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World War III

If things escalate then we'll soon find an increase in production.
Thats including the 50% ramp up of production. 700 is pretty much doubling the number in the world, but the HIMARS is proving itself a useful bit of kit
Whilst I can see what you mean, does it help to have this at the top of your personal agenda when, really, you're not able to influence it in any way? Unless, Putin, that you? I only ask because I was watching some stuff about random street violence the other day and realised that it was making me anxious about being a victim of random street violence where I hadn't before. Go figure.
Whilst I can see what you mean, does it help to have this at the top of your personal agenda when, really, you're not able to influence it in any way? Unless, Putin, that you? I only ask because I was watching some stuff about random street violence the other day and realised that it was making me anxious about being a victim of random street violence where I hadn't before. Go figure.

Personal agenda
(1) Get car with lost keys moved
(2) Get invoice for skip
(3) Get bank cards back
(4)Have swim
(5) Sort out somewhere to live
Whilst I can see what you mean, does it help to have this at the top of your personal agenda when, really, you're not able to influence it in any way? Unless, Putin, that you? I only ask because I was watching some stuff about random street violence the other day and realised that it was making me anxious about being a victim of random street violence where I hadn't before. Go figure.
Do you not take reasonable precautions against being a victim of random street violence (by which we usually mean undeserved, it's rarely actually random) and should people not make reasonable preparations for surviving a nuclear assault?
Do you not take reasonable precautions against being a victim of random street violence (by which we usually mean undeserved, it's rarely actually random) and should people not make reasonable preparations for surviving a nuclear weapon?

I am probably more vigilant than most due to knobheads and my inability to simply ignore them. However, what can I do about war breaking out? Really? What?
I am probably more vigilant than most due to knobheads and my inability to simply ignore them. However, what can I do about war breaking out? Really? What?
Clean water vessels ready to fill up, food supplies, a decision on where in your dwelling you will make a shelter, grab bags etc. There's loads to do.
6) Stop using roman numerals to depict the number 3 by 2023.
Probably have some dinner at number (6) myself, strikes me as highly unlikely that there's going to be be over a hundred world wars between now and NYE, so roman numerals probably suffice in thread context
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Well, it was meant to be a joke but as we've veered off into Serious Town here's my serious answer. Anxiety has been in charge of my life for a long time and now that I've sorted it out I don't want to dump a giant anxiety engine in my front brain.
Well, it was meant to be a joke but as we've veered off into Serious Town here's my serious answer. Anxiety has been in charge of my life for a long time and now that I've sorted it out I don't want to dump a giant anxiety engine in my front brain.
Well fair enough but some of us have dependants who'd like a chance and would prefer not to succumb to nihilism.
Well fair enough but some of us have dependants who'd like a chance and would prefer not to succumb to nihilism.

I can understand that but I didn't anticipate your angle. I was thinking about world leaders being responsible for making choices about manoeuvring their country into a position where nuclear war was an inevitable consequence of their actions.
Well, it was meant to be a joke but as we've veered off into Serious Town here's my serious answer. Anxiety has been in charge of my life for a long time and now that I've sorted it out I don't want to dump a giant anxiety engine in my front brain.
And why should you when we have a government working overtime on that front for us all
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I can understand that but I didn't anticipate your angle. I was thinking about world leaders being responsible for making choices about manoeuvring their country into a position where nuclear war was an inevitable consequence of their actions.
This is where we end up when we have twats in charge who aren't afraid to make the difficult decisions despite having negligible understanding of how to make good decisions
I can understand that but I didn't anticipate your angle. I was thinking about world leaders being responsible for making choices about manoeuvring their country into a position where nuclear war was an inevitable consequence of their actions.
Fair enough, I just have a bugbear about the attitude towards civil defense in this country. Even the yanks are dusting off their shelters.
Fair enough, I just have a bugbear about the attitude towards civil defense in this country. Even the yanks are dusting off their shelters.

I can understand that. We all have our focus. I would feel the same in your position.
No point in planning. If we knew what was going to happen, when and where, then 'our' armed forces would try and prevent that happening. Whatever does happen, if and when, will be completely unforseeable by us mere subjects, as will the consequences.
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No point in planning. If we knew what was going to happen, when and where, then 'our' armed forces would try and prevent that happening. Whatever does happen, if and when, will be completely unforseeable by us mere subjects, as will the consequences.
Nonsense. If Putin does a tactical nuke there's a high chance of it going strategic in the following hours/days. I'm not sure what you think 'our' armed forces are going to be doing to stop it at that point. Admittedly, if you're in the fireball radius it's all going to be a bit pointless, but most people won't be. Of course the Swedes, Fins, Swiss etc. will be massively better off because their governments actually planned for it but that doesn't mean everyone should give up.
Nonsense. If Putin does a tactical nuke there's a high chance of it going strategic in the following hours/days. I'm not sure what you think 'our' armed forces are going to be doing to stop it at that point. Admittedly, if you're in the fireball radius it's all going to be a bit pointless, but most people won't be. Of course the Swedes, Fins, Swiss etc. will be massively better off because their governments actually planned for it but that doesn't mean everyone should give up.
Not talking about giving up. Just not intending to do very much when, as I say, we have no way of knowing what will happen. As we know there have been several instances in the past when something nearly happened. We've also lived with a potential threat for decades, which could have become actual at very short notice. I thought back in the 70's and 80's that there was every chance of nuclear war. Long time coming. It still could. More of a problem could be being apart from your loved ones when the shit hits the fan. Nowt you can do about that.
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