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World War III


Something, something, something
“We’ve been in this for a long time, and we’ve failed to recognize it,” Fiona Hill


“I spoke with the Russia expert Fiona Hill She told me she believes there’s an element of self-delusion to much of the current commentary about the possibility of Washington and the West continuing to back Ukraine while avoiding conflict with Putin—who, after all, launched his war against Ukraine not in February but eight years ago when he invaded the country and illegally annexed the Crimean Peninsula. As far as Hill is concerned, we are already fighting in the Third World War, whether we acknowledge it or not. “We’ve been in this for a long time, and we’ve failed to recognize it,” she said.”


Welcome to the WW III thread.
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Trouble was Hitlers Spanish legion was effective and learned to perfect things.

Russias gone from the big scary bear to an angry hamster that's importing doodle bugs from that military behemonth iran🤣.

Ukraines been reduced to capturing 1960 relics off Russian forces.
If Russia attacked NATO the shooting would go on until either Poland ran out of targets or decided to show mercy which is pretty unlikely.

Russias got nukes and that's all its got and they are probably in a poor state of repair. Russias defence budget is not much bigger than the UKs. Even doubling that and paying personnel in cabbages still doesn't cover the maintence logistics flight hours etc etc to have all the hardware they claim they have operational.
Trouble was Hitlers Spanish legion was effective and learned to perfect things.

Russias gone from the big scary bear to an angry hamster that's importing doodle bugs from that military behemonth iran🤣.

Ukraines been reduced to capturing 1960 relics off Russian forces.
If Russia attacked NATO the shooting would go on until either Poland ran out of targets or decided to show mercy which is pretty unlikely.

Russias got nukes and that's all its got and they are probably in a poor state of repair. Russias defence budget is not much bigger than the UKs. Even doubling that and paying personnel in cabbages still doesn't cover the maintence logistics flight hours etc etc to have all the hardware they claim they have operational.

All while Xi sharpens knives
I don't think Russia is in any position to threaten Israel, seeing as they are still yet to take control of Donetsk after what is now 8 years of fighting.

The threat wasn’t direct military kinetic threat. There’s a fair bit of collaboration between the states that Russia is alluding to being at stake.
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“Whether you want to call it wartime contracting or emergency contracting, we can’t play around anymore,” the aide said. “We can’t pussyfoot around with minimum-sustaining-rate buys of these munitions. It’s hard to think of something as high on everybody’s list as buying a ton of munitions for the next few years, for our operational plans against China and continuing to supply Ukraine.”
Serious nuclear conversations are being conducted

Not saying its not got anything to do with nuclear threats, but I think it's as likely something to do with the fact that news has just broken that apparently 30 ex RAF fighter pilots are working with the Chinese air force, teaching them how to defeat western warplanes.

Not saying its not got anything to do with nuclear threats, but I think it's as likely something to do with the fact that news has just broken that apparently 30 ex RAF fighter pilots are working with the Chinese air force, teaching them how to defeat western warplanes.

i see the auld '30 pieces of silver' traitors' wages has gone up somewhat
Not saying its not got anything to do with nuclear threats, but I think it's as likely something to do with the fact that news has just broken that apparently 30 ex RAF fighter pilots are working with the Chinese air force, teaching them how to defeat western warplanes.

i doubt Wallace has chinned off parliament to go to the US to talk about this.

i imagine its something much more serious..
You could argue that WW3 started when the powers started the scramble for territory after Germany surrendered. And began nit picking over what had been agreed a year or two earlier. We have been at war ever since directly or indirectly. US planes to nuke everyone preemptively before the dust had settled over Berlin are well known
Russia lost in 97 poo tins justthe dead cat bounce.

The RAF teaching the Chinese the mighty f3 ace dogfighter🤣.
Helicopters always refuse to pick the troops up if there's anything decent on TV or its mealtime or you just can't be arsed.
Plus the vital importance of the triumph stag🤣
i see the auld '30 pieces of silver' traitors' wages has gone up somewhat

I got various briefings on the threats I might face in visiting China from their intelligence services: “approaches by ‘academics’ or ‘businesses people’ offering free tickets to entertainment, invitations to meals with lavish food and drink, upgrades to hotel accommodation, gifts of Jewellery or other high value goods, occasionally even cash or sexual favours.”

Three times I went and bloody nothing. ☹️
I got various briefings on the threats I might face in visiting China from their intelligence services: “approaches by ‘academics’ or ‘businesses people’ offering free tickets to entertainment, invitations to meals with lavish food and drink, upgrades to hotel accommodation, gifts of Jewellery or other high value goods, occasionally even cash or sexual favours.”

Three times I went and bloody nothing. ☹️
Is that why you keep going back?
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