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World Cup Final 2023: England V Spain

Know it's been said a lot, but Earps put in one of those 'keeper performances that deserves more than a loser's medal. She did absolutely everything asked of her, and even the goal had to be precision perfect.
Yeh no blame on that goal at all.
deserved winners. tbh England did well to keep it down to 1-0. Earps England's player of the match says it all really.

Should James have started? Probably. Toone also stayed on far too long, imo.
Should Russo have come off at half time?

It probably didn't matter. Last-ditch defending kept it down to 1 goal.
Yeh they look really good when they actually play football but the fucking about is annoying.

It's not like they needed to. We were never going to get a sniff. We had no answer to their possession game and struggled to create anything meaningful
Lol, knew you as a lifelong and commited football fan would be flag shagging at the final whistle
Spain is my adopted country.

I'm English by birth but choose to be Spanish.

And I always support the countries in which I've lived
It's not like they needed to. We were never going to get a sniff. We had no answer to their possession game and struggled to create anything meaningful
It reminded me of united v City.
All the possession, less physical, more technical, relying on individual brilliance v tactics
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