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Workers Power have split

yeh actually having looked at their website they say some surprisingly sensible things, website needs a major redesign tho.
Just get the right ICP....

The SEP version are a bit...er...well, you wouldn't want them round your house for a cup of tea. Put it that way.
The workers democratic network of asexual reproduction and daily fragmentation party will cure these ills by having the concept of splits built into its very fabric.

On Revleft you can set up user groups. There is, I shit you not, an anti-sex league group. It's not a joke and people have joined it on there and actually believe in it. It's like they've read 1984 and thought, "now there's an idea!"
I don't think people on here actually understand how crazy the people on revleft (and probably most of the american left) are. I did not imagine that it could be possible.

What's the proletarian milieu's justification for having the anti-sex league group then? :D
I don't think people on here actually understand how crazy the people on revleft (and probably most of the american left) are. I did not imagine that it could be possible.

What's the proletarian milieu's justification for having the anti-sex league group then? :D

Making a virtue out of a necessity?


"Worst International ever".
Disgust, nausea, here is what we felt at first when we read the last innovations of the opportunist ICC with regards to anarchism. Let's just judge from the titles of two of its articles published in World Revolution 336 and in Révolution internationale 414 : The communist left and internationalist anarchism: What we have in common ; and Réunion CNT-AIT de Toulouse du 15 avril 2010 : vers un creuset de la réflexion internationaliste [Meeting of the CNT-AIT, April 15th,2010 : towards the setting up of reflection network in the internationalist Milieu]. Two titles which come - oh so much ! - verify the soundness of the warning we issued in the bulletin 48 of the Internal Fraction of the ICC : Anarchism seeks to infiltrate the Proletarian Camp and the present ICC opens it the door (in French and Spanish only1).
Disgust, nausea, but also now anger and rage ! There is no question to let without reaction, without fighting, the fatal outcome that this new step announces, fatal outcome which is on the way to be achieved "quietly". If sincere members and sympathizers of the ICC still remain and seeks to resist and save what still can be saved, it belongs to us to help them as much as we can as well as it belongs to us to save the communist honour and the political legacy of the ICC.
We had already denounced what seemed to be dangerous skids of the present ICC towards anarchism2. It has distributed a common leaflet with two openly Anarchist groups in Mexico. But now, with its "fraternal" opening towards anarchism, the ICC initiates its break with the proletariat's camp, with marxism, with the workers movement's history, in particular with the Communist Left's one, thus with its own history ! It is an important step towards the foreseeable disappearance of this organization as a proletariat's organization which emerges through the break with its own political platform, through the loss, or worst the dissolution, of its last militant communist forces under the flood of leftist elements ; in other terms in its theoretical-political as well as militant disintegration ! Is there still time to save something from this organization ? Is there still time that members end up, finally, to react and organize consequently within it, in order to fight against the "forecast death", on the way to be realized, of the ICC as a proletariat's political organization ? Because that is where we are now ! Isn't it fraternizing openly with anarchism, current that the Communist Left has definitively categorized as counter-revolutionary and that the true ICC did not stop to denounce as a component of the extreme-Left of Capital ?

god imagine how the would feel if they met us lot on here!!
it gets better :D

The betrayal comes with, some lines below, a class collaboration which is openly claimed : "Today, in France for example, the same name « CNT » covers two anarchist organisations, one which defends authentically revolutionary positions (CNT-AIT) and another which is purely « reformist » and reactionary (the CNT «Vignoles »)".
Have these comrades of the ICC who still keep a little bit of communist reflexes, gone to have a look to the CNT-AIT web site and to its documents ? Do they know this organization carries on claiming openly to anarcho-unionism ? Self-management ["autogestion" in French and Spanish] ? The policy of the CNT during the Spanish war (thus of Federica Monseny and her owns who actively participated to the Popular Front, so fatal for our class) and the anti-fascist struggle ? Decades of political fight of the ICC against the anarchist danger are thrown through the window with no debate, with not any political confrontation... with no reluctance, nor opposition3 ?

Can the comrades of the ICC who still keep some "class notions", accept that it be pronounced in their name this sentences so closed to touted leftism : "Communist militants are still very thin on the ground today and there is nothing more harmful than isolation. We therefore have to fight against the tendency to stand up for your own « chapel », your own « family » (whether marxist or anarchist), against the shop-keeper's spirit which has nothing to do with the politics of the working class". The historical struggle of marxism against the petit-bourgeois anarchist ideology is so reduced to a rivalry between shopkeepers ! We do choke with rage in front of such words !
wtf??? these guys make the ICC look sane and that's saying something!

And to end up with this nauseating literature, "cherry on the cake" as it is said in French, if we can use this word for such leftist shit, the article What we have in common concludes proclaiming loudly and brandishing its Declaration like a banner, that "the ICC belongs to the same camp as these internationalist anarchists who really defend working class autonomy. Yes, we consider them as comrades with whom we want to debate and cooperate. Yes, we also think that these anarchist militants have more in common with the communist left than with those who, under the label of anarchism, actually defend nationalist and reformist positions and are thus really defenders of capitalism".

Wow so much fucking venom! :eek:
I don't think people on here actually understand how crazy the people on revleft (and probably most of the american left) are. I did not imagine that it could be possible.

What's the proletarian milieu's justification for having the anti-sex league group then? :D

I seem to remember that the responses I got when I joined to take the piss were along these lines:

As Engels showed in the origin of the family, private property and the state, the modern nuclear family is an essentially capitalist formation, with the wife and children as the property of the father. The sexual impulse is therefore a bourgeois impulse aimed at increasing personal private property. This impulse controls our lives and is yet another tool of capitalist hegemony.

The struggle against capitalism is therefore the struggle against the sexual impulse.

I think they qualified that by saying that it was ok to have sex, but only if you'd risen above capitalist sexual relations.

I'm not convinced their reading of Engels is quite what he intended. And whilst the above is their justification, I suspect Idris may be closer to the actual truth.
how do they manage? how do they get through every day in the normal world with these ideas about parasites and swamps etc in their heads?
Speaking of trivial splits, Workers Power actually had another couple of splits recently. They kicked out two people at their conference the other week who were involved in some kind of discussion process for random mentals organised by Socialist Fight. They also had a split in their Austrian section to found some new group called the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency, which apparently has a couple of British supporters. Amazing name by the way, but spoiled a bit by its relative brevity. It's the sort of name that should have at least seven words in it.

TBF, the fact that you can pronounce the acronym "arse it" makes up for the short name.
No mention of Straight Left yet? Two of them live in Haringey, and they're still "doing" stuff.

Also Workers Socialism - council communist group mostly concentrated in North London with a few people scattered about elsewhere. Very close to Spurs Ladies (seriously).
Being "won to trotksyism" at the age of 10 sounds pretty chilling to me? how would you go about winning a 10 year old child to the transitional program? I dread to think.

Probably a programme of sleep deprivation, mixed in with dosing their food with mild hallucinogenics and hypnotics.

Plus the threat of feeding 'em to the paedos if they don't allow themselves to be "won to beardie".
Over 3000 views for a thread on Workers Power splitting...

And 17 pages of posts. Mostly by people who miss the irony that they are part of the very thing they are taking the piss out of, but will go on doing the same old, same old.

Or even worse cynical do nothings.
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