - I do read, however, lots been happening here. John was diagnosed with diabetes last summer, and has been in and out of remission ever since, so plenty to bend our heads around - toxo is no longer an issue so we’ll take that as a win, although we’re still trying to get on top of his explosive arse!

Of course, the sensible thing to do in the middle of all that was to get another rescue cat - so please meet Daphne, who came to us in March this year.

Lots of learning and shakedowns - however, we’re struggling a bit with her pee’ing outside of the various boxes we’ve put down for her, and in places we’d rather she didn’t - over the last 5 months, we have concluded she pees outside her box when John pees in one of hers, even if there are unused boxes available to her - she also pees in a particular place (now well protected with clingfilm and kitchen roll) whenever we have a visitor into the house - regardless of how calm and gentle they are.

We’re hoping the John issue will resolve over time - he’s not pee’ing in her box/boxes anyway near as often now - however, the visitor issue is a bit more of a challenge. We’re trying Cystease, however, she is a dry food only cat, who doesn’t even like Lick-e-lix 🙄🤣

Anyway, some John and Daphne spam, and any wisdom appreciated - Epona ?


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OMG gorgeous! Looks like you found a cat under all the fur when she was given a trim :D Persian of some sort?
And he's got lovely classic tabby markings and what a facial expression on him! :D

The weeing outside the box is definitely sounding like a territorial/stress issue as you've already deduced, is there any way she can have a box in a very quiet place such as in a cupboard or under a kitchen counter?
It is a difficult one and I'm certainly no expert on resolving it, my Jakey's an utter horror and although he does wee in the box most of the time, I don't think I've ever convinced him to shit in one :facepalm:
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