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Workers Power have split

Ah yes, "there's nothing wrong with a little bump and grind".

I remember a post on Indymedia Ireland which claimed that one of their senior members had been done for paedophilia, hence their peculiar stance on that question. Any truth in that one?
Given the bear garden that is the Spartacist "family" (sparts, Internationalist Group and International Bolshevik Tendency mainly) we'd have heard more of that, if true. The only thing I know of resembling this at all is the Bill Logan affair http://www.icl-fi.org/english/pamph/logan/preface.html

But they expelled Logan. I think he leads the IBT now
The scary thing about the sparts is that it seems to me through everything they do that they don't really care about people if you know what I mean. If you read this type of literature it's worryingly devoid of emotions, humanity or any sign of giving a shit about people (apart from shrill denunciations of other groups).
The scary thing about the sparts is that it seems to me through everything they do that they don't really care about people if you know what I mean. If you read this type of literature it's worryingly devoid of emotions, humanity or any sign of giving a shit about people (apart from shrill denunciations of other groups).
Your bourgeois liberal humanist concern with "people" betrays your utter servility to the running dogs of imperialism comrade
Okay..here we go here's my list of current lefty/anarchist groups in the UK. Some may be defunct, and I've not included localist groups or journals. let me know if I've missed any.

If anyone fancies helping putting up a blog with info on all these (a kinda lefty trainspotting encyclopedia) let me know.

Anarchist Federation
Alliance for Green Socialism
Alliance for Workers Liberty
Class War
Communist Corresponding Society
Communist Party of Britain
Communist Party of Great Britain (Provisional Central Committe)
Communist Party of Britain-Marxist Leninist
Communist Party of Great Britain-Marxist Leninist
Communist Workers Organisation
Communist Action
Communist League (The Militant)
Communist League/Movement for a Socialist Future
Communist League of Great Britain
The Commune
International Leninist Workers Party /Economic and Philosophic Science Review
Green Anarchist
International Bolshevik Ttendency
International Communist Current
International Communist Party - Communist Left
International Communist Party - Internationalist Papers
International Communist Party / Socialist Equality Party
International Communist League (Fourth International) / Spartacist League
International Socialist Group / Socialist Resistance
International Socialist Group – Bamberyite
International Socialist League
Independent Working Class Association
Industrial Workers of the World
Liberty and Solidarity
Marxist Party
Maoist Internationalist Movement
New Communist Party
Proletarian Democracy
Peace and Progress Party
Permanent Revolution
Revolutionary Communist Group
Revolutionary Democratic Group
Revolutionary Internationalist League
Revolutionary Internationalist Movement
Revolutionary Workers Party
Socialist Action
Socialist Appeal
Socialist Fight
Socialist Labour Party
Socialist Workers Party
Socialist Party
SPGB - Socialist Standard
SPGB - World in Common
SPGB - Socialist Studies
Solidarity - Sheridanites
Solidarity - Solidarity paper
Socialist League
United Socialist Party
Workers Action
Workers Power
WRP (Newsline)
WRP (Workers Press) / Movement for Socialism / Reclaim the Future
Workers Internationalist League
Workers Fight

How many of these have member ship into 4 figures?

The SWP maybe.
The SP.
Perhaps the CPB.

Anyone else?

Any other groups make it into 3 figures?

The NCP? SLP? Respect? IWW?

I'm guessing all the others are double figures at best.
How many of these have member ship into 4 figures?

The SWP maybe.
The SP.
Perhaps the CPB.

Anyone else?

Any other groups make it into 3 figures?

The NCP? SLP? Respect? IWW?

I'm guessing all the others are double figures at best.

SPGB are in the three figures. (Before someone snipes, the SPGB that publishes the Socialist Standard.)
Not the NCP.

AWL, Counterfire, ISG/SR, IWCA probably get there. Sheridanites probly did a year or two back, probly not now

You reckon?

I doubt any of those would make it into 3 figures (except the AWL maybe). But I could be wrong. Where's Fisher when you need him?
How many members do the IWCA have? Tbh, they're one of the only small parties I've come across that appear relatively normal. Not that I've that much experience in this area though.
You reckon?

I doubt any of those would make it into 3 figures (except the AWL maybe). But I could be wrong. Where's Fisher when you need him?
Yeah. Only just into them, I'm talking 100-150 here, nothing bigger. But I reckon they all just about sneak through
Workers Power candidate Jeremy Drinkall in the last general election:

His 109 votes beat the Cats Protection League candidate by 13 votes but trailed the SPGB by 34.
Each tory advisor that dies in the bogs another victory in the war of the flea.

And so on ad infinitum. Was there ever an inquest on the Tory bog-man of Glasto?

Given the bear garden that is the Spartacist "family" (sparts, Internationalist Group and International Bolshevik Tendency mainly) we'd have heard more of that, if true. The only thing I know of resembling this at all is the Bill Logan affair http://www.icl-fi.org/english/pamph/logan/preface.html

But they expelled Logan. I think he leads the IBT now

OK, roger that. So they're just talking that peculiar position out of sheer pig-headed, obstinate lunacy, then.
In April that year, the Internationalist Group, Liga Quarta-Internacionalista do Brasil and the Permanent Revolution Faction formed the League for the Fourth International, whose founding statement was Reforge the Fourth International (6 April 1998). In 2004, the LFI's Dutch section, consisting of only one member, left to join the International Bolshevik Tendency.[3]

Just added the Internationalist Communist Tendency to the list, they used to be the International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party.

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