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Workers Power have split

First time I saw them was Socialism 2008. Mad bastards

They were proper cunts on this occasion though. That put me off them. Apparently they have also (allegedly) used brainwashing and sleep-deprivation techniques on new recruits as well.
Blimey. The last time I saw a chart similar to that was when I was a student swappie, poring over Stalinicos's primer on Trotskyism. It really is remarkable, especially when you remember that the membership of every single one of those groups combined would probably fit into one decent-sized football stadium!
That's from a very poor Big Flame pamphlet called The Revolution Unfinished? A Critique of Trotskyism from 1977.
They were proper cunts on this occasion though. That put me off them. Apparently they have also (allegedly) used brainwashing and sleep-deprivation techniques on new recruits as well.

That's what put you off them! I thought they had some weird hand gesture where you make a 'W' with both hands for 'Workers Bomb'
Yeah. Proper cunts mate, this guy had goe to India and Sri Lanka, and was describing some truly terrible stuff, villagers shot by militias working on behalf of a large company, being expelled from land, people dragged from hospital beds and shot, people having their hands cut off for being on strike etc. And then some sparts stand up and accuse him, basically, of being fash, and agreeing with what he was criticising.

To be honest prior to seeing them in action I had thought they were a joke made up by private eye.
I swear! I don't know how I've missed out on that one!

I'm telling ya it was a running joke between me and a mutual friend of ours for a good 12 months, you must've heard us all drunken shouting about The Workers Bomb whilst crying Long Live Posadas lol
And before this there was the Marxist league, and before that the Communist League and before that the Balham group and before that (sort of anyway) The Marxian League.


That's exactly what I was on about with the family tree - desperately needs bringing up to date.
Not I!

I think a lot of grounded people in left wing sects know they're in sects. Doesn't really matter does it.

This is it, everyone knows what these groups are like, only the very naive and the very needy go in there believing them to be the solution to the problems of capitalism. My attitude is there's a desprate need for a new left-wing mass party in this country, one that's not part of the Leninist canon, and if that's gonna happen the rank and file members of these organizations are the ones who'll need to take the initiative on that. The leadership won't.
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That was basically the case for working class SWP members as well.

Not quite. SWP members were forbidden from participating in a particular internet discussion forum at some point in the mid 1990s. They weren't forbidden from being on the internet!

They do have something of a cultural opposition to internet forums though. It's not a rule, but their members rarely participate in online discussion outside of their house blog Lenin's Tomb.

(edited to add, beaten to it by butchersapron).
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