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Workers Power have split

It's beyond a fucking joke I mean what the fuck are they playing at?

I was halfway through writing something, I know butchers is keen to see it, where I collectively list every single socialist organization in britain. From the IBT to the CPGB-ML and so on and so on. Just so I could see how many people were in them all. I didn't get through it because it's such a soul-crushing experience that I couldn't bring myself to finish it off. However, I can say with a degree of certaintly, there are well over 10,000 people in this country who are members of a left-wing sect or group, when you add them all together. And for those 10,000 people, there are literally dozens and dozens of parties. I keep coming accross new ones every time I look. It's beyond a joke.
Like to see watya got though.
What about the people who did Aufheben? Could they be considered a group?

And those that left the CPGB after reading Maurice Brinton?
covred fifteen pages back!

he's now the commune

Hang on, aren't The Commune a split from Workers Power, or am I just totally lost trying to follow all this?

Incidentally, Workers Power splits seems to produce groups that are better than your average trot. The Commune paper isn't at all bad, and Permanent Revolution may only have about 30 members but the journal they do is one of the best on the left, some of the people involved in it really do know their stuff.
I remember an old poster from elsewhere called neprimirimye (Russian for irreconcilable, but not sure if a reference to a Lenin quote or a group of Makhaevists) who appeared to know some of the minutiae of sectarian lefty politics in the UK.
I remember an old poster from elsewhere called neprimirimye (Russian for irreconcilable, but not sure if a reference to a Lenin quote or a group of Makhaevists) who appeared to know some of the minutiae of sectarian lefty politics in the UK.

Indeed. Neppy, me and a few others actually wrote a big guide to all the lefty groups many years back. He deleted it though after we had a row iirc.
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