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Wrexham and Shropshire: the best railway company in the UK?

Locos are class 67's - built in Spain around 1998.

Designed for fast passenger and mail traffics.Royal Mail cut back drastically on rail use so they are "spare"

If by "cut back" you mean completely scrapped then you are correct.
They are still running a few. Not very many. And one or two have come back into operation again since the cutbacks. I think.

Are they? I heard.....or at least I thought I heard...that they'd stopped using trains entirely. I guess I got it wrong.
If I get an open return up to Scotland can I use the Wrexham and Shropshire line to do the last part of my return journey home, or are they special and you can only book through them?
If I get an open return up to Scotland can I use the Wrexham and Shropshire line to do the last part of my return journey home, or are they special and you can only book through them?

Well, it's kind of complicated but potentially yes. You will need to travel on an off-peak, super-off-peak or anytime ticket with routing "any permitted". The tricky bit will be exactly where to change trains. The specifics might be best resolved by PM.
Well, it's kind of complicated but potentially yes. You will need to travel on an off-peak, super-off-peak or anytime ticket with routing "any permitted". The tricky bit will be exactly where to change trains. The specifics might be best resolved by PM.
"my trainly wiles - let me show them to you. in private" *eyebrows* :D

When I received my free sample pack of Teuchter's Trainly Wiles I was a little sceptical that they could deliver what they promised.

I'd always stuck to the standard timetable and ticketing services to be found on the internets and it didn't really occur to me that better information could be sourced without a painful phone call to National Rail Enquiries or a visit to a ticketing booth.

How wrong was I?!

I was delighted with this tailored service. It listened to my needs and responded with expert advice that has saved me both money and time, or worse, an embarrassing public exchange on a packed train.

Thanks Teuchter!

I'd recommend this service to anyone with non-standard train travel requirements.

Prof. J. Hornby.
I take it all back.


Prof J. Hornby

Prof Hornby seems a little schizophrenic. I hope he's not about to have a nervous breakdown or anything like that. It's probably not safe for him to be allowed to travel on the railways unsupervised these days.
I would also like to say that Bahnhof Strasse's Emporium of Trainly Wiles carries a lovely line in seat reservations.
Well I didn't utilise teuchter's trainly wiles in the end, not that they weren't appreciated, I just wanted a night in my own bed. I did however use Wrexham and Shropshire for my journey from London to Shrewsbury. I bought 2 singles for £10 and £14 which seemed very reasonable. Firstly I passed through a first class carriage which appeared to have been allocated as standard class which excited me until they announced the heating wasn't working in that one. Then the seat they reserved for me automatically turned out not to exist but there was plenty of room and I secured a table to myself near the front of the train. There was a man hanging around furtively in the front vestibule for some time before settling in his seat.

After a short nap I found I was feeling a little cold so made my way to the buffet car where I decided to order a toastie and soup. And some welsh cakes as Strumpet has turned me into a fan of those. The lady took my card payment on an old zippy back and forward machine and said she'd bring my food to my table when it was ready. Which was nice. :)

Another man appeared on the train with a camera and again loitered in the front vestibule furtively. I realised he was a train enthusiast, but quite what he was doing I'm not sure.

I saw the famous junction box at Shrewsbury, but only briefly, having mistaken a previous junction box-like structure for it a moment earlier.

I am hoping there is a heated first class carriage allocated to standard class on the way back. I shall avail myself of the silver service this time as toasties and soup aren't really my favourite.

Anyway, I found it quite charming, overall.
Well I didn't utilise teuchter's trainly wiles in the end, not that they weren't appreciated, I just wanted a night in my own bed. I did however use Wrexham and Shropshire for my journey from London to Shrewsbury. I bought 2 singles for £10 and £14 which seemed very reasonable. Firstly I passed through a first class carriage which appeared to have been allocated as standard class which excited me until they announced the heating wasn't working in that one. Then the seat they reserved for me automatically turned out not to exist but there was plenty of room and I secured a table to myself near the front of the train. There was a man hanging around furtively in the front vestibule for some time before settling in his seat.

After a short nap I found I was feeling a little cold so made my way to the buffet car where I decided to order a toastie and soup. And some welsh cakes as Strumpet has turned me into a fan of those. The lady took my card payment on an old zippy back and forward machine and said she'd bring my food to my table when it was ready. Which was nice. :)

Another man appeared on the train with a camera and again loitered in the front vestibule furtively. I realised he was a train enthusiast, but quite what he was doing I'm not sure.

I saw the famous junction box at Shrewsbury, but only briefly, having mistaken a previous junction box-like structure for it a moment earlier.

I am hoping there is a heated first class carriage allocated to standard class on the way back. I shall avail myself of the silver service this time as toasties and soup aren't really my favourite.

Anyway, I found it quite charming, overall.

The heating (assuming its the same de-rated first-class carriage) was still not working today when I was in it, and it was bloody freezing. Fortunately I had spent much of my new years holiday on the arctic wasteland that is Talacre beach and was, as a result, toughened to extremes of cold.

That said, it (and the heated standard carriage behind it - I didnt brave the heated first class carriage apart from to get some crisps) were really quite full all the way down, which is encouraging for the future. Hopefully the carriages that are being refurbished will be along shortly.
We are yet to hear quimcunx's assessment of the silver service, and whether she was troubled by any furtive rail enthusiasts on the return journey. I wonder if she has any thoughts on the livery of the carriages; namely a nostalgic grey and blue BR scheme.
Well I had a bit of time to spare on my own in Shrewsbury before catching my train but rather than spend that time in the warm having some pub grub I wandered about in the cold taking pictures of Shrewsbury station while it was still light as my train wasn't 'til 6pm and saved myself for the silver service. The engine was the Thomas Telford for those who care and quite pretty. There was no 1st class carriage reallocated as standard on this train.

As soon as the train settled I made my way to the buffet car to be told that they were short on energy and thus there was no silver service. They made me a tuna mayo sandwich instead. I was not near the front of the train this time and was unaware of furtive rail enthusiasts.

The door to my carriage was not closing automatically so I made several trips to shut it after people, including, twice, a member of staff, passed through as the shortage of energy extended to the heating too.

I did however get a free packet of peanuts later, as they'd ordered far too many and the best before date was 3/01/09 and wished the member of staff who gave me it a Happy New Year. The train was also more than 10 minutes late arriving in London.

So leaning a little more towards incompetent and a little less towards charming.
bumped because of this article on NWRail

NWRail said:
The same paper reports a proposal by Virgin Trains to 'muscle in' on the Shrewsbury - London route:

Shropshire travellers could be set for a boost after proposals for another direct rail link to London were revealed. Virgin Trains has put in a bid to Network Rail to run two services daily each way between Shrewsbury and London Euston. The proposed service – which would call at Wellington and Telford before going via Walsall, Wolverhampton and Nuneaton – would take just over two hours 45 minutes.

Shropshire travellers could be set for a boost after proposals for another direct rail link to London were revealed. Virgin Trains has put in a bid to Network Rail to run two services daily each way between Shrewsbury and London Euston. The proposed service – which would call at Wellington and Telford before going via Walsall, Wolverhampton and Nuneaton – would take just over two hours 45 minutes.

The county’s direct rail link to London was restored in April last year when train operator Wrexham & Shropshire began its service to London Marylebone. It runs five trains each way per day, from Wrexham to London. In December, Arriva Trains Wales revealed it was looking at restoring an old route to provide three trains a day between Aberystwyth and London Marylebone, via Shrewsbury, Wellington and Telford. Ken Gibbs, Virgin Trains spokesman, said the firm was preparing a business case for the service which could be up and running by December if all goes to plan.

It wants to run trains leaving Shrewsbury at 6.42am, which would arrive at 9.30am, and 1.42pm, and two leaving Euston at 10.33am and 5.46pm. Mr Gibbs said Network Rail would decide on the proposal 'within the next couple of months'.

Amazing how the previously impossible becomes possible once someone else shows you how. But for how long? Can the Shropshire market provide for two (or even three) London services, I wonder?

Turn down the Clown, Network Rail.
Not using main nodes or competing that much for places on the routes is an advantage. Wish them well but rather than celebrating how the theft of our railway system is "working" I see it as indicative of the potential.
It's one of the few examples of genuine competition between different operators potentially leading to benefits for passengers.

At the same time it's rather irritating that the W&S can't, for example, sell tickets between Banbury and Marylebone, even though its trains stop there, due to the franchise agreements other operators have.
There's a lowing article about W&S railway in today's Observer (main section p19).

bumped because of this article on NWRail

Turn down the Clown, Network Rail.

It says that Virgin have stopped trying to muscle in on the W&S route - the same one they turned down 5 years ago due to 'lack of demand'.
There's a lowing article about W&S railway in today's Observer (main section p19).

It says that Virgin have stopped trying to muscle in on the W&S route - the same one they turned down 5 years ago due to 'lack of demand'.

For anyone who hasnt seen it, the article is here.

As for why Virgin turned it down, its probably because they saw that a world of shit (not the least of which would have been pressure on their exclusivity at certain stations) would have descended upon them if they did so - there were leaders in the Times and Guardian pointing out the outrageousness of it, as well as moans from MPs.

W+S have also been very successful in getting glowing reviews from nearly every journo who has reviewed them - had I not used the service myself I would probably assume this was just effective PR and spin, but of course it actually is that good.
That's a lovely article.
'Now, the train's going to be moving off in that direction," says the guard, bending solicitously over a sweet little bundle of embroidered tea cosies which turned out to be a shawl wrapped around a lady of rather more than a certain age. "Do you want to go to the opposite seat, face forward, see the countryside? Oh, don't worry about the ticket stuff; we'll get that sorted later. Can I get you some tea in five minutes? The buffet's just there, and I'll have a bit of time, save your legs."

I am sitting a couple of rows back, slack-jawed, wondering what's going right. The lady didn't actually have the money for a ticket, but her daughter, waiting at Banbury, did, so the world's most solicitous train guard sat down beside the rustling tea cosies and did something complicated with mobile phones and credit cards, sorted it, then escorted her off the train to be reunited with her daughter.
But this is rail travel In Britain. In 2009. How can it all be going so right?
W+S have also been very successful in getting glowing reviews from nearly every journo who has reviewed them - had I not used the service myself I would probably assume this was just effective PR and spin, but of course it actually is that good.

They are amazing. I love them! :)

Three cheers for them! :)
Back down to earth with a bit of a bump today, I am afraid.

Was due to use the 1123 from Wrexham to London today, which (sadly) died at Wrexham due to a seized starter motor on the 67. Couldnt be bothered to wait the hour for the fitter to turn up (the alternate travel they announced was only for people heading to stations up to Birmingham, and there was no guarantee that he would be able to fix it), so was very kindly taken by the family to Crewe and spent an hour-and-a-half on a very fast, very empty, surprisingly clean (but entirely soulless) Virgin train that got in an hour before the W+S train's original arrival time.

It did make one realise how tough their job is, reliant on only four locos, word of mouth and superlative customer service for survival in a fight against someone with more money, quicker routes and greater capacity to fix problems. What made it worse is that the standard class was almost totally full up, I just hope those people give it another chance.

All that aside, the journey up was fantastic.
Wrexham & Shropshire are open access so I think they wont be paying hefty financial premiums to the DFt, therefore with less financial pressures I'm guessing they have the cash to spend on customer service and food.

Theres been some speculation that with recession looming none of the big players can afford to pay their franchise premiums, so costs are being cut and staff are losing their jobs.
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